All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1048: Global boiling

The first thousand and forty-eight chapters global boiling

When the news of the counterattack spread to the whole earth, the whole earth boiled.

The global live broadcast of the counterattack is a very risky behavior, even close to death.

The global live broadcast means that all the movements of the earth's army are marked in the live broadcast room. As long as the map is compared, all the movements of the earth's army can be judged.

This is simply an act of death.

No matter what advantage it takes, no force dares to do so.

Because even if it has the upper hand, it is easy for the opponent to run away or even come back directly.

However, the earth does this now.

"Crazy, crazy."

"Who on earth made such a stupid decision? He is determined to be responsible for the losses in this war."

"Don't say that we now have no overwhelming advantage in the abyss. Even if we have an overwhelming advantage, intelligence leakage will cause a lot of additional losses."

"Damn the person who leaked the information."

"Which **** actually gave this order?"

"Put him to death, kill him!"

"It was an order from Han Chen."

For an instant, the entire network was dead silent.

Because of the influence of the unique culture of the earth, there are a lot of keyboard men on the earth, but apart from the keyboard man, most people's horizons have become broadened because of the Internet.

Regarding the consequences of leaking information before military operations, most people understand the importance of this.

Unless it is really not clear-headed, otherwise you will not fail to understand the consequences.

However, this order was issued by Han Chen.

For Han Chen, what is common sense?

Oh, I seem to break often.

Using so-called common sense to constrain Han Chen's thoughts and actions, people on the entire planet would think this is a very absurd thing.

This judgment comes from Han Chen's past actions.

So when this matter was stabbed out, the wind direction of the Internet immediately changed.

"Why did Mr. Han give such an order?"

"Maybe, Big Brother Han also has his own ideas!"

"Perhaps this is just a scheme, a conspiracy, maybe this is a cover-up plan."


"Anyway, since it's a big boss's order, it must be reasonable."

"Support the big guys, we will wait and see."

When you become a great man, even if you fart, many people think it makes sense.

Han Chen can already be said to be a great man on the earth. Perhaps his ethics is not as lofty as those great figures in history, but his contribution and deeds deservedly made him the spiritual leader of the entire earth. .

Such a Han Chen, no matter what ridiculous decision he makes, there will be a large number of people supporting him.

Moreover, he had slapped too many people in the face in the past. Those who had questioned him, and those who had doubted him, all had their faces swollen.

He is a person who creates miracles, and he is a miracle in himself.

Seeing the wind turning so fast on the Internet, some people who picked up their keyboards to spray people said with regret:

"Oh! Why is there no objection? I originally wanted to wait for those who objected to come forward, and then help the boss to explain a few words!"

They don't want to oppose Han Chen, but people who want to fight against those who oppose Han Chen.

After all, the consequences of opposing Han Chen are too serious, and may even be directly isolated.

But what makes them regretful is that those who oppose Han Chen dare not come forward. It can only be said that there are still relatively few fools in this world.

At this time, someone weakly said:

"Maybe it's already dead!"

As soon as this remark came out, there was silence.

Because they suddenly felt that it seemed possible.

Han Chen has killed too many people in the past, and sometimes he doesn't even need to act personally. He only needs to give an order to go down, and countless people will rush.

Many of those who had questioned Han Chen were directly accused of betraying China and the Earth.

Of course, this is not wrong to them. In the foreign war, the morale blow is a capital crime.

Those people deserve to die not because of their character, but because their brains don't work well.

Therefore, under the prestige that Han Chen has accumulated in the past, even those who want to oppose Han Chen dare not speak up.

After such a link was sent, countless people stopped their plans, opened the function of playing on the God's Domain watch, and began to synchronize the transmission of front-line materials and videos, and watch the battle on the front-line in an almost live broadcast manner.

It's not only the people around the world that have caused a sensation, but even the military of various countries feels very nonsense under such orders.

Some commanders even lifted the table directly.

"Is this crazy?"

"Of course we know Han Chen's wisdom. Since he gave such an order, he must be sure enough, even 100% sure."

"But why do you have to broadcast it live? Isn't it okay to release the video after the war is over? Does it have to be broadcast live?"

They do believe in Han Chen, and believe that Han Chen must have his plan to issue such an order.

Even if Han Chen's order is only 30% sure of winning, they are willing to take their own lives and accompany Han Chen on adventures.

But what if?

What happens in this war?

Fighting is not a trifle, nor is it a show.

Even if you really win, if the process of winning is not so straightforward and inspiring, it will be a blow to the people of the entire planet.

So they don't understand.

Obviously you can edit after the battle is won to show the Chinese army and the most handsome side of the earth’s army in front of everyone, with the greatest inspiring effect, but it has to be broadcast live, so that those Chinese soldiers who are fighting The soldiers felt a little bit of a response.

However, they still implemented it.

Han Chen has now become a spiritual leader on the earth. Since it is his order, no matter how outrageous, everyone must follow it.

So just under this live broadcast, the counterattack in the deepest abyss of the earth kicked off.

"When I think that there will be a lot of people watching this kind of battle, I feel a little bit responsive.

Wang Zelin twisted his neck unnaturally and complained.

Deng Qing helped his eyes without lenses and said, "Although I don't know why the boss must give such an order, but since this is the boss's request, then we can only obey it. Although the boss often takes risks, he has done a lot of danger. But I have never done unnecessary things."

Speaking of adventure, Han Chen actually did a lot of adventures, but no matter how adventurous, Han Chen would not do meaningless things.

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