All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 180: Heaven Media

The Celestial Mercenary Corps is behind the Celestial Media, a company supported by foreign forces, and a force often used by foreign members of the Protect Earth Alliance to disrupt the situation.

In the last Ulivis incident and the Blood Emperor incident, Heavenly Media played a huge role, and China has been investigating their evidence.

Unfortunately, the evidence found is all evidence of their collusion with the foreign veterans of the alliance. Although these evidences can deal a huge blow to them, they do not constitute a crime of treason. Even if it is a crime of treason, it can only deal with some people and cannot proceed. A fatal blow.

During the period when Han Chen's image was borrowed, Tianguo Media also had friction with Han Chen.

Wu Yuan said: "If they really did these things with the other party, then the other party really deserves to die, but can we just kill the door?"

Han Chen said: "It was originally impossible, but now they tout me as the savior. As the savior, killing some human traitors is a matter of course. This is the obligation of the savior."

Everyone in the world was shocked. Is Han Chen trying to break the situation with violence?

They even used the reputation that the other party had given themselves to deal with the other party. Even if the reputation is damaged, they can still afford the reputation compared to the benefits of killing the other party.

Moreover, if Han Chen is willing to be a butcher at the expense of self-defilement, then the military must also fully support it, and Han Chen's safety will be guaranteed.

Next, Han Chen contacted the King of the World and asked him to help create an "accident" for himself.

When Han Chen started planning, the headquarters of Tianguo Media was also planning its own.

"Boss, the advance payment of the alliance has arrived." A beautiful secretary reported to the young man in front of him.

Then, he handed over a list, which is their benefit to the Alliance for the Protection of the Earth.

The boss of Heaven Media’s name is Feng Xing Mie. He is only in his twenties. He was originally one of the heirs of Heaven, but after God’s Domain came, all his family members were killed in an "accident." Seizing the opportunity in the subsequent wave, he became the top power of the magic capital in one fell swoop.

Feng Xingmie glanced at the list and said, "I see, by the way, how are we doing in the next publicity work?"

The beautiful secretary flirted with her hair, and then naturally sat on Feng Xing Mie's lap, and said softly: "Feng XingMie has never had any flaws in his plan, and this time is no exception."

While she was speaking, her hands had already begun to untie the buttons that had died down.

Feng Xing Mie did not stop her movement, but urged: "Continue to report."

Playing with women is his hobby, but the company is his career. Only smart women who do not affect his career can stay by his side.

The beauty secretary is very familiar with Feng Xing An, so when his hands are not stopping, it does not affect the reporting work: "The Chinese military has released the defense line and intends to extend the front line. We have already contacted the Yasheng Group and the Mahe Group. Yes, while we condemned the military’s incompetence, we also attracted thousands of passionate young people, mainly students, who are better used. Next, we will replace the military in suppressing the Hai people, and their families Together with friends, it is estimated that 300,000 people will suppress the Hai people together."


Just as she was about to move further, a middle-aged man kicked the door of the office open, and then a middle-aged man broke in, followed by several people.

The middle-aged man said angrily: "Do you know what you are doing? Inciting others to suppress the Hai Clan together? Doing so is sending them to death!"

Feng Xing Mie sneered: "Uncle Li, your thinking is too backward. The current tide of the times is sailing against the current. If we don't advance, we will retreat. If we can't go against the current, then we will be eliminated by the times. This is a plan in a day. You’re not afraid to take a chance!”

Uncle Li angrily said: "This one-day plan is to encourage us to take risks, but it is not used to incite innocent people! If we want to take risks, we can take our own risks. Why should we involve those innocent people? You? Do you think I don’t know your guts? You are basically using them for your own benefit."

Feng Xingmie looked righteous and said: "I can't bear to see the lives of the Yangtze River stricken with charcoal, so even if we die, we have to stop the Sea Clan. The military is incompetent. We can only use our lives to build the Great Wall of Steel. Those people are just people who agree with our ideas."

"you you you......"

Uncle Li was so angry that he couldn't even speak clearly. His face flushed, "You are using them at all. After they die, you use their lives to serve the military, to give the Huaxia military a fatal blow, and then Give this credit to the alliance in exchange for benefits!"

Feng Xing said: "Uncle Li, it is against the law to spread rumors. Now the country is in an emergency state of preparedness. If the rumors are serious, they can directly kill them.

Uncle Li shouted: "Do you think I'm afraid of this? I tell you, I won't watch you sacrifice so many people."

Feng Xing Mie still calmly said: "For the sake of ideals and the future of mankind, I am not afraid of sacrifice."

Uncle Li continued to roar: "That's because the person who sacrificed was not you!"

Feng Xingdie said: "It is normal for Uncle Li to not understand me, but I can't give up such a great feat because of your incomprehension. Then I will ask Uncle Li to go back and rest!"

"You, you let me go, let me go!"

Uncle Li was forcibly pulled down as he spoke.

Feng Xingmie's eyes flashed the color of yin, and said: "If it weren't for the **** video and synchronous transmission function of the Gods Domain watch, I would have killed him long ago."

The beauty secretary disdainfully said: "That is, it is nothing to sacrifice hundreds of thousands of people for the sake of big plans. Anyway, when the sea people attack the city, they may not survive. What happened to sacrifice for us?"

Feng Xingmie said helplessly: "There is no way, there are too few people who understand us. When we completely control the magic capital, they will understand our painstaking efforts."

When the military opened the line of defense, he led someone to guard the line of defense. What a heroic feat.

Of course, he knows that even hundreds of thousands of people cannot be opponents of the Sea Clan. These people are destined to be sacrificed, but their sacrifices are also valuable. At that time, they will shirk all responsibilities to the army. Fang's incompetence came up, and then used public opinion to attack the military, and then they stepped up to guide everyone and completely took the magic way into his own hands.

Thinking of this, a smug smile was outlined at the corner of his mouth.