All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1186: The Demise of the Storm Star

Hearing this, Han Chen suddenly felt that Fengyuxing was a little sad.

This is not to say that their actions are pathetic, but that their thinking is pathetic.

"But why should they feel broken about this kind of thing?"

Wu Yuan felt a little weird.

It's not that she doesn't have enough IQ, but because of different ideas.

Han Chen explained for the Lord of the Stars: "You went to see a movie with me, called Truman's world, where the world was created by others, and everything the protagonist did in the world was like The clown can also be said to be an excellent actor.

For some people, they like the feeling of being an actor, they enjoy receiving the gaze of others under the spotlight, and the feeling of being worshipped by others, even if they are treated as a clown, as long as they feel that their role is excellent, then they You will get spiritual satisfaction.

For! "

Wu Yuan's face was a little red, and she was hit by Han Chen.

She is also a hobby as an anchor, just like the feeling of interacting with people.

"The reason why you have such thoughts is because you don’t care whether your thoughts will be noticed by others or whether you will be exposed to others. You are free to choose what others see. And enjoy it."

Han Chen said, "But people are not the same. Those outstanding politicians have to learn to wear different masks on different occasions. They have to hide the thoughts in their hearts, and some people use mind-reading techniques to read their minds. If the idea is unearthed, it will definitely make them mentally broken, because this is the basis for them to settle down.

The same is true for those with social phobia. They are afraid of strangers' eyes, even if those strangers' eyes are not on themselves, when they stand on the school podium, they will shiver, uh, In fact, I am also like this. Even now, I only speak through video, and I rarely speak to ten thousand people. I am not only afraid of being ashamed, but also afraid of being seen through. "

Han Chen can understand this feeling, especially when he has a secret.

In the beginning, even facing a reporter from a TV station, he would be a little bit at a loss. Later, as his strength and confidence increased, this made him a little more magnanimous.

In this respect, there is a big gap between him and Wu Yuan.

After all, even if Wu Yuan obtained a legendary pet, if she hadn't stopped it by herself, she would have regarded it as a capital to show off.

Maybe there is ignorance, but she herself is too magnanimous.

But understanding belongs to understanding, and does not mean approval.

If it is an individual, such an idea is worth understanding, but if it is replaced by a civilization, such an idea is very fatal.

"Yeah! When they found their eyes in the sky, they themselves failed."

The Lord of the Stars sighed, "If those high-powered ones cause some obstacles to them, then I think even if they are crushed, they will fight against each other, because they have enough wisdom and courage, they can live and die. Apart from this, they can use their limited lives to bloom infinite brilliance.

However, when they were attracted to the eyes of the mighty, they found that the mighty looked at them with expectant eyes. Not only did they not hinder them, but they had some appreciation for what they did. Of course, there would be no support. It is like watching a performance, even if it is joy, anger, sorrow, and joy, there is no need to conceal it.

So, what is the significance of what they did? They always thought that what they were fighting against was God's Domain, an ideal home to change God's Domain, but the other side just watched them change, watched them work hard, just watched, watched, watched..."

Han Chen asked himself, if it was his former self, he might feel terrified when he heard these words, but now he is only regretful.

They missed the best opportunity.

Perhaps they are as good civilizations as the earth, but unfortunately they have taken the wrong path.

"At the beginning of the resistance, they encountered setbacks, which is normal, because they know that their actions cannot be smooth sailing."

The Lord of the Stars continued, "However, this setback has caused them to lose their square inch. It is obviously only a small tactical failure, but it makes them feel extremely humiliated, because they are under the eyes of the mighty. They are thinking about their failures, are they watching their failures from the very beginning, and want to see their good shows?

So they all fell into anger and madness, they desperately wanted to prove themselves, they burned all their lives, just to prove their excellence, just to break the views of those people, they want to see those who are superior and powerful. Look, Fengyuxing, how excellent it is! "

Han Chen glanced at Wu Yuan and said, "It's like you made a mistake during the live broadcast and accidentally fell. Um, when someone else broadcasted the live broadcast."

He originally wanted to give a vivid metaphor, but think about it, this metaphor is too unimaginative.

He knows Wu Yuan's character, not only doesn't take mistakes as a matter of course, but also takes the opportunity to give herself a chance to sell cute, and then forgets it in a flash.

The reflection after the failure, the humiliating performance of the failure, she did not...

Wu Yuan nodded, pretending to understand.

To be honest, she doesn't know why so many people take failure so seriously, because she has never failed in the things she cares about!

However, she also knows that there are some people with strong self-esteem in this world. They don't accept failure. The meaning of their lives is simply chasing success.

For such a person, success is accidental, failure is close to inevitable.

"The more they want to prove themselves, the more they get confused. They care too much about the opinions of the powerful, and feel that they can't even cause opposition from the powerful, so that they can't do it. Then What is the value of their efforts?

But the more they did this, the more disappointed the mighty, and even averted their eyes, and even lost interest in watching their performances.

They were not overwhelmed by the difficulties and frustrations of the outside world, but they were overwhelmed by their own self-esteem. "

The tragedy of Fengyuxing really exceeded Han Chen's expectations.

However, it makes sense.

Since the Lord of the Stars said this is a very good civilization, then they are really good.

But such a good civilization does not even have the qualifications to take a look at them as enemies, and the blow to them can be imagined.

This is simply a denial of their past lives, denial of their ideals and efforts.

So such a powerful and excellent civilization is not destroyed by the conspiracy of the outside world, but destroyed by one's own self-esteem.