All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 246: Thrilling negotiations

Chapter 246 Thrilling Negotiations

After hearing Han Chen's threats, the diplomats of the Mitty Kingdom were shocked.

They originally thought that Han Chen was a great person, at least he should be a person who thinks of all mankind, a person who can give selflessly.

After all, when everyone was still in the exploratory stage at the beginning, Han Chen announced a lot of information about God's Domain, allowing many people to take precautions against the dangers of God's Domain and reality. After that, he published data on countless dangerous monsters. , Let human beings in the ignorant period pass the most dangerous time.

Although Han Chen kept a low profile in the later stage, he influenced many people. The initial members of the Raiders team were made up of people who were influenced by Han Chen.

However, what is Han Chen doing now?

"You, you are extorting!" The diplomat was anxious.

Han Chen dared to blackmail them, and actually blackmailed them Mitty! Does he disregard his image when he does this kind of thing?

Han Chen said: "I was blackmailing! Do you just understand it now?"

The diplomat said angrily: "You are a public figure and represent Huaxia. If you blackmail us regardless of your face, it will be your face that will be damaged."

Han Chen sneered: "Regardless of your face? Do you think you can conceal the information about the Huaxia military from us? If everything is revealed, I will see who else is on your side! "

The diplomat was speechless.

In fact, what Han Chen did was only a matter of personal morality, and what they did was to betray human beings. The Chinese military was also cautious about the influence, and this did not break the skin.

Thinking of this, he also calmed down: "If you expose these things, how much impact will they have on the entire human race, do you not know?"

He is now using the righteousness of the human race to oppress Han Chen. As long as Han Chen still cares about the entire human race, he will not tear his face with them over this trivial matter. The West has already fallen into a large city, and if there are more large cities that have fallen, this influence will spread to the entire world.

They believe that both Han Chen and the Chinese military must be concerned about this influence.

Wu Yuan, who was listening, was already flushed with anger.

When you betrayed China's information and wantonly suppressed China, why didn't you think of the righteousness of the human race? Now that I have suffered a loss, I want to get my things back, but instead of thinking of national justice?

This is why Huaxia wants to stand up and fight for the human race. They bully people so recklessly. If you change to another country, such as a Teddy Bear or a member of the Western Parliament, or even a country in Latin America, see if you dare to take this This kind of thing as a threat.

And Midi was also a little nervous. Han Chen's attitude was not just a matter of equipment. Han Chen's attitude represented the attitude of the Chinese military in a sense.

If the Chinese military no longer stands up, but chooses to seek personal gain, then how will the entire planet behave on its own?

In their nervousness, Han Chen said: "The Chinese military is the military, and I am me. The reason why I often cooperate with the military is that I can get the most benefit, but now the blood of the Titans is in my hands. The purple outfits of you and Teddy Bear are also in my hands, and there is one thing in my harvest that I can show you."

Then, he sent [Flying Castle Drawing] to Mitty Country, and then sent some other things.

[Mirror Knight Legion]: Pay one amethyst coin to summon a 15th-level mirror knight, or pay two amethyst coins to summon a 20th-level mirror knight.

There are some hidden information behind, and a reminder: the upper limit is 5000.

This information made the people of Mittyland take a breath, and there was an ominous premonition in their hearts, what exactly did Han Chen want to do?

Han Chen explained: "Now I have the ability to build an independent kingdom, and no one on earth can threaten me. My wealth can also summon and organize a private army. Moreover, with the mirror knight, I too There is no need to worry about rebellion."

"If you declare independence, do you think China will let you go?" the diplomat shouted.

He didn't dare to leave China, he didn't dare to leave China... he said silently in his heart.

The senior officials of Miti asked themselves, if they had the wealth and resources of Han Chen, would they leave the country and build a private army of their own?

No, they won't! They will directly control the country with a private army!

Therefore, they suddenly discovered that the only thing that can restrict Han Chen now is his loyalty to China.

However, Han Chen is not a member of the military after all, how much loyalty does he have to China?

People who always put interest as the top priority never believe in such meaningless things as loyalty.

"I will not threaten Huaxia's safety. Instead, I will guard one side and use flying castles to solve danger everywhere. I will also help Huaxia when it is in danger. Why should Huaxia deal with me?"

Han Chen asked back, "Even if I establish an independent kingdom, it won't have any impact on China! Anyway, my existence is only good for others."

My existence is only good for others! This sentence quelled the high-levels of Mithi Country. If someone else said this, then they would only treat it as a joke, but when Han Chen said this, he could be very calm.

Only then did the people in Midi realized that the most terrifying thing about Han Chen was that he was still a free agent with strong strength and top resources.

If China wants to persecute Han Chen or something, as long as Han Chen shouts, most forces will warmly welcome it.

Among them, the most welcoming Han Chen is the West.

Therefore, as long as Han Chen does not take the initiative to become an enemy of China, China will not be an enemy of Han Chen.

As for using China's security to persecute Han Chen? What Han Chen said just now is to tell them that he is an independent person and is free from any threats. The reason why I am at risk is because China’s strength can protect me and bring benefits to me, not because I am a Virgin. !

Therefore, they suddenly discovered that they did not have any place to threaten Han Chen.

He has no weaknesses at all.

No, maybe the world is his weakness, but with the flying castle, his last weakness was also made up.

Wu Yuan looked at Han Chen with a look of worship.

Of course Han Chen will not treason, but he is really handsome. He only threatens others, and no others threaten him. He is also betting. People who bet on the Mithi Kingdom don’t believe in human heart or loyalty This kind of thing.

After a few minutes of silence, it shouldn't be said that it was a few minutes of secret discussions, the diplomat of the Mitty country finally replied: "We promise your terms."

They couldn't afford to gamble on the prospect described by Han Chen.