All Hail Cousin Brother

Chapter 563: Fraud in scientific examinations (seekin

Mrs. Yu also thought of reducing expenses, and other people in the house might be dissatisfied, so she said: "I pick a few decent pieces of jewelry from my own and send them to the courtyards of the house, which is considered compensation. "

Yu Youyao nodded: "This is also appropriate."

The things I took out of my grandmother's hands were definitely the same. After wearing the clothes a few times, I wouldn't be able to get on my body.

Nice jewelry, can be heirloom in the bottom of the box.

After that, Yu Youyao mentioned again, could the wages of the farmers and laborers on the farms be changed to be paid out once every ten days? Seeing that the price of rice was rising day by day, the hired silver was issued early, and if you had money, you could stock up on more food rations.

However, in this way, the stewards of Zhuangpu will have to work a lot harder.

Yu Youyao suggested that the steward at the shop would distribute ten catties of rice grain every month as a reward.

In bad years, there is no better reward than rice grains.

Madam Yu thought about it for a while and felt that this was feasible, and the two discussed many details together.

At this time, Madam Liu entered the room with a solemn expression: "Old Madam, it's not good, the young master Shanfang from the clan was captured by a team of officers and soldiers just now."

Yu Youyao's breathing stagnated, Yu Shanfang was the Gongsheng who passed the exam in this clan.

Thinking about it, my cousin had sworn before that Song Mingzhao couldn't come to Yu Mansion.

Before Madam Yu could ask, Yu Youyao opened her mouth and asked anxiously, "Go out and find out what's going on? Was it only Brother Fang who was arrested, or did all the candidates in this test get arrested? , and then send someone to the Zhenguohou Mansion to inquire about Song Shizi's situation."

Madam Liu didn't realize the meaning of those words yet, seeing the anxious expression on the young lady's face, she immediately ran out.

But Mrs. Yu opened her mouth at Yu Youyao, and realized something. There was a "hum" in her mind, and she almost couldn't sit still: "Yaoyao, you mean..."

She shuddered, unable to speak.

Yu Youyao nodded solemnly: "Do you still remember what the Shande clan brother and another clan brother in the clan said three years ago behind the rockery?"

How can you not remember? It was also because of that, that the imperial examination was postponed for a long time.

For a long time, she couldn't eat or sleep well, lest disaster be imminent. It was not until after the re-examination in front of the palace that her heart was slowly calmed down.

Mrs. Yu's face became ugly: "Promise students, cheating in scientific examinations."

Yu Youyao nodded solemnly: "There is no impermeable wall under the world, and the agreement about the disciples first came from the Jinyu Building under the name of Ning Yuanbo's mansion. In the past, Weininghou's mansion was powerful, and the imperial concubine Lu was favored. If they have nothing to fear, they are exposed, as long as there is insufficient evidence, it is not enough to make Weining Houfu responsible."

The sound of the wind came from the Jinyu Building, but the Jinyu Building was a restaurant, and it was a mixed bag. There was no definite evidence, and no one dared to get involved in the Weining Hou Mansion.

Therefore, even if they know about fraud, most of them cover it up.

That's how Yufu reacted at the time.

Mrs. Yu heard the key: "Now Weining Hou has been losing power again and again, he has been demoted again and again, he has become Uncle Ning Yuan, and Concubine Lu Huang has also been demoted, so someone has caught the promise of making troubles and making a big deal about the disciples. , this." After speaking, even the voice changed its tone: "The scientific examination involves the future of thousands of students all over the world. If this matter is exposed, it will not only be the Chao Gang, but the world will be in chaos..."

Isn't this great Zhou Dynasty messy enough now?

How many people's hearts have been cooled by the King You case, how deep is the backlog of public grievances and public anger?

The King of Dongning seems to be stable in Shandong, but he can destroy the old code of his ancestors and burn the code of his ancestors, which has angered many scholars and writers.

Zhejiang Dusi and Qingliu fought to the death, Japanese pirates frequently harassed the border, burned, killed and looted, and the people were killed and injured countless times, which has already provoked public anger.

Coupled with a case of fraud in the scientific examination, the Confucian students were dissatisfied with the Chao Gang, and the people of the Zhou Dynasty lost their hearts.

This country is only afraid...

Yu Youyao's mood is also very complicated.

Madam Yu closed her eyes and kept twisting the beads, and the room became quiet.

Such news is good to inquire.

When Madam Liu went out for about a stick of incense, she hurriedly returned to the room: "Old Madam, the examiner is suspected of leaking the questions, and the candidates for this exam are suspected of cheating. , they were all arrested, and even Song Shizi was no exception."

No matter whether he is Mr. Xianyun's disciple or the prince of Zhenguohou's mansion, as long as he is involved in scientific examination fraud, no one can escape.

This news undoubtedly confirmed Yu Youyao's previous speculation.

With mental preparation, Mrs. Yu also calmed down: "Our family has only won one this time, and the ranking is not high. We have also read the article, which is quite satisfactory, even if the test paper is taken out for review and deliberation, it will not matter. his head up."

This has been fortunate in misfortune.

Yu Youyao nodded: "After several clan brothers entered Beijing, they obeyed their grandmother's instructions, and most of them stayed in the courtyard to study quietly, rarely went out to mix the right and wrong among the candidates, and rarely gathered together. Traces can be traced, and most of this matter cannot involve our family."

The grandmother has trained two important court officials, who are very prestigious in the clan.

After the brothers of the clan went to Beijing, they also obeyed their grandmother's words.

When you're comfortable at home, you don't need to go out all the time.

Mrs. Yu felt more at ease, and she thought of Song Mingzhao: "Unfortunately, Mingzhao, as Mr. Xianyun's disciple, was originally amazing and brilliant, but he suffered an innocent disaster. The first three cases were originally in his scientific examination career. His great achievements have now become the target of public criticism, as long as fraud is involved, the lower the ranking is, the safer it will be, and the one at the top will be strictly judged, I am afraid that this time he will have to suffer a lot."

As long as it involves fraud in scientific examinations, no matter how good the family background is, it does not matter.

Once it is verified, it must be strictly dealt with, and try to give an account to the students of Tianxia. After all, once these people make trouble, the imperial court can't stand it anymore.

Not to mention that the main examiner and the co-exam will be sentenced to severe punishment, and many candidates involved in fraud have died in prison.

Even if he survived the severe torture and was finally released, unless the court is extra graceful, he will no longer be able to participate in the imperial examinations. He studied hard for ten years in the cold window, and his life's future will be ruined. In more serious cases, even the next three generations will be destroyed. be implicated.

I couldn't even do it, I could only watch with dry eyes.

Yu Youyao lowered his head and said nothing.

The more Mrs. Yu thought about it, the more uncomfortable she felt in her heart: "With Mingzhao's talent, I don't worry that he will be implicated, but if he is in prison, he will lose a layer of skin if he is not guilty. How can ordinary people bear it? what!"