All Girlfriends Are Ghosts

Chapter 430: Red shadow

The car is driving on a bumpy country road.

This is an unnamed road on navigation. The road is very narrow and only allows one car to pass.

If there is another car coming from the opposite side, the two sides cannot stagger at all.

But fortunately, the road was deserted and dead, and they did not encounter any cars along the way.

Not even passersby saw it.

The mountains in Pengze are not high, but undulating, and belong to the plain and hilly terrain.

The car drove in the middle of a small mountain, and quickly moved away from the cities and towns.

When they followed the navigation instructions into this path, they couldn't even see the residential buildings.

There are only clusters of weeds and shrubs on both sides of the road.

There are also deserted land and ridges overgrown with weeds.

Ying Sixue drove nonsense, "Speaking of which, although this Pengze County is very small, there has been a famous big man... you know?"

Yang Xuming and Yue Zhentao shook their heads.

Ying Sixue smiled, "The one under Caiju Donghu was demoted here. That famous poem on Caiju was written about this place, do you know now?"

Yang Xuming looked speechless, "Isn't that poem called "Drinking"? Don't think I can bully me if I have no education."

Yue Zhentao looked surprised, "Is that so..."

Yang Xuming turned his head, his eyes widened, "Aren't you a local? How come you heard it for the first time?"

Yue Zhentao smiled bitterly, "I grew up in Jiujiang, and I have never been to can I understand this kind of partial knowledge?"

Ying Sixue looked at the deserted land outside and asked, "Teacher Yue, are all the land on your side like this? No one is planting it at all."

Yue Zhentao shook his head, "No, there is not much abandoned land, mainly in this kind of rural area with a relatively small population and relatively remote terrain."

"Except for the elderly who can't go out to work, those who are still staying in the countryside to farm, are the only self-employed individuals who are collectively contracted."

"Jiangxi's rice output is still very high. If you are lazy, you can plant two crops a year, but if the self-employed contractors are more diligent, they can plant three or even four seasons a year."

"In those places where rice fields are contracted collectively, when the rice is mature, people will go to the countryside to buy them in batches."

"It's just that most of the acquired rice has flowed into foreign countries, and very few are sold domestically."

"In this remote mountain, because the terrain is remote, there are no residents living, and no purchasers will come, so except for some left-behind elderly people who will plant some rice for their own food every year, most of the land is basically deserted."

Yue Zhentao explained, “The more the economy is not good, the easier it is, because the young and strong labors are absorbed by Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Shanghai.”

"There will even be such a situation of village by village being deserted, because many people who have worked in other areas for many years have made money and moved to the town or even the city."

"So the old, remote house in the original place was abandoned over time because it was unoccupied."

Ying Sixue looked at the scenes on both sides of the road and sighed, "It looks like the situation in Li Zi's family is similar...Master Yang, did you say that Li Zi is a left-behind child?"

Yang Xuming nodded, "Yes, when Li Zi was very young, his parents went out to work. They only go home for more than ten days each year during the Chinese New Year. They can't even spend the Lantern Festival at home, often on the seventh and eighth day of the year. In the factory."

"Li Zi and her brother have been taken care of by grandparents since they were young."

Ying Sixue asked, "Then...Um...As far as I know, the phenomenon of patriarchy in rural Jiangxi seems to be more serious... Is this also true of Li Zi's family?"

Yang Xuming hesitated for a few seconds and shook his head, "It's hard to say, but Li Zi said that her brother cooks a small stove alone. Because her brother doesn't like the food at home, so her brother's meal is made by grandma alone, Li Zi's grandfather The food that grandma and plum ate is different from that of the younger brother."

Ying Sixue smiled, "Isn't this obvious? What do you think of Teacher Yue?"

Yue Zhentao smiled bitterly and said, "When I got married, I paid 150,000 gifts, and my wife didn't get any of the money... Everyone has become accustomed to this kind of thing."

The car at this time has already reached the middle of the two hills.

On one side of the road is abandoned farmland covered with grass, and in the mountains and forests further away, you can vaguely see residential buildings and buildings.

Ying Sixue looked at the navigation map and said, "It looks like we have reached the destination... but this place is really desolate."

"Are you sure there are people in it?" she asked.

Yang Xuming hesitated for a few seconds and said, "When Li Zi went home on vacation, he played a video with me."

"She said that there are only two families left in their village, and all the other villagers have moved away. Li Zi's doorway and the house next door are completely abandoned, and no one will live in them for five or six years."

"In other words, there are only two households in this village, and they are all elderly people. It seems that they are deserted, but it means that we are not on the wrong path."

As Yang Xuming spoke, he subconsciously looked at the distant mountains and forests again.

Among the mountains and forests, there were a few dilapidated houses exposed in the gloomy sky.

The walls are ruined, deserted and dilapidated, exuding a feeling of loneliness.

But at the moment Yang Xuming raised his head, a blood-red figure flashed away in the forest in the distance, disappearing into the highest room.

Yang Xuming was stunned when he saw this scene.

Is that... plum?

Even if it was just a glimpse, Yang Xuming's reflection of the blood-red wedding gown was too deep, and it was absolutely impossible to admit his mistake.

Has the plum actually appeared?

Yang Xuming hesitated for a few seconds, and said, "Miss..."

"Huh?" Ying Sixue, who was driving, tilted her head, glanced at him, and asked, "What's wrong?"

"...Nothing," Yang Xuming said, "Drive carefully."

When he wanted to speak out the scene he had just seen, a strange emotion suddenly poured out in his heart. Let him not confess.

The deserted village in front of him gave him a very depressed and unpleasant feeling.

As the distance of the deserted village approached, his mood became gloomy inexplicably.

Finally, the car stopped on the side of the road.

Ying Sixue said, "Next, let's walk, because the village is not big anyway."

Yang Xuming nodded, and the three of them got out of the car one after another and walked towards the small village in front of them.

The first house at the entrance of the village was deserted and uninhabited.

A thick layer of moss grows on the eaves, and I don't know how long it has been abandoned.

They continued to walk inside, walking on the narrow path that only allowed one person to pass, Ying Sixue and the others came to the gate of the third house.

This family seems to be inhabited, with a big yellow dog tied to the door.

Seeing someone approaching, the yellow dog barked at them angrily, tried to jump over but was caught by the rope.

Yang Xuming stood at the door and shouted, "Hello, does Li Zi's house live near here?"

The room was silent and there was no response.

Inside the opened gate, it was pitch black and no lights were turned on.

Yue Zhentao frowned and said, "I seem to smell... blood..."