All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1046: Show me a clear road!

The first thousand and forty-six chapters show me the way!

Han Chen just sat cross-legged across from the devil's figure, with a calm look.

Let God's Domain stop!

This sounded mad, but in other words.

Will God Domain stop Han Chen?


Even if Han Chen really turned God's Domain upside down with this trick and directly caused a catastrophe, God's Domain would not be able to stop Han Chen.

This is not because God's Domain has limitations, but because the purpose of God's Domain is to cultivate strong people.

In the initial stage of a new civilization just entering God's Domain, God's Domain is of course careful planning to create a place where the new civilization can be integrated into God's Domain and adapt to the rules of God's Domain in the fastest way.

This is the protection of God's Domain for the new civilization, and it is also the guide for the new civilization.

As for how many people will be eliminated in this process, that is not what God Realm needs to care about.

After entering God's Domain, the catastrophe of the new civilization began.

Either detachment or destruction, there is no way out.

Similarly, God's Domain has revoked the protection of the new civilization, it is even more impossible to protect those NPCs, including the sparring of those new civilizations.

The strong that needs to be protected, is that the strong?

If the abyss is destroyed, it can only prove that the abyss is not suitable for existence, and if the God’s Domain is destroyed, it can only prove that the current God’s Domain is not suitable for existence.

"Hahaha... really interesting."

The laughter of the Demon God is like thunder, as if it shakes the whole world. "I am the Demon God who has existed since the creation of the abyss. I have witnessed the birth and development of the abyss, and witnessed the disaster and glory of the abyss. I originally thought that the abyss will soon Towards a more glorious tomorrow, but what I did not expect is that the mighty abyss will be destroyed by such a skill."

As the other side of God's Domain, the Abyss has brought countless catastrophes to God's Domain.

Countless lives of God's Domain and countless intelligent lives hate the abyss.

But what I didn't expect was that what had hope of destroying the abyss now turned out to be just an illusion.

"Master Demon God came here, it shouldn't be to tell me this!"

Han Chen looked at the Demon God with interest, "I don't know if your Majesty the Demon God is going to represent God's Domain or the Abyss and give some advice to the younger generation?"

The devil can represent the realm of the gods or the abyss.

Because he is a true god, a **** who has existed for countless years, and a **** who has a part of the power of the gods.

"Advice? I can't talk about it.

I just want to ask, since you want to destroy the current system, what kind of system do you think can replace the current system?

There are many civilizations that are dissatisfied with the environment of God's Domain, but unfortunately those civilizations have been lost in the long river of history, because no matter how they are dissatisfied with God's Domain, they can't work out a way to replace God's Domain. Their so-called unconstrained thinking is just naive fantasy. . "

The devil asked.

God's Domain has never refused to change, and God's Domain has never stopped changing, never stopped getting better.

If there is a more suitable system, God's Domain will not refuse.

There is a saying widely circulated on the earth: As long as everyone gives a little love, the world will become a better place.

Does this sentence make sense? Of course it makes sense.

Fear is contagious, and happiness is contagious.

When a person shows a happy smile from the heart. It usually makes people around you feel happy.

But, can this sentence really be done?

Perhaps in the distant future, when the overall spiritual will of mankind evolves to a certain degree, it may be able to do so.

But, at least not now.

There are many civilizations that are very dissatisfied with God's Domain. After all, this is just fighting and killing. No matter how much people who love fighting, after fighting for hundreds of years and thousands of years, they can't help but become bored.

When the whole world is full of wars and killings, no matter how immersed people are, facing the same scenery, facing the almost unchanged rules, it is difficult for them to have novel thoughts.

But why did they all fail?

Is it because God's Domain stopped them?

No, just because this is the most helpless choice.

Han Chen also understood this kind of thing.

Every war requires a dead person, whether it is killing the enemy or letting one's own soldiers go to death, war means sacrifice.

War means there are victims, and no war is happy for everyone.

But, is it just because war is sinful that all wars must be abandoned?

It is impossible. As long as you live in this world as a life, it is impossible to avoid war. Everyone will inevitably become a participant in the war.

The reason why God's Domain established the current model is to fight against foreign enemies, against the gods of the Tao of faith, or more enemies, even more weird and terrifying enemies.

If God's Domain chooses to retreat, it means sacrificing the wisdom of life in the area where it is located, allowing the gods of the way of faith to spread faith and harvest the wisdom of the entire universe.

Can such a consequence be something a civilization can afford?

In the face of life and death, there is no room for discussion about right and wrong.

"For those powerful beings, trying to crack a skill is simply the easiest. Even if you don’t know the principle of this skill, as long as you know the existence of such a skill, you can usually deduce such a skill, so since Skills such as race disaster already exist in God's Domain, so they will not be obliterated unless they are eliminated.

Han Chen said, "I want to know how God Realm wants to choose? Also, you, Majesty Demon God, what kind of choice do you plan to make? Do you want to dissuade me from giving up this stupid plan? If you want to dissuade me , Then please show me a clear way."

His tone was very polite, but his eyes were filled with no doubt.

If a brand new civilization is dissatisfied with the current model of God's Domain and wants to change God's Domain, it must first come up with a plan that can replace the current system of God's Domain and prove the feasibility of this plan.

Without understanding the outside world, it is almost impossible to come up with such a plan. Han Chen had this idea at the beginning, but after contacting the outside world, he also found that this road was almost impossible.

He is not the kind of dead brain, his purpose is to lead to the result, not the process.

If it is unrealistic to come up with a plan to replace the current system of God’s Domain, then he will persecute God’s Domain in turn. If you want to stop my actions, if you want to stop my stupid behavior, that’s good. ! Show a clear path to my civilization!

If you can do it.