All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1112: A scam

With Han Chen's eyes, one can of course see the special power in these giants.

The height of these giants should have been only 3 to 4 meters. A few powerful giants could reach a height of 5 meters. However, driven by a mysterious force, the height of these giants suddenly increased to a height of 10 meters, the tallest giant. It even reached 12 meters.

Of course, this kind of power is not without limitations. Not to mention the need for food for the time being, the huge body will also overdraw the life energy, which will greatly shorten the lifespan of these giants.

This is the same nature as the artificial angels of the glorious Holy See.

Although Han Chen cannot be said to be very familiar with this kind of power, he still has to know him.

When he fought with the God of Light, the power that the God of Light descended on the angels was very similar to the special powers of these giants.

In other words, there are gods behind these giants.

If the gods of the glorious Holy See are the gods of light, then the gods behind these giants should be the gods of the earth, which is the power of the earth.

"Excessive overdraft of life force, or even overdraft of soul power in exchange for a short period of strength, the **** of the earth behind this giant is exactly the same as the **** of light of the glorious Holy See."

Han Chen can also understand why they did this.

This is to save one's energy.

If we say that we spend all of a person’s potential and consume it at a steady rate, so that the loss of one's own energy is one, then a person’s real life level will be raised to such a level, so that the person’s life level If you match your own strength, the cost is at least 10.

10 times the energy consumption, if you can achieve 10 times the effect, but this form of 10 times consumption can only make a person's life longer, so that his potential will not overdraw his life, which is equivalent to The battery life is more.

What is the value of such consumption?

If it is cannon fodder placed on the battlefield, then what is the difference between such a cannon fodder that has a lifespan of one month or 100 years?

Anyway, they are all dying goods. Sending those with only one month of life left to die will not feel distressed.

Only a few very valuable giants will be particularly favored.

Don't get me wrong, this extra grace is not that the gods will give the giant a long life and improve his life level, but that the giant can swallow other lives to make up for his own life deficit.

Of course, it is such an opportunity, and it also needs to consume the extra power of the gods.

So this is already a great gift to the gods.

After the war ended, the human empire began to clean up the mess.

Some sacrifices wearing golden robes, with hundreds of human beings up to 2 meters 2 or even 2 meters 3, arrived in this ruin.

The priests wearing golden robes prayed devoutly:

"In this troubled world, the people of the empire are constantly threatened by the outside world. When the barriers of the empire are in danger, the **** of the earth is spreading the brilliance of love..."

During the long prayer process, countless soldiers knelt on one knee and prayed silently in their hearts.

While they were praying, those tall humans with a height of more than 2 meters, carrying boulders larger than their own bodies, began to repair these broken walls.

Some boulders have even reached 4 meters in height, but there is still no stagnation in the process of these strong men carrying the stones, as if even the mountains can be lifted.

After these boulders were piled up again, these priests in golden robes stretched out their hands with the scepter in their hands, and the cracks between the boulders were immediately repaired and became intact.

"This is the gift of the God of Earth."

The priest in golden robes shouted to the fanatical people after repairing the city wall.

"The **** of the earth is merciful and compassionate, and the **** of the earth is immortal."

Countless people crawled on the ground, kissing the ground under their feet, kissing these restored city walls, thanking the gods for their gifts and blessings.

When they are most in distress, only the **** of the earth is willing to protect them.

When they are in a desperate situation, only the **** of the earth is willing to save them.

They are willing to dedicate their faith to the God of the Earth, and they are willing to dedicate their lives to the God of the Earth, in order to thank the God of the Earth for his gifts.

After seeing this scene, Han Chen's eyes showed a sullen expression.

Even when the soldiers were fighting with the giants, he didn't have such anger, but the current scene angered him.

If the battle between humans and giants is a war between races.

Then these people's belief in the contribution of the God of the Earth is a complete scam.

He could see very clearly that there are extraordinary powers flowing in these strong human beings. Of course, this was originally an extraordinary world, and it is not surprising to have extraordinary powers.

But what made him even more angry was the actions of the God of the Earth.

The **** of the earth gave his power to the giants, causing these giants to bring serious disasters to mankind, and then promoted his **** name among mankind, declared that his own power was protecting mankind, and then pretended to use the world to walk. To help everyone build walls to protect themselves.

The gift of the God of the Earth makes countless humans grateful.

But what human beings don't know is that this disaster was originally brought by the God of the Earth!

And depending on the proficiency of humans and giants in combat, such a war is definitely not a war of a period of time, but a war that has gone through a long time.

The **** of the earth controls the giant in this way, blocking the human being.

Then, show part of your power to harvest faith.

"If I wanted to attack the gods of the Tao of Faith at first, it was because of the different positions, then now I really want to pull those gods who are above the altar off the altar."

Han Chen cast his gaze to the distant sky.

The place where he is is only a corner of the sea of ​​chaos, an insignificant corner, but the deity of the way of faith, in order to collect faith, unscrupulous behavior has completely angered him.

Perhaps standing at the height of the gods, such an approach is understandable.

But Han Chen always regarded himself as a person, a person with seven passions and six desires, an ordinary person who was somewhat calm but often impulsive.

There is no noble sentiment for racial justice, no noble morals to protect the weak, it is just that he saw such a scene, so he was angry.

If this is the case, let the high gods fall from the altar.