All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 229: Priority supply

Chapter 229 Priority Supply

"Do they think they are worth more than the Titan blood? It's ridiculous."

Deng Qing couldn't help but sneered at the statement made by Bangguo that denounced Midiguo.

The value of the Titan bloodline itself may be limited, but there is a big gap between it and not. With the Titan bloodline, the survival rate of the team is very high, and many dangerous places can be set foot.

Even, they may also get the same Titan reincarnation pool as Han Chen.

Therefore, sacrificing a great ally in exchange for benefits is a perfect deal for them, and Huaxia promises that Mitty’s 1,000 Titan bloodlines will be paid in ten days. After ten days, even if Mitty wants to change his mind. Wind, everything is settled.

"This hand is too cruel, but I like it."

Even Han Chen was surprised by the country's decisiveness. Huaxia's army was displayed on the border of Ligao Country. Didn't you refuse us entry? Well, now you dare to step out of one, we will kill one.

We do not violate international conventions, but you should not have any chances.

After Huaxia gave up part of its interests, the Great Kingdom was completely abandoned by the Midi Kingdom. Since then, China has lost a hidden danger by its side, and it has also made the world see China's determination.

As for the wailing of Bangguo? No one will care.

If you don’t suffer a loss, you will never be able to learn a lesson. Of course, the truly wise people learn the lesson from the disadvantages of others. Now the lesson of the great country has shocked countless small countries.

Hundreds of thousands of people are slaughtered by the Titans in Bang Nation every day. Every day they are on the way to be chased by the Titans. They cry and mourn, but no matter how they begged or asked for international help, they could not call for any support. military.

The same is true of Li Gao Country. After opening the door to let the Titans come in, they were also affected by the anger of the Titans, and they were also seriously injured.

However, Huaxia's army was stationed at their door, and no one could enter or come out.

However, they are not ordinary countries after all.

"The Titans are now retaliating against Bang Nation. Everyone must be prepared to avoid disasters. Don't be affected. When the Bang Nation and the Titans are both lost, we can reap the benefits."

Under such propaganda, Li Gaoguo made a concerted effort to betray the great country.

At this time, Alizee also found Han Chen.

"The West sent you the queen of the future, isn't it afraid that you will be abducted?" Wu Yuan expressed annoyance at Alizee's behavior of finding Han Chen over and over again.

She is simply seduce naked.

However, Han Chen couldn't refuse her yet.

Alizee smiled at Han Chen and said, "I'm here for business. The above wants to buy Titan blood from the Huaxia military level, but Huaxia refused, so I want me to find a breakthrough from you."

Han Chen asked: "How many quotas are given to you above?"

Alizee said: "They want at least five hundred, the price is easy to say, they can pay up to three hundred amethyst coins."

Han Chen said: "I can give you one hundred pedigree promotion quotas every day, for 30 consecutive days, each blood will have one hundred amethyst coins."

Wu Yuan was calm on the surface, her feet under the table had quietly stepped on Han Chen's feet.

Everyone has taken the initiative to propose such a high price, so why don't you take the opportunity to raise the price? Instead, keep the price down?

Alizee thought for a while and said, "Yes, but you have to tell me that the price you sell to me is two hundred amethyst coins."

Wu Yuan was stunned: "Isn't it considered that the blood of the Holy Spirit represents justice?"

The price offered to the West was 200, and Han Chen sold it to Alizee at a price of 100, so Alizee made at least half of the difference in the middle! This middleman is too much!

"Justice doesn't mean brain damage." Alizee smiled at Wu Yuan.

Everything about myself is done under the eyelids of those in the West, and everything is controlled by them, but if you want to get out of their control, you must have some extra things that are not controlled by them.

Han Chen nodded and said, "I am willing to do you a favor."

Anyway, the situation in the west can no longer be broken. Now that the hope of the West is pinned on Alizee, perhaps the hope of mankind can be even more.

In any case, it is always necessary to try.

And Han Chen's Titan blood also caused a storm in the Raiders team.

"One day's plan has opened up another way to obtain bloodlines after blood lineage? Is there any legal lineage next time? I will buy it if I have it."

"Moreover, the acquisition of this pedigree can only be achieved in one day!"

"You don't need a monopoly to get huge profits for a day's plan? Even 500 Amethyst Coins of this bloodline can be sold!"

"It's worthy of a day's work, this pattern is unusual."

The blood lineage of the blood family is relatively easy to obtain, and the blood family is very contagious. Whether it is in the realm of the gods or in reality, there are channels to obtain the blood lineage. Even if the blood family uses tricks when it first embraces, it can cost 500 Kyanite coins. Let God's Domain help solve it.

However, the Titan bloodline is unique to Han Chen here.

If monopolized, even if you sell nails, you can make a fortune. However, Han Chen did not use the Titan blood to make huge profits. Instead, he only sold the friendly price of 100 Amethyst coins, only the Raiders group, and the order of purchase was as follows The principle of giving priority to contributions has nothing to do with strength.

In this regard, some people have also expressed doubts: [After getting the Titan bloodline, the life-saving ability is improved, but why do you have to give priority to the Raiders group? Is the Raiders group superior to others? 】

[Everyone is equal, and competition should be fair. We can add more money. 】

[We should determine the possession of the Titan blood by drawing lots or lotteries. 】

Under the guidance of some people, the voice of the people on this has become higher and higher, and they have demanded that the Titan blood be distributed in a fair manner in a day, and should not be arbitrary.

At this time, Han Chen published a text under his account:

[I once read a story with a question: When the military is performing a mission, if the number of body armor is limited, who should be given priority?

Is it for the highest-ranking person or the commander? Or to recruits?

No, the body armor is for the person who is at the forefront of the bullet rain. The role of the Titan blood is now also a body armor. He can protect himself, but this is definitely not a life-saving bloodline, but a life-saving talisman, because of the Titan. People of blood must stand in front of all teammates.

The reason why I give priority to the Titan bloodline to the Raiders team is not because they are strong, but because they stand at the forefront when humans are in danger.

This is the case of the Titan blood, the equipment and potions produced in the world, and all the items in the future will be the same. Our priority supply will always be the Raiders team! 】