All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1239: Tengen Castle

The first thousand two hundred and thirty-nine chapters Tianyuan City

The three of them thought in their hearts that they were all eight-legged crocodile hitting the seat in a magical battle, and the eight-legged crocodile shot out like a meteor.

Han Chen didn't expect Huang Mengmeng's chasing soldiers to chase him so quickly. Now he is still on the space law disk. After another thirty days, Han Chen saw a white light opening in front of the pitch black, suddenly suddenly. Cheerful, when Han Chen opened his eyes, he had already reached the center of an ancient teleportation formation.

Strange creatures with ten names and ranks stood all around. They were not human races, but seemed to be other civilized races in God's Domain.

The man who took the lead had the ability of a mythical creature. He was wearing a coarse linen and sitting cross-legged.

I only heard the leader say, "Welcome to Tianyuan City, the fellow Taoist was sent from God's Domain Civilization?"

"Exactly." Han Chen answered truthfully.

"Please get out of the circle and register here. Newcomers must come to me to receive the task." said the leader.

"Mission? Didn't I get it directly from God's Domain Alliance?" Han Chen was a little afraid of being killed, and asked a few more questions.

"That's the mission of the Gods Domain Alliance. Since you are in my Tianyuan City and are blessed by my Tianyuan City, you will naturally perform related duties to my Tianyuan City." said the old Maid leader.

"Understand." Han Chen reached calmly. He is now at the level of mythological form, and with the help of mysterious mists. Even when the eternal state comes, Han Chen is confident that he can fight back one or two.

"What's your name?" the old man in Mai asked.

"Han Chen."

"The rank of God's Domain Alliance. Here is an explanation. Since you have entered our Tianyuan City for the first time, we will judge your strength according to the rank of God's Domain Alliance, and then choose the Dongfu for you according to your strength level."

"Thank you fellow Daoist. The next level is Grade A, Grade Two."

"Ah, Xiongtai is already at the level of mythological form?" The old man's eyes opened, revealing small gray eyes, like a pair of black leopard eyes.

"Well, that's right." Han Chen nodded.

"The Taoist fellow doesn't need to go through these tedious procedures, please follow me to the room." The old man in Mai suddenly became enthusiasm.

"By the way, my two partners have been in a coma since they entered the ancient battlefield. Is there a way for fellow Daoists to save one or two?" Han Chen knows nothing about the ancient battlefield, and now he can only ask the Gods Domain Alliance. People out.

"This is because the divinity in their bodies has not been transformed. It's too complicated. They need to cultivate a more refined divinity here in the ancient battlefield. This is a very common divine overload, as long as we eat the yuan of our Tianyuan City. Magic Pill, for divine purification, only two or three years will be fine, otherwise you may encounter a nightmare of Dao Tribulation. If you are not careful, you will be forever.” The old man in Mai invited Han Chen to go upstairs and soaked in a cup of spirit. Tea.

After a while, the fragrance was full and the spiritual power fluctuated, so Han Chen felt a kind of epiphany when he smelled it.

"It's just that I don't know how to exchange this Yuan Devil Pill?" Han Chen walked to the Tinglou, only to see the environment here.

It is closer to the feudal dynasty of earth civilization, with pavilions, towers and pavilions, and blue tiles and flying scorpions. However, because it is very close to the Hehuan League, there is a danger of war breaking out here at any time.

Therefore, the formation here is strict, and strict control is imposed on the personnel in the city to prevent the opponent's spies from sneaking in.

"There's no need to worry about the Yuan Mo Pill. As long as you promise to join our Tian Yuan City Guards for a hundred years, you can naturally receive the Yuan Mo Pill every day. I am rather curious about what kind of exercises the Daoists practice. I need to know what the Daoists are. Divinity is also very complicated, but still possesses divinity, without losing consciousness."

"Oh, that's the case." Han Chen replied calmly. For this question, it is most likely because the exercise technique given to him by the "Xuanwu ancestor" can directly accommodate the complex divinity.

"As far as I can go without restriction, it is probably because of the exercises I practiced. It is extremely difficult for me to practice the exercises at first. It is much more tortuous than normal people, and the natural divinity will be more refined and unrestricted."

"My fellow Daoists, this year is Guigeng?"

"Less than a hundred years." Han Chen didn't answer truthfully, but said calmly, to let these guys know his true age, for fear that he would be caught back for a live experiment.

"The Daoist is so young, the future is limitless." The old man said with envy.

After the two talked for a while, they were taken into an ancient tower with the word Bing Guards written on it.

Han Chen walked in and saw a lot of monks from the human race, but there were also a lot of monks from other civilizations, such as green faces, biological faces, radiant faces, and all kinds of them.

The old man in Mai seemed to think that Han Chen could be his best friend, so he led Han Chen into the Bing Guard with the intention to make friends.

As soon as Han Chen entered the Department of Guards, several mental powers no weaker than him swept over, unscrupulously.

However, these levels of spiritual power are already in the form of myths, and naturally have proud capital.

Han Chen pretended not to notice.

"Who is here!" At this moment, a powerful shout suddenly came from the crowd surrounded by people.

Containing spiritual energy, it suddenly covered other people's voices.

"The mythical form exists at the top level!"

Han Chen whispered in his heart.

At this time, with this cry, the creatures around gave way. Han Chen looked over from the crowd and found a strong man with a huge head sitting in the middle, playing with pieces of jade slips in his hands. .

"Captain Hong, you bring the newcomer directly to me, do you know the rules?" The two mouths opened and closed like a fan.

"Director Hu, this person comes from the Gods Domain Alliance and is rated Grade A and Grade Two. Is he eligible to register directly without testing?" The old man Ma Yi's serious old face finally showed a smile and said.

"Class A, Second Grade, that's not low. You can barely meet the conditions, you come to register, first test the divine purity." The big-headed creature known as Chief Hu reluctantly agreed, and then slowly stood up. .

His head is really too big, he directly used his divine volley to fly.

"In order to reflect their own strength, some strong people usually directly use mythological forms as their usual external images, don't underestimate them." At this time, the old man in Mai explained next to Han Chen's ear.

However, Han Chen knew that Director Hu had always retained the mythological form. It seemed that in the mythological form, every time he was promoted to a level, there would be earth-shaking changes than before.

Soon, Han Chen was taken to an emerald tower that might be higher than the sky, with a green glow on it.

"This is the emerald tower to test the purity of the divinity. Here, only the pure divinity can evolve into an eternal creature. If your divinity is mixed, you may be limited to mythical form for the rest of your life. This emerald tower, lit one floor, is the first rank. A total of nine ranks. The youngest director in front of him, Director Hu, once lit up the three-story emerald tower during the test."