All Girlfriends Are Ghosts

Chapter 427: The purpose of raising ghosts

In the face of Yang Xuming and Ying Sixue's inquiries, Yue Zhentao unreservedly told them all.

"There are five people in the organization of ghost raisers."

"Except for the most powerful and mysterious ghost face, the other four are all offline developed by ghost face."

"It is not an exaggeration to say that they are a cult MLM organization."

Yue Zhentao said, "Dry Man, Mountain Ghost, Mandrill, Tooth Po, and Ghost Face, these are the code names of the five ghost raisers."

"Now that the Mandrill and the Mountain Ghost are dead, what we need to deal with is the remaining three people, the Mandrill and the Tooth, and the leader Ghost Face."

"It's just that these ghost-raisers are also afraid of each other, so Han Yan knows very little about other people."

"Of the five ghost raisers, only one is the most special."

"It's the ghost raiser named Shangui, because she was arranged by Guimian to act as a sentry guard, so her ability was deliberately exposed by Guimian to everyone."

"Hanyan believes that this is the ghost face trying to kill the mountain ghost. Either borrowed from the hands of other ghosts, or borrowed from the hands of other ghost raisers."

"The opinions of ghosts facing the mountain ghosts, the ghost raisers, are very big. The two sides have had several conflicts and they separated."

Yang Xuming asked curiously, "There has been a conflict? What kind of conflict?"

Yue Zhentao explained, "The organization of ghost raisers was established by Guimian. The method of controlling Ligui was also taught by Guimian to other people."

"So among the five ghost raisers, Guimian is the boss, and everyone else must follow her instructions. This is the most basic requirement."

"But Shangui, the last newcomer to join, has violated Guimian's orders several times, and it is only natural that Guimian gave up in the end."

Ying Sixue paid attention to a question, "Does Hanyan know the specific location of the mountain ghost? Otherwise, how did you find her?"

Yue Zhentao gave a wry smile and nodded, "Yes, Han Yan knows the approximate location of the mountain ghost. Although she doesn't know the detailed house number, she knows where it is."

"This is what Guimian deliberately revealed to Hanyan. I guess Hanyan is definitely not the only one who has been revealed."

"And after I knew the approximate location of the mountain ghost, I specifically asked a police friend of mine to pay attention to the cases that occurred near that area."

"In this way, if the mountain ghost uses the power of the ghost to kill ordinary people, I can immediately follow the vine to deal with her."

"I just didn't expect that when I arrived at the destination, I found that the dead person turned out to be a ghost raiser..."

Faced with what Yue Zhentao said, Ying Sixue asked again, "Do you know how to identify a ghost raiser? When you arrive, there should be no corpses in the mountain ghost house? How do you know that she is a ghost raiser? "

Yue Zhentao looked at them in astonishment and said, "Can't you tell? The ghost raisers who control the ghosts will have a strange faint corpse smell. When they live in a place for a long time, this smell will remain in the house. It can be said that you can smell it all at once... can't you smell it?"

Ying Sixue and Yang Xuming looked at each other and shook their heads helplessly, "We really can't smell it."

Yue Zhentao hesitated for a few seconds, and said, "Speaking of which, I really didn't smell that similar smell on you... I thought it was the reason why we were too far away, Brother Yang, can you give me your hand? ?"

Yang Xuming nodded and passed a hand.

Yue Zhentao took Yang Xuming's hand and sniffed it with his nose, then nodded, "Sure enough, there is no such smell..."

He let go of Yang Xuming's hand and said, "It seems that people like you who turn into ghosts by your own spiritual strength don't have that corpse odor."

Ying Sixue squinted, "But the ghost-raiser has this characteristic that only the same kind can detect... It seems that as long as it appears near you, you should be able to accurately identify whether the smell of the other person is of the same kind, right? "

Yue Zhentao nodded, "But you need to be closer. This corpse smell is very weak, even weaker than the body odor of ordinary people. If the distance is too far, it will still be difficult to smell."

