All Girlfriends Are Ghosts

Chapter 437: Plum fingers

Ying Sixue was completely shocked by the scene in front of her.

If the opponent's ability is to control ghosts, then why does Yang Xuming's ghost fire hurt himself?

Yang Xuming's ghost fire definitely does not belong to a ghost!

And it's similar to the ability of a ghost.

Is this guy's ability not to control the ghost at all, but to let the ghost's ability back the owner?

That's why Teacher Yue was dragged away by his wife, and Yang Xuming was burned by his own ghost fire?

But if this is the case, what is going on with these ghosts in front of you?

Standing in the backyard, Ying Sixue had already seen an old man on each side of the house walking over with a tremor.

Both of these old men retained their hideous appearances before they died, and they looked terrifying.

But they are undoubtedly spirit ghosts, not moving corpses.

Behind her, the middle-aged woman who crawled out of the vegetable garden was also approaching silently.

These ghosts had completely surrounded her behind the house, unable to escape.

Why are these ghosts controlled by the other party?

Could it be that this guy is the ghost-raising toothwoman with multiple ghosts?

Ying Sixue asked loudly in the room, trying to arouse this old woman whose thinking was different from ordinary people to answer herself.

And she also got an answer.

"What are my abilities? Hehehe...Aren't you very smart? Little girl, go and guess!"

"You guessed it, I will make your death easier!"

The old woman's weird laughter was full of vicious killing intent.

Ying Sixue did not stop, and continued to shout, "You are the tooth woman! You are the ghost raiser called the tooth woman, right?!"

"Are the so-called tooth girls in the name Sangu and Liupo, a villain who trafficked people? Before you became a ghost raiser, were you a personal trafficker?"

The people in the room snorted and cursed.

"Don't put me with that mean old sow! I'm not her!"

Upon hearing the denial of the ghost raiser, Ying Sixue immediately understood.

The enemy in the house is the ghost raiser codenamed Mandrill!

She only has one ghost!

Then the other party will only have one ability.

In other words, the ghost fire in front of Yang Xuming hurt Yang Xuming, Yue Zhentao's wife dragged Yue Zhentao away, and the ability to control Li Zi's family all came from the same ghost!

Ying Sixue gritted her teeth and clenched a fist slightly.

The situation in front of her was unknown, and she did not dare to summon her evil spirits out.

If her evil spirits are summoned out and eat her back, the situation will be extremely critical.

Seeing that the evil spirits were getting closer and closer to him, Ying Sixue stepped on the well beside her feet and shouted anxiously, "Is it right?"

A few seconds later, Yang Xuming's figure crawled out of the well with a tired face.

"All right."

When the sound fell, there was a sudden crash in the well water under Yang Xuming's feet.

The ghost who was kicked by Yang Xuming crawled out again!

"Damn! It's endless!"

Yang Xuming hurriedly climbed out of the well, unloaded the wooden box on his back, took out Frostmourne, and snorted coldly, "Isn't it just useless? I'm not worthy of fighting me!"

When the swollen and white water ghost climbed out of the well again, Yang Xuming cut it down with a single sword.


With a loud noise, the alloy sword hit the edge of the well.

The swollen and pale water ghost actually retracted into the well, avoiding Yang Xuming's blow.

But the other ghosts had already surrounded from all directions.

Yang Xuming dragged Ying Sixue and hurriedly backed away.

He looked at the few ghosts in front of him, gritted his teeth, "Damn... If I unload them now, would the plum jump out?"

Yang Xuming's hand firmly grasped Ying Sixue's arm.

Then, I felt the coldness.

He was a little surprised, "Miss, how did your hands get cold...Uh..."

Yang Xuming turned his head, but what he saw was not Ying Sixue's profile.

Long black hair, flying in the night breeze.

The girl in a white dress quietly lowered her head and said nothing, making her expression difficult to see.

What Yang Xuming was holding at this time was the girl's hand.

Not Ying Sixue.

This girl is...




"Hey! Master Yang, your hand hurts me a bit."

Ying Sixue said in a panic, she subconsciously tilted her head, "Don't be like this... Fuck! Plum?"

Ying Sixue, who turned his head, was scared to death.

Standing beside her at this time, it was no longer Yang Xuming's burly figure.

Standing beside her was a blood-red wedding gown.

Indifferent eyes, pale skin, and scary faces bleeding from seven holes.

This is... plum?

The distance between the two was so close that Ying Sixue could even clearly see the dark atrium in Li Zi's chest.

It was the empty atrium after losing the heart, leaving a pitch-black hole, with scarlet blood constantly flowing out of it.

Li Gui's hand was silently clenching her arm.

That icy chill is spreading to the whole body with the place where the arm is held.

The unspeakable panic almost froze Ying Sixue's thinking.

She stared at the female ghost in front of her blankly, and said in disbelief, " why are you..."

Li Zi grabbed her, grabbing her as a matter of course, and his hollow eyes stared at Ying Sixue silently.

Then, the corners of her mouth bend slightly, revealing a weird smile.

Seeing this smile, Ying Sixue felt the tremor and fear from the depths of his soul.

She didn't know what plum was going to do, but that would definitely not be a good thing!

And in the final analysis, she is not Yang Xuming at all, facing the most terrifying ghost in the legend, she does not have the death-free gold medal named [Love]!

Ying Sixue said in a panic, "Sister Li, let me go! The situation is wrong, Yang Xuming is very dangerous now! You are going to save him!"

Li Gui's face still kept that weird smile.

Did not act because of her words.

Her other hand lifted slightly.

Under the red sleeves, a weirdly white palm of a dead man protruded.

This palm was gently touching Ying Sixue's face.

That action is like watching something that is about to belong to oneself.

Something that will belong to oneself...

Ying Sixue's expression became horrified.

"You are going to kill me! Use my body to accompany Yang Xuming!"

"The ability of the ghost raiser is not to control the ghost at all, but to make the ghost riot!"

In the cold wind, facing Sixue's horrified shout, the figure in the blood-red wedding dress smiled and smiled.

She stroked Ying Sixue's face with her fingers, and stroked this beautiful face.

Then, slowly down.

The sharp nails ran across the skin of a living person, silently staying at Ying Sixue's heart.

Not moving...

PS: Recommend a friend's new book, "Dawn of Tomorrow" by the Black Dragon. Friends who like Ark should not miss it.


In an unfamiliar world, an unfamiliar civilization, people are complaining of the disaster caused by the source stone, but they are like hungry beasts vying for the power of temptation.

Chu Xinran has been here for seven or eight years, learning to deal with life in the struggle with life.

So now he thinks that the smartest way to behave in the world is to cast a blind eye on the world, but also to go with it.

But... the world is still terrible