All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 668: You can stop at any time

Chapter 668 You can stop at any time

Around the huge altar, a large number of sea warriors gathered together, the total number is about hundreds of thousands.

If only hundreds of thousands of God's Domain creatures form an army, then it is just a common occurrence for the earth's civilization. After all, even if it is a battle of several million scales, it has already happened many times on the earth.

However, these hundreds of thousands of legions are a little different, all of them are king-level existences.

In a regiment composed of King-level, only artificial angels can do this, but these pseudo-angels are not true King-level, but can display the power of King-level in a short time, but these king-level existences are all Really good at a fair price.

Those who are in charge of commanding these legions are also epic-level existences. These existences that could call themselves Sea Kings in a certain sea area can only become generals in this legion, because even if they are epic-level existences, they are divided into 3 They are not yet qualified to become the main force.

Murloc Power said to Han Chen: “In God’s Domain, any negotiation can only be carried out after a war. The result of this war will directly affect the result of the negotiation. So when you feel that you can’t hold on, you can always Say stop, as long as the timing you choose is appropriate enough, we are not incapable of considering stopping."

Han Chen said: "It seems that you already feel that you are taking me down. Then I have to see what you rely on. Is it his dependence?"

As he said, he pointed to the flame demon burning with purple flames and smiled contemptuously: "If this is your support, then I think the end of this war is already destined from the beginning."

Following his provocative words, the Purple Fire Flame Demon was not moved by it this time, and even the purple flame on his body did not sway too much.

The murloc can breathe a sigh of relief, this Balrog's temperament seems to have changed, although it may become their enemy in the future, but from this war, this is a good thing for them as a whole.

Looking at the unmoved Flame Demon, Han Chen was a little astonished. Could it be that the effects of social beatings were so good? But he did not affect himself because of this little thing: "Now you have any means to show it! I would like to see if you group of trash can take me together."

The murloc incarnation shook his head and said, "I think you made a mistake. It's not that we want to treat you, but what you want to do with us. Next, I want to see with your power. Can you fight all of us on your own?"

Han Chen's heart sank when he heard the words of murloc power.

His plan so far has been very smooth, even if he encountered some small twists and turns during the period, he would have passed through without risk.

After all, as long as the general direction is determined for a dignified and upright plan, then some of the details and details will not affect the overall situation at all. He has calculated that the other party will cultivate a legendary existence, but this legendary It doesn't matter which race it is.

He only determined one thing, that is, the only breakthrough point for this legendary existence is himself.

There is a Void Elf, so if the other party directly targets the Void Elf, it will end in failure in all likelihood, so only if the entire human race is used as a threat can there be a possibility of success.

So as long as you have the initiative, then the issues that have been in the details will not be a problem at all.

Now I have only one person here. For the other party, this should be a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. They can use their lifelong learning to their fullest and use their methods to deal with themselves, but just after his plan has been successful 90 When it is above %, there is a change in the final progress bar.

Ice King said: "With the addition of the void elves, the human race actually gave birth to three legendary existences, and it should only be a matter of time before the genius chosen by the void elves became a legendary existence. The scale of your civilization development exceeds ours. Imagination, but maybe it is because your development is too fast that you underestimate us."

Wood Spirit King said: "I know that you may have obtained some of our information from the people in the novice training area, so you have a certain understanding of us, so you set a trap, and let us rack our brains. An unthinkable trap, but fortunately, we don’t need to think about what this trap is.”

Yes, they don't need to understand the specific trap set by Han Chen. They only need to know one thing, that is, Han Chen must be prepared, just knowing this is enough.

When the other party said these words, Han Chen's eyes were already filled with black.

In the course of such a confrontation, any emotional change may be regarded as a flaw by the other party, so he needs some special cover up.

An epic existence of the Sea Clan pointed to the sea water under Han Chen and said: "By establishing a space channel and changing gravity, the effect of changing the terrain is finally achieved. I really didn't expect you to be able to achieve this point, but you underestimated it. We, we have survived long enough in God's Domain, accumulated enough means in the long years, and faced countless difficulties that you can't even imagine."

The murloc said powerfully: "I still said that. When you call to stop, you can stop at any time, but if the timing of your call is not appropriate, then we don't guarantee that we will stop."

As they said, channels suddenly appeared in the seawater around them, and then a large number of Marine Warriors armed with javelins or fishbone swords gushing out of the spatial channels, and then began to line up in a neat formation.

When these formations appeared, Han Chen finally couldn't help but said: "How did you achieve this? Now you should not have such authority."

Murloc Da Neng was a little surprised: "Thinking that you can actually see what we are doing, it seems that we still underestimated you, but fortunately you underestimated us and our determination to pay for the void elves. Next, please start your performance! See if you can stop us with your strength."

With that said, a large number of murlocs began to appear dense energy lines, connecting everyone, and finally formed a formation one after another. After the formation of the formation, a large amount of sea water appeared from the formation, and the The rate of increase in sea water has increased several times.

The Ice King explained: "This is the Great Ocean Formation, which can transform all terrain into oceans. Over time, the entire earth will turn into oceans. If you want to prevent the operation of this great formation, there is only One way to kill all of us."