All Girlfriends Are Ghosts

Chapter 429: Plum's family

After listening to Ying Sixue's analysis, Yang Xuming was dumbfounded, "Is that right?"

He thought for a while and said, "If this ghost face is so smart, is it now aware of our existence, maybe even found?"

Ying Sixue shook his head, "Don't worry about this for the time being, even a smart person needs enough clues to infer the facts."

"And we are still in the dark for the group of ghost raisers, it is difficult for them to find our existence."

"What we need to worry about is plum's remains."

"Plum's remains are temporarily stored in the underground corpse in Jiujiang, and have not yet been cremated."

"The ghost-raiser didn't destroy plum's body before. This is actually a bad sign."

"They have time to cut off Plum's hands, feet and heart, and take them away. It is impossible to have time to destroy the remaining body."

"This ghost face is so cautious, it's impossible not to know that leaving a mutilated body in the underground parking lot will make big news and attract the attention of the police."

"But she did it anyway, and there must be some reason why she had to do it."

"She must keep all plum's remains and cannot destroy it."

"Although I don't know what she did to keep the body behind, we happen to need the body of the plum. Now the situation changes and the other party may change the plan at any time, so I suggest that we better transport the body of the plum as soon as possible. "

"If there is a long delay, if something accident happens, all your plans will be ruined."

Ying Sixue was referring to Yang Xuming's plan to keep plum by his side forever.

Yang Xuming nodded immediately, "Then let's set off. Tonight, we will go to the underground corpse in Jiujiang to bring out Li Zi's body."

Ying Sixue looked at him speechlessly and said, "Do you know where the underground corpse in Jiujiang is, you go..."

Yang Xuming took out the phone and said, "Search it with the map software?"

Ying Si rolled his eyes and said nothing.

Yue Zhentao smiled awkwardly and said, "That... Brother Yang, the underground corpse in Jiujiang can't be found on the map."

"The nature of the place is very special. Even the locals don't know the specific location, so it is impossible to search it with map software."

Yang Xuming asked, "Where is this underground corpse?"

Yue Zhentao shook his head, "I don't know, I just heard that it is near the eastern suburbs."

"In urban legends, it was originally a funeral home. Over 20 years ago, one day an old man's body floated from the Yangtze River. Unclaimed, it was sent to the funeral home for temporary preservation."

"Later the family members of the corpse came and found the corpse which was still very well preserved at the time. Thank you very much for the funeral home."

"So in order to repay the vow, the family donated money to build an underground corpse near the funeral home to store those homeless and unclaimed corpses, hoping that the corpses of others can be kept as safe as the corpses of their relatives. , Until someone comes to claim it."

"After the underground corpse was built, the family also donated money to establish a special fund to operate the underground corpse and open it to the public for free."

"So the corpses caused by criminal cases or deaths in Jiujiang are basically there."

"Your girlfriend's body should also be temporarily kept in the underground corpse."

Yang Xuming looked at Ying Sixue, "Then what should I do? Can you find out the specific location of the underground corpse?"

Ying Sixue nodded, "The question has already been asked, but the underground corpse can't be opened until the day after tomorrow. Before that, we can't enter."

Yang Xuming looked curious, "I can only enter the day after tomorrow? Why? Can't today and tomorrow work?"

Ying Sixue sighed and said, "Because the rules of the underground corpse are very special, the gate is closed on Thursday and Friday and never opened."

"If there is no staff to work, we can't enter. Naturally, we can't do the theft."

Yang Xuming was a little curious, "Why can't we get in without staff? Isn't it because people are absent to do things like stealing?"

Ying Sixue shook his head, "This underground corpse is quite special, with only one road leading to the underground, and the only entrance is a large alloy iron door."

"If no one opens the door, we can't get in unless we hide."

"But if the staff is there, how can we steal the body under the staff's nose?" Yang Xuming asked.

Ying Sixue looked calm, "Do you think there will be a lot of guards in this kind of place? It's not a vault."

"As far as I know, there is only one elderly man guarding the door in this underground corpse."

"When the corpse opened on Saturday, we took advantage of the time before dark, when the uncle was not off work and closed the door, rushed over and knocked him out, and then we could unconsciously take Li Zi's body away. "

Yang Xuming gave a thumbs up, "Good idea, I like it very much."

Yue Zhentao listened to the two chatting very happily, and said hesitantly, "Um...Although I say that seems a bit troublesome, I remember that there is a crime of insulting corpses in our country."

"If you steal the body of the deceased and are found, you will be sentenced..."

Ying Sixue smiled, "That's what you say, but as long as you don't get found out, isn't it a crime?"

Yue Zhentao was speechless.

Yang Xuming smiled and patted him on the shoulder, and said, "Don't worry, Teacher Yue, you will never be discovered."

Although Yang Xuming comforted Yue Zhentao with a smile, it was clear that the teacher was still very upset.

After talking about the ghost raisers, Yang Xuming and the others did not delay much in Yue Zhentao's house.

The two went back to the hotel soon, and after agreeing to go to Pengze tomorrow morning, they returned to the hotel where they stayed last night.

After running for a day, Yang Xuming was also tired.

After washing, he fell asleep directly on the bed in pajamas.

He didn't wake up until Ying Sixue knocked on the door the next morning.

After eating in the hotel restaurant in the morning, Yang Xuming and the others set off.

After Ying Sixue drove to Yue Zhentao's downstairs, the three of them met again and set off towards Pengze County.

Li Zi's hometown is a small mountain village under the jurisdiction of Pengze County.

Yang Xuming has never been there, but he has a photo of Li Zi’s ID card and knows the specific address on the ID card.

Following the navigation instructions, Ying Sixue drove Yang Xuming and Yue Zhentao quickly away from Jiujiang City.

The route to Pengze was the same as yesterday, and they soon returned to the lifeless little county town.

Only this time, they didn't need to enter the county seat, but drove directly in the opposite direction of the county seat, farther and farther away from the city.

Finally, completely disappeared in the mountains.