All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 411: The Fall of Dawn City

Chapter 411: The Fall of Dawn City

Dawn City, the capital of Blue Stream Country.

This was originally one of the most prosperous international metropolises on the planet, but it became the biggest base of the kinsmen under the betrayal of some people, and the kinsmen made it into the biggest nest on the earth.

However, today, this place has become a ruin.

Countless buildings collapsed on the ground, and traces of flames spread all over the city of Dawn, telling that a shocking battle had just been fought here.

Alizee was wearing cracked armor, threw away only half of the spear in her hand, and slowly walked towards the blood pool of the sanctuary of the blood family. No one dared to look up at her wherever she passed.

She is the master of the Cavaliers League, and the equipment on her body is naturally the best equipment, but even so, the purple armor that symbolizes never being damaged is full of cracks, and the spear is simply broken.

However, no one dared to underestimate her.

Because, just now, she had already killed three marquis of blood in succession with her own power, and she was the marquis of blood in the purple outfit.

Even if the blood marquis does not wear equipment, it is among the most difficult to kill among the epic monsters, and the epic blood clan wearing purple equipment all over the body, even the powerhouse of the top lineage, if you don’t develop your lineage To the extent that Han Chen Yema incarnates in the second stage, it is difficult to compete head-on with them.

However, all three of them wore a full set of purple equipment, and the three epic blood races who had high hopes of the blood race guarding the blood pool here only supported Alizee for 7 seconds under their cooperation.

"From now on, this blood pool belongs to our Cavaliers League."

Alizee announced to the global camera, "The Knight Alliance’s position is only one, that is human beings, all human enemies, I will do my best to kill them, no matter what kind of enemies humans face, we knights The alliance will always stand on the human side."

This declaration shocked the whole world.

To be precise, it was her actions before the announcement that shocked the whole world.

There are more than 50 million blood races in Dawn City, and it is backed by the blood race’s lair and a blood pool. Such terrible power is almost inexhaustible. However, even so, under the offensive of the Knights League, this is considered impossible to capture. The fortress also failed to escape the fate of fall.

Under the army of the Knight League, countless blood races were directly turned into fly ash, and any defense facilities were ruthlessly destroyed in front of the suit army. When the epic blood race stepped up to besiege Alizee, people thought it would happen. It was a **** battle, but they didn't expect that they only lasted for seven seconds.

Such a strong person, such a powerful existence, who would dare to antagonize them.

No, there is only one force on the earth that is stronger than them, and that is Huaxia's army, but Huaxia's army only wields butcher knives to foreign enemies, and Alizee's Knight Alliance does not know how many blood of the same race has been contaminated.

"So powerful, so handsome!"

"Alizee is too strong, even Han Chen can't have such power! Could it be that the world's number one strong is a woman?"

"Do you discriminate against women? Also, I will always believe that my husband is the strongest!"

"The Alliance of Cavaliers has been fighting against the blood race, but directly erasing Dawn City, this kind of power is too terrifying, how can they have such a powerful force?

"Set! They asked Huaxia for many sets!"

"The suit, is it really that powerful?"

The power of the suit shocked the world. Huaxia’s suit army faces enemies above level 30 and enemies of God’s Domain, so even if it wins, it doesn’t seem to have much deterrence, but the average level of Dawn City’s blood race is only At level 20, in front of the suit legion, it is simply a ruin.

Only with such a shocking visual effect can the whole world see the powerful power of the suit army clearly.

Similarly, this deterrence also helped the Chinese army to have a propaganda effect.

"Huaxia's suit army is stronger and more numerous. If China's army suddenly wields a butcher knife against the human race, who will be able to resist it?"

"The only thing that can fight against the suit is the suit!"

"Yes, the only thing that can fight against the suit is the suit."

"We must get the suit, no matter what the price!"

At this time, countless forces have reached a consensus, that is, you must get a suit, even if you buy a suit at the price of a purple suit, it is worth it, because a purple suit cannot form a scale effect, but a suit can.

"Boss, can you deal with this Alizee?"

People in the world also got the news and couldn't help but question.

Alizee’s appearance is too amazing. Although she kills all the 30-level epic existences, after all, the monsters above the 30th level cannot come to this world yet, but the 7-second three-epic record is really too much. Amazing.

Han Chen said: "Her bloodline power has been developed to the third stage, which is comparable to my real body of Night Demon, but the level is still a little worse."

Although the top lineage is rare, but the big forces can still cultivate some, but he, Alizee and Li Long still stand at the top because they have a high degree of development of the lineage.

However, Alizee gave him a surprise, her strength has exceeded expectations.

And Wu Yuan's Moon Elf bloodline is more of giving her various possibilities, already powerful learning ability, and her strength is more reflected in her breadth.

Deng Qing said, "Fortunately, she can't be the enemy of mankind."

This is also the most fortunate thing. Alizee is extremely opposed to politicians who only know to seek profit. Anyone who hurts others for profit will not leave any affection.

Han Chen said: "The strength of others belongs to others after all. We now have a basic understanding of the Eternal God Dynasty, and the glorious Vatican is too difficult to penetrate, so we should go to the Star Federation next."

The more rigorous the structure is, the more difficult it is to penetrate. After thinking about it, there are still some possibilities in the Star Federation.

Just when they were about to set off, the people of China contacted Han Chen: "The blood pool that Alizee got is very well preserved. As long as you invest a certain price, you can not only endow the blood of the human blood, but also can evolve and understand the blood of the blood. The possibility of bloodline skills, and now she has given us a part of the quota. There is also a bloodline in your team! This quota can give you one."

No conditions were mentioned, but with Han Chen's contribution, this kind of trivial matter didn't require any conditions.

Han Chen told Wang Zelin the news: "Your good fortune is here. Last time you were in the Sanctuary of the Blood Race, you didn't use your full potential. Now you have another chance."

Wang Zelin's eyes were full of excitement. Last time he was interrupted because of his chance, which made him depressed for a long time. Now that he gets another chance, he will certainly take it well.