All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 230: Go to the Netherworld

Chapter 230 Going to the Nether Territory

Han Chen's post aroused many people's scolding, and also caused many people to think.

"Isn't it just luck to get a good thing? What's so great? Pretend to be a saint?"

"Aren't you selling this thing for money? Pretending to be a good person?"

"That is, the Titan bloodline is also flawed, and the adaptability is not good. We are not rare!"

"I think this is the strategy of the strategy team to expand their influence."

"But, I think this also makes sense!"

"Don't be fooled into attacking the strategy team. The strategy team is very dangerous. Don't go in easily."

The issue of priority of descent inheritance is like the priority of soldiers in vehicles. This is the right that they have to spare their lives to protect the people. If you are not satisfied, you can also choose to follow them.

And after Han Chen posted the post, he didn't pay much attention to the follow-up impact. He could only remind awake people, and never wake up people who pretend to sleep.

China’s military protects the people too well. It protects the world’s most populous country into the safest country. Night travel has become a commonplace meal, which is unthinkable in other big countries.

However, after the arrival of God's Domain, many things have to rely on themselves.

The military can withstand catastrophes, but there are still many disasters that need to be overcome on their own. Han Chen has nothing to do. He wakes up when he wakes up, or he is used to relying on others, but he doesn’t work hard. They fend for themselves!

After the external affairs came to an end, Han Chen entered God's Domain again and began to clean up the task.

In addition to the mission of the mercenary group, Han Chen also went to the city lord mansion to accept the mission of the city lord mansion. When he browsed the task list, a special mission came into his eyes.

[Monitor the movement of the Netherworld, mission reward: 10 Azurite Coins per day, 20 Azurite Coins for special discoveries, and 500 points of reputation in the City Lord’s Mansion. 】

"Is this task for beggars?"

The people who received the mission in the city lord’s mansion were surprised by this top mission. Ten aquamarine coins a day, they just went to play a wave of wild monsters every day, and there were dozens of aquamarine coins material. This is not a surprise. In general, the average daily income of level 15 players from spawning monsters can reach 500 Kyanite coins. This task is indeed a beggar.

Moreover, there is another special aspect of the quest of the City Lord’s Mansion, that is, anyone can receive and do the quest, and whoever completes it first will get paid. That is to say, after you receive the quest, for this reputation Also rush to hand in tasks in front of others.

Isn't this uncomfortable for yourself?

"We take this task." Han Chen said solemnly.

Wu Yuan was a little strange: "Is there a windfall in this mission?"

Han Chen shook his head calmly and said: "There is no unexpected gain, but this place is the junction of Xibo City and Ximei City. I heard that many people from the Midi Kingdom crossed over from here to grab the transfer place of Teddy Bear. ."

Wu Yuan rolled her eyes. She absolutely didn't believe Han Chen's nonsense about this aspect, but she was still worried: "We shouldn't be able to intervene in the affairs between the two countries casually!"

Han Chen nodded and said, "Yes, but we are only doing tasks. Our behaviors only represent individuals, and the gains inside... I mean, the gains from this task are also very rich, with many prestige rewards. , Enough to commit crimes in Jagged City many times."

"Ha ha......"

Mao Xiong’s spot was robbed, and then he thought of stealing things from the Titans by stealing his home. However, their plan failed because of the great country. Not only failed to steal the home, but he also suffered heavy losses and was injured. Countless good players have been at a disadvantage in the dispute with the Mitty country.

However, Huaxia didn't care about their desire to steal their homes, and negotiated with them about the sale of the Titan blood, but they refused strictly. Considering that they did not know the terrible Titan blood at the time, Huaxia did not care too much. What's even more exaggerated is that they actually refused the Chinese military to enter Siberia to fight against the Titans in this situation.

In their eyes, everything in their country belongs to them, including enemies, and outsiders are not qualified to intervene.

This arrogant attitude made Hua Xia angry, so Hua Xia dispelled the plan to sell the Titan blood to them, and sold it to the Midi Kingdom instead.

There is no way, even if there are common enemies, but their attitude is too irritating, and they are not allowed to even let China go north to fight against the ice clan, then you will solve your problems yourself! It is the only one on earth that can send the possible allies and support to the opponent because of his temper.

"Are there other high-level bloodlines here?" Wu Yuan asked.

Han Chen said with a guilty heart: "How would I know if I haven't been there yet?"

"Hehe..." Wu Yuan just smiled, not talking.

Then, the two changed their equipment first, covered their faces with masks, and then took the teleportation array to Xibo City.

After all, their identities are more eye-catching. Few people in foreign countries can recognize them, but it's better not to make extravagances.

After coming to Xibo City, the professionals here are engaged in a declaration of war.

"The people of the Mitty Kingdom have occupied our Netherworld’s career improvement altar 36 times in the past three days, and they have robbed one-third of our career improvement opportunities. This gives us a full 36 A 20-level strong man has not been able to get a chance to improve his career."

A burly young man with black hair and white skin gave an impassioned speech to everyone, "As one ebbs and flows, the gap between us and the Miti country will grow wider and wider, and we may even be overtaken by Huaxia, who comes from behind. Accept this fact?"

"I can't accept it!" the crowd below said angrily.

"Yes, we will never admit defeat!"

"We want to get rid of Mitty and restore the rule of the Netherworld!"

"We must not be overtaken by Huaxia!"

The morale of the fighting nation was stimulated to the greatest extent, and for a time there was a loud voice and momentum.

When Han Chen and Wu Yuan heard the speech, their faces were full of black lines.

They somewhat understood why China had to sell the quota to the original enemy Miti, such a fighting nation simply couldn't make sense!

Don't be overtaken by Huaxia? Why do you have the illusion that your strength is stronger than Huaxia?

Not to mention that the military has made such a decision. Even if we make the decision on behalf of the military and see you in this way, we will not sell you things.

Are you better than Huaxia? Go with Mitty by yourself! Lord will not help you anymore.

Then, the more than five thousand people gathered together set off for the Nether Territory, they wanted to defeat the Mitty Kingdom, and then grab their own place.

Han Chen sighed in his heart: "It seems that the earth was still too stable at the beginning, and now there is still room for internal fighting. Is the strategy team established too early?"