All Stars Are My Food Fans

Chapter 1166: It is with such people that there is suc

  Chapter 1166 It is precisely this kind of people that makes such soldiers

   "Then today's meeting video, we will be sent to the front line."

   "Let those on the front line see everyone's love for them."

  People are small.

  But people will have power because of love.

The phrase    applies to the frontline, and it also applies to this ‘here’.

   On September 2, a video updated by the Astant Star once again blasted the Internet.

  This time, everyone was in tears.

  The tears glide across the cheeks, what do they bring? It is courage, dedication, the touch that makes ordinary people choke, and it is also the strength that supports everyone's twisting into a rope.

   [September arrives, and the soldiers on the front can finally breathe a sigh of relief. 】

  【The rear supply scheduling is completed, everyone no longer has to suffer the cold wind in winter. The Zerg quickly received a certain impact due to the low temperature. Recently, we are actively exploring new ways to repel the Zerg. 】

  【While the battle in front of the Polar Star continued, our Polar Star Hospital also received a different kind of gift. 】

  [This is a video from the military...]

  The video played on the video is exactly the content of the last meeting.

  He was simple and ordinary, but after watching many soldiers in the hospital, he was very moved.

  The camera flashed one after another dark faces.

  They are all the sharpest soldiers of the Sixth Army, the strongest mecha fighters, and the proud men of the A-level mental power.

  But they are also teenagers, youths, the son of a certain person, the father of a certain child, the treasure of a certain family, and the pillar of a certain family.

  They can have more choices to do calmer and safer things, but they are here, the Sixth Army, and the Polar Planet.

  They have red eyes.

  The reporter didn't know how to shoot and fight, but the reporter knew the feeling of ‘people’ very well. He interviewed a young soldier at random.

   "I was fascinated by you just now. After watching this video, how do you feel?"

  "Me? Me?" The child was very shy, and kept turning his head to the side, but when he went to the side of his head, he found that there were three cameras.

  A little embarrassed, he turned his head back again.

  The reporter laughed twice.

   "I don't feel much, I just think... it's worth it."

  The young soldier scratched his head. He had only one hand left, and he was still waiting in line to repair the cabin, "It seems, suddenly proud."

  After speaking, he smiled shyly.

  The reporter immediately agreed, saying: "You should be proud, you are a hero."

   "...hero, me?"


  He even more afraid to speak.

   only shyly hid in his little quilt.

  Then the reporter went to interview other people, but the location here was so big, when the camera robot turned, the lens inevitably swept the boy at the beginning.

  He was watching the video again, not only watching the video, but there was also a long speckled tail in the quilt.

  Seeing this, everyone smiled unconsciously.

  But looking closely, the damaged body and the blood on the gauze made people silent again.

  Happy to tears, it really only takes a moment.

  So, after the [Hospital Plan] was announced, public support, company support, and school support.

  Everyone is at the forefront, bravely trying to give all the strength they can to the soldiers.


  Federal Military Academy.

  The school group is hot again.

  This time is the mental healing team.

  【Have you all received the news from the intranet? 】

  【I received it, I have already signed up. 】

  【Isn’t this our vocation? 】

  【I am always ready. 】

  Everyone is highly unified, and it is commonplace to volunteer to join the radiation hospital.

  (End of this chapter)