All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 383: Heavenly Soldier

Chapter 383 God Soldiers From Heaven

There are limits to everyone's ability to bear. When the disaster is too strong, anyone will collapse.

After the wave of ice and snow, an ice clan wearing a crown holding a scepter pointed towards the Ural Mountains and ordered: "Attack!"

Countless ice races launched a charge toward the mountains without fear of death.

And Mao Xiong's soldiers had been frightened by the incomparable heavenly might just now, and the ice sculptures all over the floor told of the strength of the Ice Race, facing such an enemy, they could not defeat it.

A bear soldier who had been fighting bravely knelt on the ground weakly: "No, this is the power of the gods, this is not the power that humans can defeat at all."

His actions seemed to have caused a chain reaction. Countless fighting nations lost their courage to fight under this mighty power: "No, we have no hope of victory!"

"Only deities can deal with deities!"

"Great deity! Hurry up and show your spirit to save us!"

Some people still have the strength to take up arms, but only a few. Those who still have the ability to resist can't even encourage people around them to stand up.

Grueger knelt on the top of the mountain, tears streaming down his face: "What the **** did I do! Is this God's punishment?"

Lados muttered to himself: "Yes, this is God's punishment."

Now that they have lost the Knights of the Bear Town, they have to face such an enemy again, what should they do?

In front of an enemy like a god, they could only kneel down in despair, wailing helplessly, and then succumbed in front of the incapable Tianwei.

Only gods can fight against gods, where is their god?

"What are you doing in a daze? The enemy is coming."

Suddenly, an unfamiliar voice rang in Grug's ear.

Grug looked up and looked strange at first glance, but the information of the person in front of him immediately appeared in his mind.

"Han Chen, why are you here?" Grug was extremely surprised.

Han Chen said lightly: "Of course you came here, your defenses are so fragile, can you hardly get me?"

Mao Xiong's strength has shrunk to the point where he has no guard strength. If Han Chen comes over, he only needs to face the Ice Race.

Lados said angrily: "Are you here to come to see us making a joke?"

When Mao Xiong was most desperate, their enemy appeared here, and they naturally wouldn't think it was a good thing.

Han Chen sneered: "Are you still worthy of my joke?"

Gelug said: "Han Chen, we are not capable of dealing with you, but when you show up here, are you not afraid of being misunderstood?"

Of course, it is not a misunderstanding that Han Chen and Mao Xiong are in collusion, but a misunderstanding that Han Chen is a person who sells his clan in exchange for benefits.

Han Chen looked at the ice clan in the distance and said: "The opponent's Ice Emperor is an epic-level existence, but even if it is an epic-level existence, it has already reached its limit and will be trapped for a long time. During the period of weakness, if this opportunity is missed, there will be no chance."

Grueger looked at the soldiers slaughtered at his feet, and said: "Even so, we are unable to recover. Now only the gods can turn the tide of the battle."

Han Chen said: "Then let the gods appear holy!"

With that said, a large number of flame meteors suddenly appeared in the sky, and they fell towards the flamboyant legion. Numerous ice races were hit by the flame meteors and then drowned in the smoke and dust.

"This, what is this?"

"Is this a flame shooting star? How much power of a wizard is this level of flame shooting star?"

"Who is it that can make such an attack?"

"Then, who is that?"

They looked up to the sky and found a female mage wearing a light blue robe, standing in the air holding a green scepter.

Then, with a wave of the female mage's hand, countless storms of destruction blew towards the ice clan, and the hundreds of thousands of ice clan rushing on the front line were stopped by this force.

Lados muttered to himself: "This, what power is this?"

Grueger couldn't believe his eyes: "Is this a spell? What level of spell does it need to exert such power?"

Just now, they were still shocking the enemy's power, but now, they actually saw the same level of power, and even this power was even more astonishing than the ice clan's power like a god.

Although not many Ice Races were killed, but under the breath of this storm, the pace of the Ice Race's attack was forcibly stopped.

Wu Yuan landed beside Han Chen and said proudly: "Look, I'm great!"

Grug and Rados also recognized Wu Yuan, the mage who had been with Han Chen. They couldn't believe that the power that destroyed the world just now was sent by this mage!

Han Chen said to Grug: "If you can't organize an effective resistance, then even the gods can't save you."

Gregg woke up like a dream, and immediately ordered: "All counterattack!"

Countless bear soldiers heard the order and immediately cheered up: "The spell just now was released by our people, so quickly take this opportunity to counterattack!"



When they faced the epic ice emperor, their hearts were filled with despair, but after the despair, hope came.

We humans have the same existence as gods, and we humans can also have the same power!

That being the case, what is terrible for us?

On the podium, Han Chen said: "Zhang Qing, ready!"

Prepare, what to prepare? Lados and Grug have some doubts, what are they going to do?

Zhang Qing nodded and said, "Ready."

Wang Zhicheng said: "It's a pity that the Protoss that I finally accumulated will consume a lot of it."

Su Yue gave him a white look and said: "You have been following the legion all day to harvest the Protoss. Wouldn't it be enough?"

If the creatures of God's Domain want to collect the Protoss, they need to delay their promotion speed, and as a player, there is no such worry. Anyway, killing the creatures of the Gods' Domain is not aura, and there is no loss in making them into Protoss.

Wang Zhicheng smiled bitterly: "However, my bloodline power is limited."

"Okay, stop talking nonsense."

Han Chen reminded him, and then turned into a black straight line, rushing towards the ice clan camp alone.

"How dare he break into the enemy camp alone?" Grug was shocked by Han Chen's death.

He knows that Han Chen is very strong, but no matter how powerful a strong person, if one person breaks into the enemy camp, the opponent's round of spells and the state stack, there is no way to survive.

Lados suddenly shouted to the bear soldiers who hadn't recovered yet: "What are you doing? They dare to charge toward the enemy alone. With so many of you, don't you even have the courage to fight to death? ?"

Many bears who have not yet come out of the shock looked at Han Chen, who was rushing into the enemy line alone, and couldn't help feeling extremely ashamed.

Someone shouted: "Are the fighting nations afraid of death?"

"Not afraid!"

"Then go ahead!"


Countless bear warriors were rekindled the blood of battle, and then rushed towards the enemy line desperately.

And Zhang Qing in the stands put an arrow on the longbow, the direction of the bow and arrow pointed directly at the epic existence two kilometers away-the ice emperor!