All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1100: Lord's Dagger

The first thousand and one hundred chapters of the Lord's Dagger

"Impossible, how could you find it!"

In the kingdom of the **** of light, thunder masterpiece, the pure and flawless holy light appeared a lot of dark clouds, and countless angels of the kingdom even burst directly.

This change is enough to see how much the impact of Han Chen's words on the God of Light is.

But only a few seconds later, everything was quiet again.

If it weren't for the dim light in the center of the kingdom of God again, I thought that the appearance of anger just now was just an illusion!

"Are you scamming me?"

The God of Light calmed down, "Whether you know what that thing is, but you have no reason to tell me directly."

Whether Han Chen found what they wanted, he was not sure.

But he was sure of one thing, if a person suddenly obtained something so precious, there was no reason to tell his opponent directly about it.

This is not to tell the other party directly, come and grab it!

Such a stupid style is definitely not Han Chen's style.

Now that Han Chen has really done this, it proves that there are definitely traps in this, otherwise it would not be in line with Han Chen's insidious and cunning personality.

The war between the angels of the Kingdom of God and the angels of the Kingdom of God came to a halt, because their current battles were meaningless, and only Han Chen and the God of Light could decide whether to leave or stay.

"In the duel between the Lord of the Deep Sea and the Temple of Stars, the Lord of the Stars directly used power that surpassed himself in order to defeat the opponent in a short time. Of course, according to his own statement, that is a power that does not belong to him, but For a strong man with a half-step myth, what other power is worth borrowing?

The answer can also be obvious, that is, the power of the gods, or at least the power of the gods.

What he used was the power of time. Under the power of time, the deep-sea suit that had been used to lay a great reputation was destroyed directly like this, and even the fragments were not left. Such power is beyond imagination. I also happen to know something, that is, the gods can't make a legendary suit for an instant. "

Han Chen said indifferently.

Of course, the gods have the power to destroy the legendary suit, but they can't destroy it in an instant.

This is like a person. If you want to destroy a kitchen knife, there are many ways. You can use a hammer, hit with a brick, or put it in a stove to burn it, but you can never go directly with your fist. Hammer the kitchen knife and the gods are the same.

If they are allowed to do so, they can destroy legendary suits.

But such certain conditions.

But the reason why the Lord of Stars destroyed the legendary suit was because the power he wanted to borrow was too strong, too strong to the point of his own control.

"What do you want to say?" The God of Light couldn't help but said.

"The power to transcend the gods, or the power to reach the level of transcendence, should have something to do with the realm of time."

Han Chen said, "So, of course, your further opportunities should also be related to time. If you think about it from this perspective, then it is of course easier to find what you want, as long as it is Whatever has to do with time is fine."

"So, how did you find it?"

The **** of light asked.

He didn't doubt whether Han Chen would tell him the news. If Han Chen didn't want to tell him, why would he say this?

"If you have investigated me, you will find one thing, that is when I enter the abyss along the abyss channel, there is a blank period of several months in the middle, guess where I went in those months ?"

The corners of Han Chen's mouth curled up, revealing a strange smile.

"You, what do you want?"

Faced with further opportunities, the God of Light could no longer remain calm, "You just said that you found something like this, but you didn’t say that you have already obtained it. If you have already obtained that thing, then there is absolutely no reason for me. Wasting time here, say, what do you want, and what do you want?"

In the face of detachment, everything can be given up.

If he can really go further, then everything he has now can be discarded.

So he has now let go of all his reservations, just for a glimmer of hope.

As they spoke, the fighting angel legions had disappeared. Of course, it was not that they were really disappeared, but that the two sides were in different dimensions.

This matter is too important, how can you allow others to hear it?

At this time, Han Chen took out a golden dagger.

This golden dagger was the one handed to him by the holy lord of the angel clan when Han Chen left from the angel clan. This dagger had the power to break everything.

However, it can only be used once.

"What I want is very simple, that is, I want to take out that thing from this place, but you need to help me bear the damage. After that thing falls into the kingdom of God, who can grab it? Then it's up to you."

Seeing this dagger, the eyes of the God of Light showed a feverish look:

"I can feel that this dagger can break through all obstacles, but you are willing to break through the space here. It seems that you have really sensed the existence of such a thing."

The God of Light stepped away from the seat and said, "Then I will leave it to you."

After finishing speaking, he came behind Han Chen, his face restored to peace, but the enthusiasm in his eyes became more:

Han Chen, I originally thought that you should be a hero, but I didn’t expect you to be a person who took risks for the sake of profit. But this is the right way. In this world, interests should come first, and everything we do should be For myself.

I can perceive that my place is the closest place to something like that. It seems that you have actually found something like that. If so, then I will give you a chance. Although I have to take a certain risk in this matter, this It's when I'm the closest to something like that, so I definitely can't miss it.

As long as something like that is opened by you and falls into my kingdom of God, then even if I lose my life, I must find a way to obtain this opportunity.

As long as I can go further, then even if I give up my foundation on Zulong Xing, it is totally worth it, and all the losses can be made up for after going further.

Then, he saw Han Chen raising the dagger and slashing in the direction of the **** seat.

Seeing Han Chen's actions, the God of Light felt as if he was about to suffocate.

As long as the dagger fell, he had seized a thousand years of opportunity, and he was about to appear in front of his own eyes.


The golden blood spattered out.

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