All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1106: Fallen angels

Did the gods of the Tao of Faith guess this possibility?

Caroline can easily answer this question.

Unless you are reluctant to use your own wisdom, the possibility of not guessing this possibility is close to zero based on the associative ability of intelligent life, especially the wisdom of gods.

Even if you don't even think of this kind of conspiracy theory, what kind of **** do you still have?

Go directly to be a believer of the gods and contribute faith to the gods obediently!

Since there must be gods who guessed this possibility, why didn't the gods speak out about this possibility?

Why did you say it?

Damage your image?

On the other hand, since the gods of the Tao of Faith did not refute this possibility when they were spreading their own justice, it was already considered tacit.

Why do you bring up things that everyone knows well?

After Han Chen said the last words, the scene in his eyes changed drastically.

In other words, during the observation of the Eye of the Night Demon, the scene in his eyes has undergone tremendous changes.

The underground creatures who were fighting the abyss demon suddenly began to lose their original dark appearance, revealing their original features.

It turns out that these humanoid creatures are actually angels.

It's just an angel full of dark power.

Their bodies are full of beautiful lines, their facial features are flawless, as if they are a masterpiece of God, except that they are darker than real angels.

Originally, these creatures seemed to be in the mist, but now they showed their original faces.

"Fallen angels, is it an observer effect or a reflection of ideas?" Han Chen muttered to himself.

Human observations can change facts that have occurred in nature, and this effect has been demonstrated through a large number of experiments.

However, at this moment, there is no need to explain this kind of theory.

Human words are placed in the eyes of animals, they are a bunch of chaotic lines, which have no practical meaning at all. Even if it is an animal with a higher IQ, you can at most see that it is a kind of symbol when reading human articles , But they can’t see the meaning of these symbols.

But when a person recognizes this kind of words, then the meaning of this kind of symbol will be reflected in the human mind, such as the word "Han Chen".

The two characters Han Chen are written with a pen, with a brush, with a broom, with a traditional Chinese, or with a variety of messy fonts. In the eyes of animals, they are all messy lines, but For people who know these two characters, no matter what pen is used to write them, it is the two characters Han Chen.

Regardless of whether the word is written for fragile mosquitoes or flies, whether it is written on ordinary paper or engraved on stone, it is still the two words Han Chen in the eyes of human beings.

Because Huaxia people’s impression of these two characters has been formed, these chaotic lines can form a special impression in the eyes of Huaxia people, or even those who don’t know Huaxia characters, and finally converge into Two symbols.

The same is true for that kind of underground creatures.

In Han Chen's impression at the beginning, he didn't know what the other party was.

So in his eyes, the other party is a dark existence, which is like a creature other than humans observing human words, but just some special lines, even in the eyes of less intelligent creatures, there is a concept such as a line None of them exist.

But when Han Chen began to have an impression of him, these lines began to combine, extracting the human-shaped parts of them, and forming human-shaped creatures.

When Han Chen understood the nature of the other party, the specific image of the other party was also outlined.

This also shows that Han Chen has learned a word. No matter how the word is expressed, Han Chen can extract the word on different carriers and in different combinations of lines.

It's like learning the word "chen" and you can extract chen from "morning".

Of course, there is a certain risk in this kind of perception, that is, it may be wrong.

This is not surprising, even the Huaxia people themselves, most people cannot recognize all Huaxia's characters.

It is even more difficult for a foreigner to recognize it.

Now that the two sides are separated by a level of life, the level of danger has risen again.

However, for Han Chen, it doesn't matter.

Anyway, no matter how dangerous it is, can it still destroy the earth twice?

"Fallen angel."

Caroline muttered to herself.

When Han Chen said those words, the same impression appeared in her soul, so in her impression, the image of underground creatures began to turn into fallen angels.

Of course, in her eyes, the image of fallen angels is different from the world in Han Chen's eyes.

But this is not a big deal.

Because it doesn't matter.

The important thing is that she has already formed such an impression in her impression.

"I used to devoutly believe in gods, and then I discovered that there is actually no essential difference between humans and gods. It's just a difference in status. It's like whether there is no noble blood in the royal family, but it's in a different position. I met you and changed my impression by you."

Caroline laughed at herself, "However, I thought I had already escaped the shackles imposed on believers by the gods, but you told me that what I broke was actually a cage built by him by the gods, even if I escaped like this. There is still a bigger cage outside."

This is the cage and shackles formed by cognitive concepts, which are stronger and harder to break than any cage in reality.

Of course, the most difficult thing to break is that it is difficult for you to find it.

Even this cage may be woven by yourself.

Thinking of this, Caroline couldn't help feeling a icy cold in her heart.

"Why do you think so much?"

Han Chen asked with a chuckle, "Just ask your own heart, even if you are really in bondage, do you really want to break all this?"

"Do I really want to break all this?" Caroline was a little confused.

"If cognition is a constraint, then it can be compared to an upgraded video game. Many people’s goal is to level up and get a full-level number, but some people’s goal is to have a full-level number, and some people just enjoy practicing. In the process of leveling, if it’s the latter, then when you don’t know your goal, you may spend money to buy a full-level account, and you can only reap endless emptiness in the end."

Although Zulong Xing does not have video games, it does not prevent Caroline from understanding this.

God's domain translation system is omnipotent. As long as Han Chen has a God's domain watch, when the translation is over, it will be translated into content that Caroline can understand.

This is also the realization of cognition.