All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1148: Curse of Manmin

"I once heard a story about a wizard who raised a flock of sheep and slaughtered a sheep as his food every day. As a result, the sheep on the grassland ran away as soon as they saw him, causing him to catch sheep more and more. It's difficult."

When Han Chen's shadow clone presided over the prayer meeting, his deity stood in the void, standing side by side with Janette.

"Later the wizard thought of a way. He began to say to one sheep, you are not a sheep, you are a lion, and the lion and people should be companions, and then he said to the other sheep, you are not a sheep, you are A wolf is a good friend with humans. He said to the third sheep, "You are not a sheep, you are a human being, of the same kind as me."

"If things go on like this, the sheep on the prairie don’t think they are sheep anymore. Instead, they think they are friends with the wizard. When the wizard catches the sheep, he won’t help the sheep. Instead, he will sit on the sidelines. Anyway, the target of the wizard’s capture is Sheep, what does it have to do with yourself?"

"After waiting a longer time, the wizard was surprised to find that when some sheep thought they were a real sheep, other sheep would come to him and tell him that the sheep was a heresy. , So the wizard slaughtered the sheep."

After listening to Han Chen's story, Janette felt mixed.

The believers under the high platform kept praying, one after another was struck to death by lightning, but the remaining believers not only did not fluctuate in their hearts, but were more religious.

They know that they are loyal believers of the gods, and they will not be punished by the gods, but will be rewarded and blessed by the gods.

So when their companions are struck to death by lightning, they will only think that those people are insincere in their hearts.

Anyway, those who were hacked to death were all false believers. What's up with me?

Why didn't they find it?

If they had this brain, would they become true believers?

"The most powerful part of the gods lies in the power of faith collected from the believers, but this is also the weakness of the gods."

"The gods can easily send believers to the battlefield and send them to death, because this is originally the doctrine of the gods in the canon. Everyone must obey the will of the gods and obey unconditionally."

"But when the gods promote themselves, they will promote themselves too supreme."

"This is also something that can't be helped. Otherwise, if we tell the people that our **** is just like you, but a stronger person, then who will believe in this god?"

"A supreme being will not lie to deceive those ants. This is the perception in the heart of every believer."

"But the God of Light, in order to be able to arouse the full power of the believers, let them voluntarily burst out all their lives, so they deceived them that after this war, they can all ascend to the kingdom of heaven."

"But there is a limit to the capacity of the kingdom of God, and the gods cannot focus on this kind of thing."

"So praying for the people at this time is equivalent to directly questioning the gods. Why do the gods above them lie and deceive the ants?"

"In this way, their behavior will be contrary to the belief in their hearts. The power of such belief is no longer a source of power for the gods, but a deadly poison."

Listening to Han Chen slowly explaining the weakness of the gods, Janette felt a little bit shy.

What does this man want to do?

At first, she thought that Han Chen should also be a careerist, or a person with a high desire for power, but as she continued in-depth contact, she discovered the real Han Chen’s mind, she could not guess. She had never guessed what this man thought once.

Now, Han Chen is teaching her the weakness of the gods.

What is he thinking?

"So this behavior of praying by the people should have added a strength to the gods, but now it has become a curse of the gods."

"These believers are like the flocks. They think that the gods hack to death are those heretics who are not sure of the gods, but they don't know that the gods want to punish precisely their kind."

Han Chen said.

"Master, do all believers really be like lambs?"

Janette felt a little uncomfortable.

"So what, so what?"

Han Chen said, "There are many blasphemers in this world, but the so-called blasphemers are actually just people who want to replace the gods. Only a few are really dissatisfied with the gods, even if they can really defeat the gods, but They themselves will become new gods, and believers will still be lambs."

Janette was silent.

When she wanted to become a god, she originally thought she was special.

She thought that by becoming a god, she would be able to bring true happiness to her believers.

This is also her obsession.

But accompanied by Han Chen, having witnessed the birth of so many gods, she suddenly realized that sometimes what determines her behavior is not her own thoughts, but the external environment.

When you are in an environment like the chaotic sea of ​​stars, will your behavior after becoming a **** have anything to do with your beliefs before becoming a god?

Is there really no one who is dissatisfied with the gods in this world?

If not, what happened to the land reclamation army that wanted to be independent?

It is not because they have participated in land reclamation and created labor with their own hands that this kind of thoughts have grown in their hearts. They just made the kind of thoughts that have been suppressed in their hearts explode after obtaining the fruits obtained through labor. Came out.

More and more lightning strikes, and more and more believers are killed.

The remaining devout believers are still praying, praying.

"Master, is that the reason you want to overthrow the past system?"

Janette said suddenly.

Could it be said that this great king placed the gods on the soles of his feet for this reason, and let those gods use them as tools for managing the kingdom?

She looked at Han Chen's eyes, already with a little admiration.

"Overturned? Haha..."

Han Chen smiled and shook his head, "Perhaps there is such an idea! But overthrow is not the purpose."

If overthrowing the gods can achieve his goal, then he overthrows the gods, and if keeping the system of the gods more in line with his interests, then he will keep it.

Overthrowing the past system is only a means, not a result.

He has never been the kind of stubborn or pedantic person, a person with a true conviction, not firm on the path he has taken, but firm on his own goals.

Everyone knows that Daqin is his painstaking effort, but what no one knows is that those who were expelled to the wild areas by him are the ones who placed the best hope for him.