All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 919: Proposal of the Moon Sage

Chapter 919: Moon Sage's Proposal

Han Chen's eyes lit up: "Has senior found the key node?"

To be honest, he did not end as fast as the Abyss Invasion, but he also knew that if he could not weaken the strength of some of the abyss, it would not be a good thing for the earth.

His lips were dead and his teeth were cold, Tianzhu had fallen, and the earth could hardly be alone.

So the best situation for him should be stalemate, not one-sided.

Because this matter is too important, there are not many people who know that Han Chen is going to Zulongxing, and the only people who know the specific situation are only three people in front of them.

And when Han Chen explained to the Lord of the Stars last time, the Lord of the Stars was unwilling to listen.

It was not that he was impatient, but because he understood that the fewer people he knew, the better, and reminded Han Chen to keep it secret.

Anyway, even if he knew it, he couldn't increase the help too much, so he simply didn't ask.

Sage Yue took out a sorted piece of information: "The last time you asked me this question, the people in the Cloud City analyzed it carefully and found that the speed of the abyss invasion is so fast because they are very concerned about the abyss. The demons always make mistakes in their force judgments, otherwise, they would not fall into five territories so quickly."

Everyone has dealt with the Abyss Demon many times, and has accumulated a wealth of experience long ago, and also knows the importance of intelligence.

In theory, even if there is no Lord of the Stars, it should not have fallen so quickly in just a few months.

After all, it takes time to occupy a certain territory while the abyss is invading. At such a fast speed, in addition to the reason that the abyss has been planning for a long time, there should be another reason that they always make mistakes in their judgments.

The Master of Stars said: "I have also noticed this. The size of the abyss channel is related to the force that the abyss can transmit, so they have enough experience to adjust the countermeasures according to the size of the channel. People will not fail to support.

But during this invasion, they kept making mistakes. There are two possibilities. The first is that the abyss demon has more troops hidden here than we expected. The second possibility is that there is still A channel that will not be discovered by everyone. "

Although Tianzhuyuan is in constant disputes, everyone is not stupid.

Everyone knows the truth about the death of the lips and the coldness of the teeth, so no one will deliberately refuse to support it because it is the fall of others.

But even so, they still make mistakes.

The Lord of the Stars has not made any moves during this period of time, but it does not mean that he has been idle all the time. On the contrary, he has been observing the situation of the entire Tianzhuyuan.

Yue Sage said: "Yes, but it is not easy for the abyss demons to hide. If their ability to hide breath is really so strong, then we have no chance of winning this war, and they are unexpected. The army’s strength is a bit too much, so Han Chen put forward a guess that there is a hidden passage. After Han Chen’s reminder, I also found some clues through the investigation during this period."

She was not greedy for merit, and claimed Han Chen's merits as her own.

Because she disdains!

Han Chen asked, "Where is it?"

His investigation on Zulong Xing found nothing, and he even wondered whether Zulong Xing had the ability to support the existence of such a channel. If Yue Sage had a clue, it might have a miraculous effect.

The Moon Sage pointed to the map and said: "If this channel really exists, then the number of demons that can be teleported to will definitely not be small, and it must also have a strong hiding ability, which is not easy to be noticed, and can satisfy both of them. There is so little room for this."

Han Chen nodded lightly, which is why he suspected Zulongxing.

Yue Sage continued: "However, there is one place that we cannot explore, that is, the 24 Tianzhu itself. This is a means used by several gods, and even has the approval of the will of the gods. Only in these places, we are There is no way to check it."

And the corner of the star lord's mouth showed a sneer: "However, the 24 Tianzhu has actually become a helper for the invasion of the abyss demon, hindering the support of the forces behind the various forces."

Not to blame for his ridicule, this was originally a method of the gods of God's Domain, but it helped the devil.

The Moon Sage didn’t care about the words of the Lord of Stars, and continued: “Since the Abyss Demon doesn’t know how to control the 24 Heaven Pillars, it is possible for them to use the 24 Heaven Pillars to form even more powerful means and establish a channel. And hiding it is not impossible."

The Lord of Stars understood what she meant: "You mean, you want to join us to destroy the 24 Tianzhu? In this case, it is possible to destroy a hole card of the abyss?"

Yue Sage nodded and said: "Yes, according to my information, this is already the most likely place, and even if the passage is not here and the 24 Tianzhu is destroyed, the enchantment of the sealed space will also be invalid. Reinforcements will also arrive, and then our crisis will be solved."

Her rhetoric is very good, but it's a pity...

The two are destined not to buy it!

Such a plan is good in itself, even Han Chen himself felt that the hidden passage of the Abyss Demon might be related to Tianzhu Mountain.

It's just that when he asked the Moon Sage for help last time, he deliberately didn't mention this possibility.

Because this is a contradiction that cannot be resolved.

The Master of Stars said: "Even if the Abyss Demon is allowed to wreak havoc, we are not without a chance to find a ray of life in the chaos, but if external reinforcements are brought in, the Abyss Demon may be eliminated, but you can guarantee that they will not go well Get rid of us?"

Han Chen also rejected Yue Sage’s proposal: "I know that this approach is a bit despicable, but in the face of the life and death of the earth, the means are no longer despicable or despicable. Since the abyss demon can provide us with time for development, then even At the risk of destruction, we also want to keep Tianzhu Mountain."

If Tianzhu Mountain is destroyed, the forces that Han Chen has offended will definitely take the opportunity to clear the entire Tianzhuyuan's forces and destroy the Dianxing Temple.

Although the strength of the Lord of the Stars is strong, he is still a little worse in front of the gods.

Therefore, taking advantage of the opportunity of the abyss to develop, although this style of acting is a bit despicable in means, but if this is the only possibility that can give the earth a ray of life, then no matter how despicable the means, Han Chen will do it. of.

Therefore, Han Chen had to reject Yue Sage's proposal.

Anyway, the sage Yue alone cannot destroy Tianzhu Mountain.

Yue Xian said: "I understand your concerns, but this is not an unresolved solution. What you want is only a silver lining. If I can give you more opportunities, are you willing to help me?"