All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 2343: Triangle creature

Such a place that seems to make people feel extremely scared, and there are all kinds of creatures wandering!

The creatures of these mirror worlds seemed to be the natural kings here. They wandered around four or four weeks, and soon they were able to grasp exactly what's in here, and they could even swallow those strong people with even higher cultivation bases.

In the travel records of the earth ancestors, there was once recorded a kind of terrifying creature like a triangle, which is almost the existence at the top of the food chain in the entire mirror world. The cultivation of that thing is unfathomable, and in The existence in this mirror world is still there, and even the ancestors of the earth have seen the triangular creature once penetrated the terrifying storm vortex!

The triangular creature now wandered as if it were in his own back garden. Soon, this triangular creature met the terrifying potato-like thunder and lightning creature Han Chen had encountered before.

The potato-like creatures immediately wanted to escape and turned into a mutated divine thunder. The Tao contained extremely rich, even more powerful than the terrifying potatoes encountered by Han Chen and the others!

But the triangular creature didn't even bother it, and flew towards the other side almost without stagnation. At that speed, it was basically like Han Chen flying outside the mirror world. In a short while, Just caught up with each other.

In a few moments, the divine thunder in the sky was frozen at the same time at this moment!

I saw that triangular creature stretched out a rectangular head, and swallowed the potato-like creature in one bite. In an instant, thousands of divine thunders were like water without a source of support. In time, it changed color, and then quickly dissipated in the surrounding space.

The rectangular head of the triangular creature has not yet recovered, and it seems to enjoy this process very much. After all, he has just found a good prey and has eaten up his stomach. It must be really digesting them.

In that case, soon, a strange humanoid creature appeared suddenly. The humanoid creature seemed to be covered with cyan, and then a yellow dot in his hand spread out!

When the humanoid creature came out, the triangular creature seemed to have already sensed the other party’s existence, but now he didn’t seem to care about the other party at all. After all, in his perception, the humanoid creature was just a cultivation base that reached the seal. Compared with his cultivation base, the existence of high-level gods has been investigated too much. He is the overlord of this sky, and he is the terrifying existence that truly dominates all of this! Can't just be killed by the opponent like this!

He only needs to gently open his mouth, and he can swallow the humanoid creature.

So when he saw the yellow dots spreading out, he immediately opened his rectangular mouth and went over to devour the humanoid creature.

But in the next second, the entire space began to be distorted, and the triangular creature found that he had swallowed his mouthful of air, and there was nothing!

Then he was completely trapped! I saw a different shape of myself!

He saw that the surrounding space was no longer that monotonous, it looked terrifying, and it was pitch black everywhere.

Then he saw his hand, it turned out to be a long tentacle, not the line. He saw that his body was no longer triangular, and he turned into a huge hill!

But his feet are no longer a point of origin, but a row of feet like wheels.

"Ah!" he roared, and a long mutated divine thunder spouted from his mouth. The mutated divine thunder full of mutated thunder suddenly filled the sky, and the bombed space became ruins!

The one who saw this scene was a puppet. He was a little frightened as a whole. This situation seems to be too wrong. He can't tell what's wrong, but he used those devoured divine thunder before, it is impossible to cause it. Such a terrifying explosion!

He was trapped!

He has never appeared in such a world!

"No, no, wait, is this all caused by that terrible humanoid creature? He, where is he? Could it be that he wanted to hide and suddenly attack me?" He was thinking, Suddenly raising his head, he saw the man in a cyan gown in front of him. At this time, his hands were filled with countless yellow clouds.

And he also wore a fist of yellow pearls in his hand weirdly, and he could see that the yellow clouds were all emanating from the yellow pearls.

"Ah, damn, why is this person so weird! No matter what, let me swallow this stupid existence!" He opened his mouth sharply, but he couldn't control it at all!

The new environment made him unable to shake that hill-like body at all.

"Haha, have you also felt the incompatibility of the different world?" At this moment, the man in the cyan gown showed a relieved smile, and then quickly reactivated the power in his hand, and the yellow clouds revived you. Soon he fell into the side of the creature that looked like a hill, and wrapped him in one hand!

"Life is endless, alone for thousands of years!"

What is the fact that the yellow cloud is filled with mist, enveloping the triangular creatures!

The creatures in Xiaoshan did not understand what the other party was saying. He wanted to resist. He always felt that those yellow clouds were not a good thing, but in this strange world, he couldn't deal with it as easily as he usually did, and he was quickly caught by those yellow clouds. Engulfed.

In such a world, he has experienced it for a long, long time, and the voice of that young one-sentence seems to have become ten thousand years before he finished speaking!

Then the ten thousand years of loneliness finally passed. He suddenly found that his body seemed to have changed. His hands, and then his arms became virtual, and his body had become wrinkled.

"Destroy, I'm tired."

I only heard the young man outside say, and the whole person's body has been directly blurred under a single sentence.

It all turned into broken cloth, he shook it, and his whole body turned into dust!

That young man is Han Chen. After eighty years of cultivation, his current cultivation level has finally evolved to the high level of the Conferred God Realm, and he has mastered the three forms of reincarnation. The trick just now is the three forms of reincarnation, combined with time. Created a 10,000-year reincarnation for the other party, leaving the other party empty in the reincarnation. I don't know what he eventually encountered, and even the tough body of his own hill was directly blurred and turned into ruins!

Han Chen also sighed, his original intention was to find a creature to try his hand.