"Then what do you know about the remaining three ghost raisers, Tooth Po, Mandrill, and Ghost Face? About their abilities?" Ying Sixue asked.

Yue Zhentao said, "I don't know the abilities of Yapo and Mandrill, but Guimian I know she has more than one ghost."

"She is the strongest of all ghost raisers, and has multiple ghosts. But I don't know exactly how many ghosts she owns."

"As for Mandrill and Toothpo, Toothpo has two ghosts, and Mandrill only has one ghost, but that ghost seems to be very powerful, and even the ghost face feels vaguely jealous."

"All I know is this."

After Yue Zhentao finished speaking, Ying Sixue asked again.

"Then what do these ghost raisers want to do after controlling Li Gui? Guimian formed such a wicked organization to help these old women gain abilities that ordinary people can never have, but restrict them to prohibit them from showing in front of others... After the establishment of the ghost organization, how will the division of interests be realized? What are their plans and profit realization methods?"

Ying Sixue asked a very important question.

Yue Zhentao explained, "Although Ghost Face strictly prohibits other ghost raisers from exposing their abilities in front of people, it does not restrict them from using the power of ghosts to do evil."

"It's just that they are not allowed to make too much noise, and they are never allowed to attract official attention."

"I don't know how other ghost raisers make money and how much money they have."

"But Han Yan, a ghost raiser, has accumulated hundreds of thousands of cash through the act of stealing a living person's wallet by the ghost in the six months since she became a ghost raiser."

Yang Xuming looked dumbfounded, "Relying on a ghost to steal a living person's wallet?"

Yue Zhentao nodded, "Yes, she likes to squeeze the bus during the morning and evening shifts, and then use the power of a ghost to steal other people's wallets on the bus."

"Because the location where she committed the crime is not fixed, it is completely random, and the use of the ghost's ability to steal other people is impossible to find, so so far, no commotion has been caused."

Yang Xuming looked speechless, "Is it so LOW... to steal..."

Ying Sixue frowned slightly, "Does the ghost face the restrictions and deterrence of these ghost raisers... Then what is the purpose of her organization of the ghost raisers? Do you know?"

Yue Zhentao thought for a while and said, "Han Yan said it before, but Han Yan didn't take what Guimian said seriously, because she felt that those things were too unrealistic, and basically it was Guimian that deceived them."

Yue Zhentao said, “According to Han Yan, after the ghost face established an organization for raising ghosts, he told them that there is a blood coffin buried deep in the mountains in this world, and a blood coffin that has existed since ancient times is sealed. Head female corpse."

"From ancient times to the present, no one has found that blood coffin, and no one has ever seen the headless female corpse in the blood coffin."

"But that headless female corpse is undoubtedly a terrifying evil spirit that has existed in ancient times."

"Even the River of Blood cannot take it away."

"Once the blood coffin is opened and released, its power is definitely not something that a living person can resist."

"If they can control the headless female corpse and gain the power of the headless female corpse, then they don't need to hide their heads and show their tails, and they can show their power in an open and honest manner."

"At that time, they can even threaten the entire world. Even the leaders of the United Nations and the five permanent nations must act according to their requirements, because the living people have no way of resisting the power of the headless female corpse."

Yue Zhentao said that he laughed, "Probably because the culture of raising ghosts is not high. Even other ghost raisers think that the ambition of Guimian is nonsense. How could it be possible that the power of ghosts is so strong all over the world? The degree to be afraid."

"What's more, that headless female corpse is so terrifying, how could it be controlled casually."

"And even the ghost face doesn't know the location of the blood coffin, because the people who have seen the blood coffin from ancient times to the present are said to be dead...Uh...why are you looking at me with such an expression?"

Halfway through Yue Zhentao, he suddenly realized that the two people in front of him were looking at him with weird eyes, making him look dumbfounded, "What's wrong? Is there anything wrong with what I'm talking about?"

Yang Xuming and Ying Sixue looked at each other, and they were speechless.

"This blood coffin... sounds really familiar..."