All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1018: The truth of everything

The first thousand and eighteenth chapter is the truth


Han Chen only felt like a burst of thunder in his spiritual world.

He had previously suspected that there was a problem with the will of the ancestral dragon, but what he did not expect was that the ancestral dragon's will was the embodiment of that will.

"No, I have to calm down! I have to calm down!"

Han Chen finally stabilized his thoughts and forced himself to remain calm.

However, his spiritual world is still surging.

He knew that he did not lose his composure because of the news, but because the news itself was a special force.

It's like people feel hungry when they smell the scent of food, and fear after seeing a behemoth. Knowledge and insight are also a kind of power.

Therefore, the news itself is also a powerful shock to Han Chen.

The God of Glory was not in a hurry, and just waited quietly for Han Chen to calm down.

After a while, Han Chen reluctantly said, "How can I trust you?"

To be honest, after his mind was shocked just now, he almost believed the words of the God of Radiance.

But he couldn't accept it.

Shinto Shinto: "I believe that you have enough wisdom to distinguish between true and false, rather than requiring me to prove it desperately."

Han Chen shook his head: "But I still have some doubts, that is, why the channel of the Abyss Demon appears here? Is there any deal between you and the Abyss Demon? Also, what should your original plan look like? Do you want to use that special life to achieve your goals?"

Even if a person's words are all true, it does not mean that he is innocent.

Han Chen also saw a piece of news in the news. A fire broke out without warning. A guy desperately saved people from the fire and became a hero.

But when the firefighters investigated the whole story, they found that the guy was the arsonist.

This kind of thing is commonplace on the road.

Therefore, even if everything the God of Radiance said was the truth, Han Chen couldn't believe it all.

Who knows if this monster that devours dreams or wisdom is put in by the **** of glory? In other words, did he reach a consensus with the monster?

This is entirely possible, because the strong are unscrupulous to achieve their goals, and there is no moral obstacle in the eyes of the strong.

Among other things, even Han Chen, in order to develop the earth, didn't he sacrifice countless NPCs and destroy several dynasties and dynasties in God's Domain?

Because in Han Chen's eyes, the lives of those NPCs are not as important as the future of the earth, or even the development of their own team.

Similarly, from the perspective of the God of Glory, Zulongxing’s greatest value is to provide faith for himself. In order to achieve this goal, he can do whatever it takes.

The old man who descended from the God of Radiance returned to his expressionless appearance:

"I don't have any deal with the Abyssal Demon, just let these Abyssal Demon build channels under the ground, because this is not a bad thing for me."

Drive tigers and wolves!

It seems that this should be the strategy of the Glory God, everything is under the control of the Glory God, and there is no problem with such a strategy.

But Han Chen didn't think it would be that simple.

Is the God of Radiance allowing the Abyss Demon to establish a passage here, really just to drive the tiger and devour the wolf? Or is there a deeper calculation?

The God of Glory continued: "I originally planned to use the earth as a place to collect faith, but since you are also qualified to be a member of the gods, then I can let the earth go and let it be used for collecting faith after you become a **** Base."

Become a god, collect faith?

Han Chen is inevitable for becoming a god.

However, collecting faith is not what Han Chen wants.

Because he knows that true faith is not enough to say that I believe in gods, but to devote all of his body and mind to gods, whether it is his own imagination or creativity... Wait, imagine Power and creativity! wisdom? Creature devouring monsters!

Unbelievable thoughts flashed in Han Chen's mind.

When a person devotes all his body and mind to the gods, he will lose all his free will, including his feelings, while contributing his faith.

Then, those who have dedicated their faith will become a blank in their souls, allowing the gods to write.

Therefore, this behavior is fundamentally the same as the monster that devours faith.

He suddenly understood something, what a **** monster, what an existence beyond common sense, but an alternative god.

Perhaps this is a **** who has reached a certain level in the way of faith, and it can already be harvested forcibly instead of using inducements, or indirectly influencing the spiritual world to collect beliefs.

Perhaps because that existence is too powerful, the form of existence is beyond people's imagination, but for Han Chen, this is not important.

Since he can't understand the other party's existence, he should understand it according to his known knowledge.

Maybe that special life and Han Chen's understanding are a little different, but it is not unreasonable to understand it according to the gods, or some special and powerful gods.

"If the gods have ranks, then the dream-eater should be a special powerful god, so it makes sense for it to raise the Ancestral Dragon in captivity. The war of the Ancestral Dragon is basically a war of gathering beliefs between the gods. That's it, it's basically the same thing."

Thinking of this, Han Chen only felt a little chill in his back.

He really did not expect that Zulong Xing had completely become a pasture of gods. Where is the dispute between the three major forces, where is the battle between humans and monsters, and where is the battle between humans and gods? The gods are fighting each other for faith.

The God of Glory is still persuading Han Chen: "I believe that the conditions I have given have enough sincerity, and I promise that as long as you help me deal with monsters from the ground, help me turn the entire Ancestral Dragon into my god. Kingdom, I will add some assistance to you on your path to becoming a god."

The conditions he put forward were very attractive, but Han Chen's heart was no longer fluctuating.

Every word of the God of Radiance is likely to be true, but it is precisely because everything he said is true, so no one can do anything in terms of inducing people.

If it weren't for Han Chen to suddenly realize the key, maybe he would really be fooled.

"Ha ha ha ha ha......"

Han Chen's clone floated in the air, seeming to want to laugh and tremble, "I understand, I finally understand why God's Domain exists, and I understand what the enemy God's Domain wants to deal with is."