All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 793: Seems to be underestimated

Chapter 793 seems to be underestimated

When Han Chen's figure appeared beside Wu Yuan, the sunstrider was only one sword away from Han Chen.

The black sword light and the white sword light turned into a pair of training, black and white silhouettes interlaced, and then a sword mark appeared on both of their chests at the same time.

"A terrible calculation, but unfortunately you still have to die."

The sunstrider was covered with black runes, and then was forcibly deprived of his life by the force of the rules.

The Curse of Darkness is originally a legendary level method, and of course it is also useful for legendary existence.

However, he had already left a mark on Han Chen's body before. This mark is not only felt by him alone, but by his teammates.

An assassin was left with a mark on his body, so if he does not leave the battlefield as soon as possible, it will be a matter of time before death.

"How did it appear just now?"

The saint of the Void Race only felt shocked in his heart. He had already sealed off the surrounding space just now, but he still did not prevent Han Chen from appearing out of thin air.

What shocked him even more was that Han Chen did not break through his blockade.

If Han Chen breaks his blockade by some means, or opens a crack in his space blockade, then he will only be surprised that Han Chen's methods are superb, or the power of the void elves.

However, his space blockade just now has no effect at all. What does this mean?

It shows that Han Cheng has surpassed his cognition in one aspect.

"Everyone, be careful, he may appear next to anyone at any time."

Xukong reminded, "I don't know how many times he can use the means of transcending space, but he may have a certain skill close to the level of deification."

Skills approaching the myth level?

Everyone was shocked.

After reaching their level, most of the time the competition is not the power of the skill, but the priority of the skill.

For example, for the competition between armor-breaking skills and legendary armor, whose calculation is based on? The skills expelled from bloodshed and negative states must be restrained from the former? These are all competing priorities, the priority is not enough, no matter how powerful the skills are, they can't have an effect on them.

The skills that the Void Race saint said were close to the myth level, of course, did not mean that this skill had great power, but that this skill had a strong priority, or that it had absoluteness.

Flame Demon said: "If his spatial skills can be used casually, then no matter what means we use, it will be of no avail."

The sage of the light spirit race held a ball of holy light with both hands: "Don't be delayed, otherwise we may lose our staff again when this skill cools down."

With that, Han Chen's surroundings began to be shrouded and covered by the Holy Light, forming a world of Holy Light.

Around this holy light world, a great sword of light began to take shape.

Dark Mage "Jie Jie" smiled and said: "That's right, anyway, there is no retreat between us in this battle, so don't miss the opportunity because of hesitation."

As he spoke, a black mist began to appear around him, covering his figure.

If you are in the realm of God, you can still retreat when you feel that it is not immediately possible.

But the earth is too small, especially for these legendary existences, the earth is too small, it is really too difficult to hide the existence of legends, let alone the earth is Han Chen’s home ground, if you are the earth The spiritual leader of, can't even find an outsider, that would be too aggrieved.

Therefore, before they went to war, there was no retreat in this battle.

The Saints of the Ice Race reminded the Saints of the Void Race: "Don't give up controlling the void because of the opponent's spatial methods, because even the void elves cannot surpass your careful preparation in ordinary spatial methods."

The Void Race saint nodded, the other party's method did exceed his expectations, but there should be no way to use it frequently, otherwise this battle would not be fought.

Then, he looked at Han Chen and the female mage surrounded by the holy light.

Han Chen was already injured in the confrontation with the Sunstrider just now. They felt very sorry that the sword failed to kill Han Chen, but after all, it was a sword carefully prepared for Han Chen. When Han Chen took it, the injury was definitely not light. , And it’s very difficult to recover under their noses.

The injured Han Chen should not be able to resist the spell coverage of the Light Element.

"God's verdict!"

A huge bright sword landed from the top of Han Chen's head, seeming to kill Han Chen directly with this blow.

If it is an epic-level existence that uses the judgment of the gods, then even if it is not dead, it will have to pay the price of serious injury, but for the legendary-level existence, this can already become a common method.

When the judgment of the gods came, the surrounding bright swords were also ready to move.

If Han Chen had any signs of fleeing or resistance, he would immediately be prepared.

The dark mage's voice came from the mist: "It's the main body!"

Although everyone has now begun to doubt his judgment, there is currently no more accurate method than his judgment, so it can only deal with the Han Chen in front of him.

At the same time, the Thunder Clan Saints, who hadn't moved anything, also started to move.

The power of thunder descended from the sky and descended on the entire space.

"It seems that I have been underestimated!"

Wu Yuan chuckled, and an enchantment made up of wind elements appeared around the two of them, protecting them and facing these attacks.

"Damn, the four element array has been cracked! We have no way to suppress natural magic and elemental spells."

Purple Fire Flame Demon clenched his fists, full of unwillingness.

Wu Yuan rarely uses natural magic, just to surprise the enemy at a critical time.

But the existence of knowing that she can natural magic is not only herself, but also Moon Sage.

Sage Yue used to be very optimistic about Han Chen and Wu Yuan, but after the meeting at Dianxing Palace, she has lost confidence in the future of the earth.

Although based on her status, Wu Yuan’s weaknesses and the specific content of natural magic are not deliberately disclosed, but she did not deliberately keep it secret, so others only know that Wu Yuan knows natural magic, but they don’t know which natural magic she is learning. aspect.

Seeing that their long-range attacks were easily blocked by a wind barrier, their psychology suddenly burst.

This was the first time this female mage showed her strength in public, and this strength really gave them a great surprise.

The sage of the Light Spirit Race said: "Don't keep your hands and temptations. If we continue to guard against each other, it will be difficult to clean them up before the reinforcements on the earth arrive."