All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1527: Yunyang Dan

After falling for the next seven days, Han Chen repaired here. Han Chen refined Yunyang Pill last time. He had never had the opportunity to test the effect before. Now, after Han Chen repaired it, he still had time, so he took it out. Yunyang Dan.

These Yunyang Pills seem to be very precious, and three Taoist writings have appeared on them.

"This is the third grade **** pill!"

Han Chen's heart was agitated, and it seemed that this time he was afraid that he would have to improve his cultivation level again, and then scared the old immortals to death.

However, after reaching the top level of the Daewoo class, the Nine Ranks Conferred God is needed.

That's the real Kaner.

But this is not what Han Chen needs to worry about now.

Han Chenfu took Yunyang Pill.

A warm current of heat quickly flowed through his body, making Han Chen feel tongtai all over his body, and at the same time, the veins of the day were running again.

The broken meridians in Han Chen's body were completely stabilized, and Han Chen's cultivation was restored to its previous level. He caught the medicine of Yunyang Pill. Han Chen's practice this time was more than before. A bit of divine fluctuation.

Obviously more powerful.

"The effect of Yunyang Pill is not bad." Han Chen commented softly.

There were still five pills in his hand. Han Chen scanned the outside and found that there was no special divine fluctuation, and swallowed Yunyang Pill again, but at this time it only added a little bit of cultivation to Han Chen.

"Could it be that this Yunyang Pill has insufficient medicinal properties?"

Han Chen whispered.

In fact, all this is wrong.

That's because Han Chen used to absorb the breath of reincarnation or the fire, that was a level-by-level upward change, and now taking a pill is a slight change, so Han Chen feels a little slow.

This is actually just a kind of contrast, but in fact they are all the same.

As a result, Han Chen also gave a wry smile.

I still ate the pills one by one.

The strength in Han Chen's mind has increased by a few points, but it doesn't matter anymore, the main thing is to completely stabilize the Daewoo Intermediate.

"This pill seems to be a large number of consumables. But the two Daewoo-class priests only collected a pot of pill. Presumably these pill is very difficult to collect, right?"

Han Chen gave a wry smile.

However, with the current cultivation base, Han Chen felt that he could take one step further, so he told others to practice on the spot.

So Han Chen sorted out the income this time.

In the end, Han Chen's eyes fell on the planet's divine body, and this time he wanted to improve again, I was afraid that he would find it on this planet's divine body.

Han Chen thought so, and then began to operate the planetary body.

The surging power was immediately instilled into the flesh of the whole body. After fighting the barbaric Yanyi Thunderbolt, Han Chen found that his physical strength had increased a bit.

Looking inside, Han Chen found that the dantian in his body had turned into a three-cluster starlight vortex, that was the planetary divine body he had cultivated before.

Later, Han Chen did not give up on the planetary body, and would practice it whenever he had the opportunity, so Han Chen had a small vortex after these three starlight vortexes, and this small vortex had not yet taken shape.

Han Chen's task is to completely shape this small vortex.

According to past experience, if the planetary divine body cultivates to the whirlpool stage, Han Chen has a chance to enter the earth civilization.

Prior to this, as the method of condensing the godhead became more and more urgent, Han Chen hoped to find a way to condense the godhead in earth civilization.

There were no years of cultivation, and five years passed in a hurry.

In the boundless sea, there is a group of cowering people hiding on a giant ship. This ship looks very old, and the flags on it are already tattered. These people are still hiding. Here.

Obviously there is a conspiracy.

In this boundless sea, if you cannot fly without a flying boat, you may encounter the attacks of those sea beasts at any time. Generally speaking, the huge spacecraft is used to avoid the attacks of the sea beasts. Relatively speaking, the spacecraft is very It's safe.

Sure enough, a relatively small flying boat passed by after a while. Twelve people appeared on the flying boat, including three women. They were all very excited, as if they had discovered a new world.

He immediately jumped on the broken ship, and the woman with the ponytail who took the lead shouted loudly, "Master, look at us already occupying a bigger ship, how about we drive this ship back!"

"Xiao Lan, come back soon, that's a ghost ship! That's a legendary ghost ship!" At this moment, a thirteenth person walked out of the boat, but this person looked senile, apparently unable to live long.

However, the sailor-like disciples around him were very respectful to him.

"This ship is beautiful and beautiful. Why is it a ghost ship? Even if there are ghosts, how can I be afraid of Meng Xiaolan! We are all cultivators, and we all know how to expel and kill ghosts, don't we? , Then let them taste their own power!" That Meng Xiaolan was indeed Meng Lang, and jumped on the ghost ship without fear.

"Oh, waiting for your love will suffer from you." The old man couldn't persuade him at first glance, and beckoned others to follow and protect their eldest sister.

As a result, the eldest sister Meng Xiaolan exclaimed, scaring everyone else to sweat. The others really thought there was a ghost.

Hurriedly jumped over, wanting to ask what happened. For a while, the others also walked up excitedly.

But there has been a fight for Meng Xiaolan, and Meng Xiaolan yelled and asked, "Where are you from the ghost, express your name!"

"Where did the ghost of Menglang come from? We are not ghosts. Tell you the truth, we are the four ghosts of the boundless sea. We specialize in that..." The voice was very sharp, and it cast a disgusting voice. taste.

"You still said that you are not a ghost? You all said that you are boundless and four ghosts? The sky is ridiculous." Meng Xiaolan laughed.

"Looking for death, are the names of the four ghosts of the boundless sea so ridiculous? Why don't you look at our cultivation base, our cultivation base is already at the elementary level of the eternal state, you yellow-haired girl is just a small mythical form, it's not enough Suffer!" The shrill voice among the four ghosts of the boundless sea roared and rushed out, with a large headscarf on his head, holding a ghost sword in his hand, a large and a small yin and yang sword, with a lot of power.

"It turns out that you are real people! The old lady has no reason to be afraid of you!" Meng Xiaolan seemed to have something to say. She took out a white silk from her hand and raised it towards the sky, tearing a corner of the sky apart.

"Good guy!"

The four ghosts of the boundless sea jumped out, yin and yang double knives, coming and going like the wind and going without a trace, instantly covering all the vitals of Meng Xiaolan.

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