All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 2384: Juggernaut Three Forms

He Yuancheng shook his head, and began to worry about Han Chen. If something really happened, it would be very troublesome.

In this case, He Yuancheng felt that it was necessary to find a way to rescue Han Chen.

"What can I do? The master is now comprehending the Sword Saint Three Forms, and interruption is not possible at this time. And that power, I am afraid that it has surpassed the three sword lights of the guarding mountain in front of the Sword Saint Mountain. You have seen such a power. Just now, you almost even lifted the lid of the Sky-Swallowing Jar. It's shocking. It makes people feel bad."

With that, Tuntian Ling began to tremble, the terrifying power was really appalling, and then I quickly saw Han Chen's appearance in front of it.

The sky-swallowing pots also started to spin around this time. Although they didn't break through the sky-swallowing pot, they had already started to spin at this moment, and they started to jostle everywhere, as if they had received a fierce impact!

"Ah, what happened!" At this time, He Yuancheng was stunned again. The dignified Dayu-class monk, under the protection of the Sky-Swallowing Pot, started to feel the vibration and stunned. All this was caused by Han Chen. Is it?

Their eyes swallowed the sky again and looked over. There was a big chaotic scene outside, with void cracks everywhere, and the guarding formation of Sword Saint Mountain began to tremble violently at this moment.

When Han Chen saw the space-tunnels in the Sky-tunneling pot, there were indeed five elders and one female.

When they were female, they looked rather ethereal, they should be the race above the sky, and the five elders at the back seemed to be cultivators of the Body Refining School.

At this moment, the woman floating above the high hall was so charming and ethereal that people couldn't help but want to get him.

Below that woman is a big medicine cauldron, which is constantly flowing out from the big cauldron. The ethereal aura and the gurgling power of reincarnation are detected from the outside, and those powers are quickly condensed, and they are constantly flowing. The cohesion entangled the woman's body.

The other five elders were also full of elixirs in front of them. These were all elixirs that could improve their cultivation. They were already greedy. At this moment, they saw that beautiful woman was absorbing the special power of reincarnation. At first there was a hint of fear, but now they are not surprised.

Then they swallowed their own medicine.

After a while, the ethereal woman who took the lead recovered from her cultivation, and said softly, "Now the old stubborn Taoist master of Iga Liuzong has been invited by our Taoist Master Cang Ye to go for tea. Don’t worry too much. Now they have all become captives of my Taoist master. Now the final question is how to eliminate the remnants in the Sword Saint Mountain?"

"This, this, that Sword Saint Mountain has three swordsmans guarding the mountain, but it can't be approached casually." The five elders said this time, even though their cultivation level has been reached. Conferred God Realm, but it was this ethereal woman who asked them to take the pill after they came, and they had already advanced to the Conferred God Realm. Therefore, they were very afraid of this beautiful and fair woman, for fear that she would give them their pill. Going, or don't give the **** pill anymore.

Therefore, the speech is all-only.

"What's wrong with Sword Saint Mountain? Can't you break in?" The woman said with an unpleasant expression on her face.

"No, no, of course we can break in. It's just that the Sword Saint Mountain is rumored to have a ray of the Sword Saint's soul. If that soul is aroused at the last moment, I'm afraid that everyone present will not have good fruit. That's it. But it's higher than today's Taoist, no, higher than the traitorous Taoist's cultivation base, representing the highest cultivation level of our Iga Ryuzong!" At this time, a long-bearded old man looked around and said slowly.

"Hmph, don't tell me about this difficulty, that difficulty! When you took the pill from our Cang Ye, you never said that there was any difficulty. What are your intentions? Now it turns out to be like this. What do you want to do? Do you want to die here? Ah?"

At this time, the woman spoke very sternly, and she was going to swallow all five of them alive, not at all as detached as a fairy.

Obviously, in the face of their fancy interests, no one has much to offer. "Furthermore, the Taoist has already issued an order to clean up all the rebellion here and give him a clean one within a month. Iga Liuzong, from then on, your brother Iga Liuzong will become an affiliate of us above the dark night. When the time comes, you will have everything you should have? Why don't you think about it?"

"Yes, yes, we have a famous watch. We have arranged for our disciples to cooperate with your disciples, and we can catch all the remnants of treason to the party. Don't worry, so there is no problem at all." The five elders said again. .

"No problem, no problem! You will destroy the Sword Saint God Mountain for me, and kill me all the remnants of the biggest group in it." The woman said angrily at this moment.

The surrounding space was touched and collided by these forces, bursts of spiritual patterns were suppressed, and the medicine cauldron was tossed and broken.

Then the strength gathered quickly, making people feel scared, and the surrounding space began to violently open up.

But at this moment, a violent vibration suddenly shook the space cave where they were located.

But after a second, the space they were in started to open up violently at this moment, as if they were hit by some magical ultimate!

"No, our cave mansion is about to be broken!" The fifth elders at this moment immediately aroused eh here.

Soon the situation became weird.

The five elders and the woman fled from the space cave, and then they saw the terrifying scene in front of them!

I saw that in front of their Space Cave Mansion, there appeared a huge light group like the sun. In this light group, there seemed to be a man in a cyan gown, holding an axe in his hand, with a strange gleaming on it. energy.

"This, what is this? Why do we face such a situation! Who is this?" The ethereal woman frowned.

"I'm afraid that this person's cultivation base has surpassed the Conferred God Realm, and that terrifying power has been able to destroy the surrounding space! This looks so powerful, it shouldn't be the trace of the Sword Saint Spirit of Sword Saint Mountain Is it resurrected?" At this time, the five elders were all trembling, facing such a sun-like existence, directly calling each other a Sword Saint.

It's really amazing.