All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1158: The executed god

There is no impermeable wall in the world. The reason why some people in power can use despicable means without being punished is simply because they deceive each other.

If Han Chen kills a person on the earth for no reason, even if it is posted on the Internet, most of the netizens will still be on Han Chen's side.

They would think that the reason why Han Chen did this was for the stability of the earth or something like that.

There will even be a group of brain-supplementing knights to blame the people who have been killed.

Because Han Chen has paid too much to the earth in the past, and when he exceeds a little bit, it will make people jealous, but when he reaches a point where countless people can’t even look up, everyone feels nothing about him. It will become awe.

Therefore, the last order Han Chen gave was a reminder to countless people.

Everyone can accept an order to be kind to the people.

After all, this treats the people well, as long as they try their best, no one will say anything.

In the past, the people weren't seen by them as real people, but now, if you look at them a little bit, it is considered that they have treated them kindly.

The second order is that the gods must be canonized by the sovereign.

Everyone can understand this command, after all, this is the foundation of the Great Qin State.

The third order is somewhat intriguing.

Military conflicts with those who open up the territory are not allowed, but if they take the initiative to provoke and kill them, they will be sent directly to destroy them.

This decree seems a bit benevolent.

However, thinking that the landlord has always paid more attention to the work of opening up the territory, so everyone can only regard it as a compromise made by the landlord to open up and expand the land!

In the fourth order, the lords are not allowed to attack each other, but they are also not allowed to prevent the other side from sending troops to the outside world, and then deliberately provoke conflict, which is of course understandable.

But the last order, it really hurts one's muscles and bones.

Every moment of the development of the southern region, every expansion of territory, and every foreign war, it means a large amount of benefit distribution. To obtain more benefits from the benefit distribution, many people will inevitably use some small means. inevitable.

"Follow the decree of the Lord!"

Janette knelt down in front of Han Chen and expressed her position.

Seeing that Janette was the first to express her loyalty, everyone was scolded in secret.

Now that there is a leader, do they still have a reason to resist?

If you object, it will not be difficult to kill you and find another subordinate.

Talent may be hard to find, but is it still hard to find people who are pursuing prosperity and wealth?

What's more, Han Chen didn't ask for their opinions at all. He was just informing everyone of his own will. Since you want to do things under my hands, you must convey my will.

If you want to resist, well, come and overthrow me!

Before they can overthrow Han Chen's rule, they must be obedient.

Han Chen's orders were quickly transmitted to the entire Great Qin State. In the first month of the order transmission, the entire country was surprised by these orders.

A month later, 5 consecutive gods were directly executed, all the bishops under the gods' command were beheaded, hundreds of thousands of people were involved, and the charges—not conveying the order of the lord of the country.

Yes, they were not charged with rebellion, but for failing to convey Han Chen's orders correctly.

For an unqualified monarch, it is normal for the decree not to leave the palace.

When you write an edict, maybe the content in the edict of a palace is replaced with other things, and then all the information you get comes from the outside world.

Although this kind of situation is actually rare, there are indeed a lot of things that violate yang and yin.

These five gods used some techniques when conveying Han Chen’s will in their own territory. These orders of Han Chen were processed by art. For example, the first order is not to kill civilians. They put this Summarize the command in one sentence, and then use 10 sentences to remind everyone not to do things that are rebellious or disobeying the will of the gods, otherwise, they will be directly put to death on the charge of rebellion.

In this way, everyone will form a misunderstanding. As long as you are obedient and obedient, we will never move you, but if you are not obedient, we will directly put you in a rebellion.

To be honest, this is actually a obedience to Han Chen's order.

After all, it is the duty of the lord to kill the rebels.

However, Han Chen did not follow their explanation. He directly ordered that anyone in the territory is not allowed to believe in the current gods, and those who violate the order will be executed directly. All the protagonists and officials in this area will not be exposed to Han Chen during this month. All were executed.

Those believers who still believed in gods were also directly beheaded.

The entire Great Qin Kingdom was full of heads and panic.

The execution process took a whole month, and almost all the officials in this territory were cleaned up. The remaining officials had to be selected from other places or from local people. This was another waste of time. A very long time.

Five consecutive gods fell under the will of the land, causing a great impact on the people of the Great Qin Kingdom.

The supremacy of the gods in the past was broken at this moment.

It turns out that the masters of the kingdom can easily decide the life and death of the gods. It turns out that the life and death of the gods can be easily handled by the mortals in their eyes.

"God is just a tool to facilitate management."

Countless people of Great Qin State have got such an impression in their hearts.

And no **** dared to conceal this matter, dared not to communicate such a matter to the people in his territory, otherwise, they would be the next person to be executed.

With such a precedent, several orders of Han Chen have been effectively communicated.

In the entire Great Qin Kingdom, all the gods were forced to recognize the supremacy of the leader, and all the gods must be canonized by the leader before they can become gods.

The supreme image of the gods in people's hearts has been subverted, and has become the status of the landlord and the city **** during the Chinese feudal period on the earth.

Of course, the status may be higher, after all, the gods here are not illusory.

But if you want to have more awe of them, it is too difficult to be human.

Of course, these gods should also want to resist, and some want to regain the power of the gods above the power of the monarch, but they can only think about it in their hearts.

At least during the reign of Han Chen, a tyrant, all your thoughts must be held back.

There is only one way for gods to spread their beliefs, and that is to develop and operate honestly to serve the people in their own territory.