All the Handsome Deep Well Ice Like Me [Western Fantasy]

v1 Chapter 10

What Arnold said was taken for granted, too calm. The continuous violent blows were like a roller coaster, but it calmed me down.

—You must never mention this matter to others.


In this way, Arnold and I have a common secret.

Escape is shameful but useful. Even though I know that paper cannot hold fire. We have to finish the game when Yuri goes back to check, the friendship between Saint-British is ruined. But at least it's peaceful now, isn't it?

The heart will not die until the Yellow River. Unless the angry Yuri grabbed my head and pushed it into the moat, I would never confess Arnold.

I really felt better after thinking about it this way. I packed up a plate of raspberry biscuits after eating something in the restaurant with Arnold.

Then rushed to the church without stopping.

The blue and white church has not changed for more than a decade. The pointed top still allows only "small" souls that have abandoned enough extraneous things to pass through. The white pigeons stopped in three or two on the blue glazed roof of the church, cooing and speaking things that humans didn't understand.

Holding the box of biscuits, I kicked open the wooden door of the church. As he walked in, he cried out in tears, "Father! Please listen to my sins!"

Adam sitting on the bench turned his head slowly. The handsome face that was fascinating in nature shone holy in the platinum light. It's just that those bi-colored eyes are still like dusty glass beads, so dim with no highlights.

He raised a hand, raised a slender little finger, and dug his ears gracefully, and said without emotion, "No. Don't listen. I refuse."

"I think you are making things difficult for me, Gadriche!" I stood in front of him and directly stuffed the cardboard box in his hand into his arms. Adam's pupils shrank slightly because of surprise, he looked at the beautifully wrapped carton in his arms and muttered.

"What a rebellious thing you did to bribe me with raspberry biscuits. And you haven't hit the box on my head."

I did not answer. It just showed a miserable look, "Selfless priest. Please listen to my sins with the ears opened by the Virgin, and forgive me with the heart blessed by the Virgin."

Adam looked at me for a while. Then I took a seat aside and made a space for me. "Come on. Tell your story."

I sat down. I looked around. The decoration in the church is unpretentious, the only exquisite is the statue of the Virgin under the glazed glass. There was no one on those old white lacquered wooden chairs, and there was no movement after the door I kicked open returned to its original position, everything was quiet and deserted.

"Aren't there anyone else here."

"Except you. There won't be anyone else here."

Anyway, I couldn't use any magic, and I couldn't detect it, so I let go of thinking that Adam wouldn't hurt me. I placed my fingers across my chest, closed my eyes and lowered my head, facing Adam as a confessor.

"In short. I accidentally broke Yuri's knight suit."

Adam raised his eyebrows, "Yuri of the Knights of England and Lan's Round Table?"

I nodded.

"Broken the uniform of the Knights of the Round Table sent to him?"

I cried and nodded.


I cried out and nodded.

Adam said calmly, "Yuri's words. Go and apologize to him. Pay a quarter of the treasury. Then act like a baby to Arthur. In the end, I was scolded by your elder sister. never mind."

"...But I don't want to lose a quarter of the treasury, nor do I want to behave like a baby to Arthur?"

Adam nodded, "Then wait for death."

I Gadriche jumped up on the spot and grabbed his neck with both hands, shaking his death, "I don't want to accept such a cruel fate, bastard!"

Adam's head shook violently with my movements, and even the voice fluctuated, "Go ahead. What are you going to do."

I stopped. Pressing Adam's shoulders with both hands fixed him on the chair fiercely.

"To be honest, I didn't break it. But because of all sorts of mistakes. I won't have a good end after being found out."

I don't know when I actually stood up, bent down and got close to Adam. The two of them were close to each other, their black eyes fixed on his green eyes.

"There is no long-distance teleportation of magic in this era. It takes time for the emperor to know this."

My voice is very soft. But with faint excitement.

"I just want to hide it from the dead. God knows, and you know, I know. You can hide it for a lifetime."

I finished talking excitedly, but Adam didn't reply to me. Uneasy, I couldn't help but observe his look.

Looking at Adam's face at such a close distance is still amazingly handsome. It's just that there is no expression on this face. It is more like a stone statue that has been carefully polished and colored than a human face.

I suddenly found out in an instant. Adam always let me disobey the reason.

It is obviously a stone statue, but it has a human heart.

"Isn't it better for you to hide this kind of thing."

As Adam spoke, he pushed my face away with his hands. Regardless of my "mmm!" protest, he kept pushing away and said, "What you said to me. I can't help but say it."

"But there's no way..." I stood far away and sighed, my shoulders slumped, "If I don't find someone to talk to, the pressure in my heart is too much."

After all, I am not like Arnold. I am a normal human being.

I turned around and folded my hands to the statue of the Virgin and said, "Please forgive me," and Adam on the side said "give you forgiveness" very cooperatively.

I felt better all at once, and I sat relaxed on the chair. He looked up at the holy Virgin, in a daze.

"If you want to hide it, there will be no problem in two years."

Adam's words surprised me. I turned my head abruptly to look at him, "Why do you say that."

The blonde's gaze was scrutinized. He said after a while.

"The thing Yuri came to discuss with the king. It's about the development of the address of the original magic cave east of Saint Enluth."

"Do you think your sister will go to battle in a village the size of a village. The real reason she will go is that she found the vein of magic crystal there."

"And Saint Enluth is a subject of Yinglan. Yuri's purpose here. You should have guessed it."

Seeing me with my pupils shrinking, Adam continued to say without wave, "I'm curious why I know so much. Because I'm a priest."

"And this information is easy for you as the second emperor if you want to know it."

Under the platinum light, the blond priest's voice was holy and without the slightest emotion. Let sinners feel shameless enough.

"The world is too gentle for you. Gardriche."

"But if you don't explore. You will never know what kind of waves are hidden under those bright and sweet stories."

The sun rose as usual on the next day. When I woke up, I dismissed the maid who had gathered and sat on the soft bed alone. See the world outside through the huge floor-to-ceiling glass windows.

The dedicated magic guide has adjusted the light to the best brightness. What I can see is a bright and vibrant world.

The St. Enluth Castle is calm and soft in the sun. A well-designed royal garden. Those delicate but beautiful roses that are carefully cared for day after day.

At this moment I clearly realized.

This beautiful Saint Enlus. That is to protect my city wall.

It is also the cage that imprisoned me.