All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1523: Seawater tide

But it didn't work at all. The flame seemed to recognize that Wu Yuan, who was in his early days, was the biggest threat.

Suddenly, everyone was anxious again, and Sun Xue flew over, preparing to transform into an ice crystal phoenix, flying towards the flame.


At this moment, there was a scream from the flames!

"Sea tide!"

Bursting sea water is gushing from the inside out!

In an instant, the nearby flames vibrated, and Sun Xue saw the situation clearly, and quickly arranged four ice walls around Wu Yuan, temporarily blocking the flames from emerging.

Wu Yuan was able to breathe, and raised the Seagod's scepter high, and eight vortexes appeared in all directions. The vortex kept leaving sea water above the vortex. The sea water collapsed and suppressed all the flames around.

With Sun Xue's cooperation, Wu Yuan maximized her abilities. The surging sea water instantly flooded the surrounding flames, but the sea water fell into the Fallen Phoenix Valley and instantly turned into water vapor and floated up.

It was at this time that everyone could see clearly where the flames came from.

I saw the flames in the Falling Phoenix Valley, like a giant dragon snake. When the dragon snake waved, it stirred up countless flame barriers.

"Here, what kind of monster is this?" With Sun Xue's help, Wu Yuan summoned the tides of the sea and suppressed the fire.

But this situation may continue indefinitely.

"I don't know what this monster is! It's too fast, I can't see it clearly!" Although Jin Pangli had an epee, he still couldn't get a good method, and he was burned from time to time.

The stone puppets of Zhao Feiwu were also smoked into black charcoal. Although they could still act, they had already lost their divine nature and their combat effectiveness had been greatly lost.

"Let's fly away from this place!" Wu Yuan said with difficulty. Now that there are so many people here, it is very difficult for the void elves to rescue them.

So they can only retreat while fighting.

Everyone had that thought in mind, so they fought and retreated.


At this moment, a loud roar of unwillingness came from the Falling Phoenix Valley, and within a short time, flames rose all over the sky, and the flame barrier surrounded all the surroundings.

"What to do, what do we do!" Zhao Feiwu was the first to panic, his puppet turned into lime directly.

The fire around them completely surrounded them.

Wu Yuan was stunned when she saw this scene, but she still forced her spirit to infuse all the seagod’s scepter into the seagod’s scepter, adding eight rotating vortices at a time, turning everything around here into a world of sea water. They completely surrounded the six of them!

That Tu Huang muttered silently in his heart, and then summoned the waving dragon, intercepted it in the flames, and swallowed the flames, but it was still a drop in the bucket!

The fire here is too fierce!

"What to do, we are all surrounded and we are going to be burned to death! These flames seem to be inexhaustible! And there is no way to withstand the opponent's offensive." That Jin Pangli was desperate. Looking ahead.

The rest of the people are in the same mood at this time.

Wu Yuan looked at everyone with guilt in her heart. Her cultivation level was not weak, and she was also the nemesis of this flame, but the problem was that she couldn't really extinguish these flames.

Why is this?

All this is so strange.

Han Chen, I am really useless.

I can't even put out such a flame, I am ashamed of those people, I am sorry for them.

I'm not reconciled, Han Chen!

Come out, help me!

Wu Yuan kept praying.

Sun Xue looked at Wu Yuan's expression, and thought of that person in her heart. If he was here, he would have a way.

As Jin Pangli watched everyone silent, the Korean team also emerged in his heart.

The fire light fell down, completely surrounded the six of them, and the surging fire light came surging.


The high temperature and fire light completely enveloped them, making their breathing more solemn.

In this way, they thoroughly felt the surging power crushed.

Han Chen...

Everyone is calling.

Wu Yuan didn't know how long it took, but at the latest, the feeling of suffocation and burning all over her body disappeared in an instant, and she became as simple as it is now.

She opened her eyes slowly, and she was lying peacefully in a person's arms. The embrace was so cold that she was so comfortable that she wanted to lie down and sleep.

The embrace is so tender, it is unforgettable.

The person who brought him into the eye had a strong chest and strong arms. He was wearing a green suit with a certain smile on his face.

Soon Wu Yuan could see clearly, excitement emerged in her heart, hugged the man tightly, and said, "I knew you would come!"

After a while, Wu Yuan asked nervously again, "You won't just save me, right?"

"Oh, look back." Han Chen said with a smile, and Han Chen's face was slightly red at this time.

Wu Yuan looked back, her face flushed immediately, the five people were lining up to look at Wu Yuan and Han Chen.

Wu Yuan had used a lot of divinity just now, so she was the slowest to wake up, so this led to their situation.

"Team Korea, how did you manage to stay in this fiery place and still keep us safe?" Jin Pangli blushed because Wu Yuan was his wife, so Jin Pangli hurriedly broke the topic. , Save Wu Yuan.

As expected, Wu Yuan cast a grateful look at him.

But this question is enough to support everyone's attention.

Because they tried a lot of methods just now, and they couldn't deal with the fire, so it was even more helpless.

As a result, it is even more frightening.

That's why they have such despair.

Those people said so.

"Hehe, you should know the Daewoo-class free space. Actually, you entered the Daewoo-class free space of this guy as soon as you came. Within the space of the other party, they can define everything as inexhaustible. Inexhaustible, you can only fight against them by opening up the corresponding Daewoo-class own space. This is the difference in strength."

Han Chen also had some embarrassment just now, and the question Jin Pangli mentioned now just made everyone give up their curiosity just now.

"Daewoo-level? This guy? We haven't seen any creatures, why are there Daewoo-level creatures?" Zhao Feiwu also raised his own question depressed at this time.

"Let me see!" Han Chen didn't laugh, and then maintained the Daewoo-class self-owned space, opened up the self-owned space, and flew up to the high altitude.