All Girlfriends Are Ghosts

Chapter 475: Respect the elderly Yang Xuming

"I feel something is wrong..."

Yang Xuming said in a low voice, his gaze has been staring at the old man not far away.

Ying Sixue didn't say a word, she kept looking up and down at the old man in front of her.

In the end, his eyes stayed in the lunch box in the old man's hand for a few seconds.

In the corridor, Ying Sixue's voice sounded.

"Auntie, are you going to the cafeteria for food? But the cafeteria is not open today. You should ask your family to bring the food."

There was a slight pause in the footsteps of the old man leaving.

Panic was permeating her psychology.

Not good... was discovered...

The old man stood there and didn't look back.

She was silent for two seconds before saying in a calm voice, "Thank you for reminding me, little girl. But you may not know that there is a delivery service in the single ward of this hospital."

"So I had lunch, and now I am not going to the cafeteria for dinner."

The old man finished speaking, carrying the lunch box and continuing on.

She didn't say what she was going to do with the lunch box.

At this time, the more excuses, the easier it is to arouse suspicion.

Normal people, who would explain so much to strangers they don’t know?

The old man continued to leave, and the sound of footsteps sounded slowly.

Ying Sixue's expression at the back was slightly stagnant, and he didn't speak.

Because what the old man said is true, the single ward of this hospital has food delivery service.

After all, it is a private hospital, and the supporting services must keep up.

The old man in front of me knows this, is she really a patient living here?

Yang Xuming did it without saying a word.

He raised his right hand and pointed the palm of his hand at the heat-preserving lunch box that the old man was carrying.

The flame crossed the distance of the corridor and directly enveloped the lunch box.

And it burned accurately to the old man's finger.


A miserable scream sounded in the corridor, and the old man threw away the insulated lunch box like a hot potato.

The insulated lunch box fell heavily to the ground with a muffled noise.

Seeing this scene, Yang Xuming walked directly over and said, "Old man, has something happened?"

He walked over with a look of concern, very enthusiastic, "Your lunchbox has fallen."

Yang Xuming glanced at the insulated lunch box.

The lid of the insulated lunch box is tight, and I don't know what's in it.

He knelt down, smiled directly and grabbed the handle of the lunch box, "I'll pick it up for you first."

However, when Yang Xuming's hand grasped the handle of the insulated lunch box, five old and thin fingers suddenly grabbed him.

In Yang Xuming's ear, the old man's gloomy voice sounded, "Don't touch my things!"

The situation suddenly stalemate.

Yang Xuming looked at the five thin fingers that grasped his wrist like eagle claws, smiled, and said, "Don't be nervous, old man, I'm not a bad person."

His hand kept grasping the handle of the insulated lunch box and did not release it.

The black ghost fire still hung over the insulated lunch box.

Except for Yang Xuming, no one can touch this lunch box now-unless the other party can hold back the piercing pain!

The old man stared at Yang Xuming with gloomy eyes, and said, "I don't care if you are a bad person or not, now take your paws away from my things! You don't need to be kind!"

In the eyes of the third party, this is clearly an old woman with a weird temper and an awkward personality.

She knew that others wanted to help her, but she didn't appreciate it.

But there are actually many such old people.

Yang Xuming just looked at her with a smile, and did not turn away because of the old man's bad attitude.

Very patient.

He said, "But you suddenly let go of your hand just now, and you can't even hold the lunch box. You are so weak. Can you still carry this lunch box now?"

"It's okay to take my hand away, but if you can't hold it, wouldn't it be embarrassing?"

Yang Xuming smiled kindly.

The old man still stared at him with gloomy eyes, and said, "I can't even carry a lunch box? Do you really think I am immortal?"

Yang Xuming shrugged helplessly, "Well then, you can take it yourself."

With that said, he really took his hand away.

However, the raging black flames on the lunch box did not disappear, and even spread to the handle.

Now anyone who dares to touch this lunch box will feel severe pain.

Yang Xuming smiled and looked at the old man in front of him, without speaking.

If the old man in front of her was really a ghost raiser, then she must have seen the black flame, and knew that the flame would be extremely painful once touched.

In the face of torture-like pain, even if most people are psychologically prepared, they will be afraid when they really want to touch them?

Yang Xuming stared at the old man's face, but saw that the old man didn't notice, as if he hadn't seen the black ghost fire on the lunch box, he reached out to grab the lunch box.


There was another scream, and the old man bounced off his hand like an electric shock as soon as he touched the handle of the lunch box.

She looked at the lunch box in front of her with a shocked expression on her face, and said, "What's the matter? Why does my lunch box have electricity?"

She immediately looked at Yang Xuming with a bad look, "Little devil, you did it?"

Yang Xuming waved his hand quickly, "Auntie, you have wronged me. This is obviously because you have static electricity on your body, so it has nothing to do with me... I don't believe it."

As he said, Yang Xuming directly reached out and grabbed the lunch box, and looked at the old man with a smile on his face, "Look, isn't it okay if I catch it?"

The old man glared at him suspiciously, and said, "Then you get away from me and I will take it myself."

Yang Xuming sighed and said, "Well, if you don't appreciate it, just take it yourself."

With that, Yang Xuming retreated.

But before retreating, he changed the color of the ghost fire that enveloped the lunch box.

The turbulent white flame enveloped the entire lunch box.

Yang Xuming stepped back a few meters, retreated to Ying Sixue's side, and looked at the old man in front of him with a smile, "I'm so far away, this time you can't say that I was the one who caused the ghost, right?"

The old man glared at him, did not speak, but tentatively reached out and touched the lunch box.

Yang Xuming smiled and said, "As long as the static electricity is charged once, after it is released, there will be no more static electricity after the second touch...Do you think?"

The old man grabbed the handle of the lunch box, glared at him, and cursed with a bad attitude, "There is a lot of **** talking."

As she said, she grabbed the lunch box and lifted it hard... didn't lift it up.

The small insulated lunch box seemed to be glued to the floor, and the old man did not move after lifting it several times.

The old man was a little dazed, "My lunch box..."

She looked at Yang Xuming again.

Yang Xuming waved his hand quickly, "Auntie, don't look at me. I am so far away. It must have nothing to do with me. Auntie, you are too weak, so you can't even lift the lunch box. It really has nothing to do with me."

"No matter how prank I can make this lunch box sink?"

Yang Xuming smiled and glanced behind him at the same time.

Ying Sixue, who is squatting on the duty desk, seems to have found out how to turn on the surveillance video, and is using SMS to ask Ying Rui for the monitoring and viewing password of this computer.