All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 2341: The disappeared ancestor

"What else did it say in it?" Wu Yuan didn't want to dwell on this issue.

"Let's take a look... Hey, I saw that his Earth Ancestor has also been to the Mirror World!" Han Chen cried out with excitement at this moment, like a treasure! There is a description of the situation of the earth ancestors having traveled to the mirror world.

I have to say that this ancestor of the earth is really awesome, has beaten the emperor violently, and there are many existences that are close to the restricted area of ​​life.

Worthy of being the ancestor of the earth.

Han Chen sighed, and the other party seemed to really practice fruit reincarnation. If he said that he had never been to reincarnation, it would not be possible.

But think about it, the opponent is the leader of the earth civilization in the ancient battlefield, without any ability, it seems that it will not.

Han Chen realized this situation and had to believe that the process was like this.

Han Chen immersed his spirit in the jade slip. The ancestor of the earth had specifically found the mirror world, because he had reached a new stage in his cultivation of the reincarnation path, and he wanted to find his own power here.

But he didn't expect that in this mirror world, he found not the principle of reincarnation, but the principle of time.

In this mirror world, Han Chen also felt that the Tao of Reincarnation was very rare. Could it be that in the end, the ancestor of the earth only found the Tao of Time.

This situation looks really good, but that situation can be more troublesome.

Han Chen also wondered whether he could find the principle of reincarnation.

"This earth saint ancestor is too powerful." This will make Wu Yuan, who is also watching the copy, say to Han Chen.

"Huh?" Han Chen turned around and asked.

"Look, he once detected that storm vortex, although what he said was only a vortex." Wu Yuan said after taking the jade slip.

"It's really amazing. I also saw that part, but I found it very strange. He didn't explain what he saw inside, but it is a fact that he came out safely, and after he entered inside, the following things about the mirror world There is no more." Han Chen showed a touch of thought, this situation is really surprising.

"Wouldn't that help us a lot? We just want to know what's in the vortex of the storm, otherwise we wouldn't plan to rush out here." Wu Yuan thought about it and said.

"Now there is no explanation there, I'm afraid there are really some things in it, it's not convenient to say it, maybe he doesn't even remember it." Han Chen guessed. "But don’t worry. Over the past ten years, the Heaven Tuning Spirit next to him has been hosting. He must have been wandering in the mirror world for a while, and he hasn’t reported anything unusual, so obviously the most important thing is. The place fell into that place."

"Yes, the situation is indeed very bad." Wu Yuan also said lightly.

Han Chen's eyes focused, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

Han Chen walked out of his cave, came out of the star machine, and found the Sky Tuning Spirit, "Are there any special circumstances?"

"There was no special situation in ten years. The Void Elf often traveled outside, and he did not report any special situation." Tuntian Ling said.

"Oh, did you monitor those storm vortexes? Are there any abnormalities in those places?" Han Chen asked.

"The Void Elf is in charge, but he didn't say anything, there should be no special circumstances." Tuntian Ling replied.

Han Chen pondered for a while. It seemed that this mirror world was relatively stable. Although those worlds were completely different from the time before him, he was still stable in this mirror world.

It seems that the next step depends on how to get out of the mirror world. Judging from the path of the earth ancestor, after walking through the storm vortex, nothing will be said later. That means it must be from the storm vortex. Out.

But now that everyone is studying Taoism, and here is very suitable for learning Taoism, it is better to let everyone stay here to learn Taoism for a while.

Han Chen reconsidered. Although his Taoism has reached a special situation now, the yellow pearl still needs to be refined.

So Han Chen spread his thoughts to everyone, and they all responded when they received it. The Taoism here is very rich. Even if some of them have not been recognized by their faith, they are still very willing to do such things.

After all, here, according to the description of the earth ancestors, basically all the principles are included!

Han Chen once remembered the description on the stone slab. This is like the ancient world described on the stone slab before.

This made Han Chen puzzled. Could it be that this place seems to have preserved more ancient elements than the ancient battlefield outside.

Han Chen, judging from the travel records of the ancestor of the earth, this place is indeed a place filled with Tao.

In that jade slip, there were recorded two thousand eight hundred principles out of three thousand that the monks already knew.

Almost all of them can be found in this, except for the Tao of Reincarnation, there is no record in the ancestors, almost covering the Tao that the monks already know now.

However, most of these principles are filled in this space in a dense manner.

Han Chen didn't deny this, but said that time and space Dao appeared more here. But with some great abilities, being able to practice two kinds of Dao at the same time is already very remarkable.

This is so that when they are about to reach the end of their cultivation path, when they see that someone has already practiced one of their paths, they can continue to practice on the other path.

Every practice is a fresh start. For them, although there are some cruelties, these cruelties are what they should be. After all, when they practiced, they haven't completely formed.

Under such circumstances, everyone naturally practiced Taoism as much as possible in Tawau, but most people generally have to abandon one Taoism when they reach a certain level, because it is very likely to die in violence.

This is what Han Chen currently knows about Taoism. These contents were also mentioned in the cultivation experience of the ancestor.

It seems that these are already the consensus of the cultivation world.

The most critical problem now is that there is no way to get more cultivation principles, so that the cultivation secret technique can be improved more powerfully.

Han Chen's current practice of time and reincarnation Taoism, Han Chen is also considering how to make his Taoism unified.

However, this is currently impossible to achieve, even the Earth Ancestor himself has not achieved unity.

It seems that more effort is needed.

Han Chen returned to his cave, sat down cross-legged, and then began to think about how to control his own Taoism, put the power of those Taoism on his body, so that his strength reached the extreme, and raised it to an unprecedented height.