All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1301: Weird channel

I sighed when I thought of it.

The Guluo clan would definitely not give up to themselves. Needless to say, the Feng Hai clan had already offended to death.

Even if the Hong family knew that the eternal realm guy of the Hong family hadn't even had time to announce his name, he would be swallowed directly by Han Chen's Ao Bai, and he would be even more angry.

But the guy wanted to cause trouble several times, and Han Chen killed him, but he didn't feel sorry for them.

However, the Hong family didn't care about this. They finally came out of an eternal state, and were killed by Han Chen.

No matter what, I have to find a substitute for the dead.

When Han Chen thought of this, he still felt a bit bitter in his heart. He never thought that the four big families had offended three of them.

This God Realm Alliance has made it, and there are pits everywhere.

However, Han Chen was not afraid of these three families. According to Han Chen's judgment, after the Demon Xiaoyan swallowed the seed of the Demon Realm, his strength should be able to recover to the late eternal stage.

Although it cannot be confronted, it should be no problem to escape.

After thinking about it, feel a little peace of mind, and then run the exercises silently, and begin to adjust and repair oneself.

After half a month passed, the Taicang Hall suddenly trembled.

Then a three-door entrance suddenly appeared in front of him.

The Guro family saw that they opened three doorways, but rushed in towards the largest door in the middle without saying a word.

The Feng Hai family, the two teams, glanced at each other, and then rushed towards the door on the right.

Han Chen, Director Hu, Hong Hu and others discussed for a while, and then went in toward the door on the left.

After entering the doorway on the left, it looked unusually hot, and the dark bricks on the ground gradually turned red.

It was weird to look at the expressions on their faces.

It's okay for Han Chen to arrive. After all, he had practiced Summoning Bonfire on the Tulong clan before, so he had a certain resistance to flames.

After a while, everyone took out their protective shields, which could withstand the flame heat on this side.

Suddenly they looked up and found that the road above it seemed to be visible, and now it became transparent.

"What is this?" Jin Pangli showed a weird look. Judging from the other's clothes, he looked like a member of the Feng Hai family in blue.

"I don't know. The previous generation of people didn't seem to mention such a thing." Hu Jun explained.

"We can see them, and there must be others who can see us." With that, Han Chen looked down and then used the Void Elf to cross over to take a look.

At this look, although Han Chen couldn't see much.

But after the void elves passed through, they found that the people of the Guro family and the Feng Hai family seemed to be under Han Chen's control.

The Void Elf replied, "Although my ability to travel through space has been hindered, the restriction seems to be not as strong as before because of disrepair for a long time. I can barely take two people to shuttle, and it will be a little difficult if there are more."

Han Chen pondered at this time, and this time he had already forged an antagonism with the Feng Hai family, and it seemed that there was no need to be polite.

It seems that only Han Chen can travel through the space right now. Should we take this opportunity to solve the Feng Hai family?

A strange smile appeared in Han Chen's heart.

Thinking about it, Han Chen began to slowly fall behind to the end, leaving Wu Yuan by his side.

Director Hu didn't care, and he kept rushing forward.

For unknown reasons, the Feng Hai family in the blue clothes suddenly accelerated just now.

"If those from the Feng Hai family can see us, then it means that we are like running on a three-tiered track. Only the fastest runner will be able to pass this road!" Suddenly Honghu Lake Said.

"Then let's move forward quickly!" Following the words of Director Hu, they all concentrated on running.

But because it was still lower than the flame heat, it didn't run very fast either.

Han Chen found out that Honghu and Hong Chang didn't seem to care about Han Chen's backwardness, and they thought that Han Chen had gone to prevent accidents.

Han Chen confessed to Wu Yuan, and Wu Yuan asked Han Chen to be careful, so she went to cover her.

The Void Elf was really magical, and Han Chen soon crossed Han Chen's road and came to the sky above the blue-clothed Feng Hai clan.

The Feng Hai family is also unusually hot here, and obviously everyone has experienced the same.

Han Chen showed a weird smile, and also let the Void Elf float to the very end. Looking at the last two disciples, the Void Elf swallowed it in one bite, and the entire space was quiet all of a sudden.

When the two disciples appeared in the void, their faces were full of consternation.

"You are stinging Han Chen!" the two exclaimed.

Han Chen didn't keep his hands, and sent Ao Bai and Xueyan to kill them instantly. In the void, after all, it is Han Chen and the world of the void elves.

Han Chen took away the storage bags of the two of them, only to realize that there were very few good things inside, all of which were broken copper and iron.

Said bad luck.

Then Han Chen returned his mind to the Feng Hai family crowd during the run, and found that no one had noticed the situation behind him. Han Chen searched the back again to confirm that there was no danger, and he did the same again.

Let the Void Elf absorb the two again, and this time Han Chen was even more comfortable. Before the two could make a difference, they were killed by Han Chen and Ao Bai.

At this time, Han Chen noticed that there was some confusion in the Feng Hai family team outside.

Feng Hailingxun, who took the lead, showed a heavy expression and asked, "Have you really noticed the departure of the four clansmen?"

"Yes, the echoes in the corridor here are relatively loud, so we didn't notice their departure." At this time, he said as the last one.

"Will the two have left by themselves?" a tribe member guessed.

"They left by themselves? Why didn't you leave by themselves? In this kind of ghost place, if you leave the team, wouldn't it mean you are looking for death?" Feng Hailing roared furiously, although he still ordered everyone to go forward, but he was more than half of his spirits. The power is at the end of the team.

Those three people who walked in the end didn't even dare to leave the team.

Han Chen saw that if he wanted to make another move, he would be easily spotted by Feng Hailing Xun.

In addition, the Void Elf's wastage was a bit too much, and Han Chen had to go back first.

Once back, Wu Yuan happily held Han Chen's hand, which made Han Chen a little touched.

After returning, the team was still very peaceful, and no one seemed to have noticed Han Chen's departure.

"Did you find anything over there?" Hu Jun suddenly heard a voice asking.

"No, what's the matter?" Han Chen replied after hesitating.

"Pay attention to the top of your head, you count the number of people, have you noticed that they seem to be missing four people from the Feng Hai family!" Hu Jun suddenly said strangely.