All the Handsome Deep Well Ice Like Me [Western Fantasy]

v1 Chapter 35

The entire circular square shook violently. The outer wall collapsed at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the loud noise of heavy objects falling and the rising dust swept over like a brutal tornado. All were blocked by the red barrier.

I fell to the ground trying to stand up. But the ground was shaking too badly, and the center of gravity was always unstable. However, just as I was about to crawl over on the ground, I saw Ace running towards me in strides.

The foundation of the square has collapsed and the entire platform tilts down. Crushed stones, large and small, were dumped all at once. Fortunately, there was a red barrier to protect it, and it didn't smash me down together.

The man with short brown hair runs faster than the gravel. Even at such an inclined angle, there is still no mess, as if walking on the ground.


I yelled his name and reached out to him. He chuckled and drew the sword from his waist, a sliding shovel slid to my side and encircled me firmly. The sword in his right hand was also deeply inserted into the ground to fix his figure.


Amidst the loud noise of the collapse, Ace raised his head, seeming to estimate the distance from here to the exit. "Do you think we ran fast, or did he collapse fast."

I'm so **** crazy, "Don't think about it, run away!"

Ace chuckled and said "understand" back. The hand holding the sword applied a slight force, turned over lightly, and stood firmly on the sword.

I was taken aback by his dexterity even if he held a person. However, before I could slow down, the hands around my waist lifted me up.

The red hem of the dress and the skirt were raised high together. I quickly pressed down the hem of the skirt, but was shocked to find that I did not know when Princess Ace was actually being held in my arms.

As a single dog for more than ten years, I blushed because of this ambiguous posture. However, before I could speak out, I heard Ais's eager voice.

"Hold tight. Gadliche."


Next second. The blast of wind and air responded to my question.

This guy actually hugged me and rushed straight up! ! ! !

The huge wind pressure pulled my long hair back fiercely, and my body instinctively closed my eyes in an instant. I felt the cold air keep pouring into my nasal cavity, and it made me almost unable to breathe. The sound of the wind that was roaring in the ears, the sound of collapse, the sound of falling rubble, was as muffled and unclear as if it were immersed in water. Instead, my heartbeat gradually became clear and messy and fierce.

As a person who doesn't even dare to open his eyes on the roller coaster in the playground, I don't have the ability to think about how Ace ran backwards on the **** of almost ninety degrees. I can only instinctively tighten his clothes, praying in my heart that this torture will pass sooner.

However, things are unwilling to be artificial.

"The necklace is about to break. Gardrie cut it."

I opened my eyes abruptly.

The thin chain with the ice-colored pendant was pulled by the violent wind. Continuously turning violently in the air, exuding a faint silver light.


I let go of my hand and tightened the pendant without hesitation.

The touch as thin as ice calmed the heart. I was still holding Ace's clothes tightly with my other hand, but struggling to raise my head in the wind.

Soon. It's about to hit the round giant door!

"Hurry up."

Ace's low voice rang in his ears. I grabbed his clothes and moved them tightly around his neck. And his left hand also took advantage of the trend and clasped my waist tightly.

Being so close to the body, the distance is almost zero, and the heartbeat is synchronized. But there is no ambiguity. The only thing reflected in the black and red eyes was the giant circular door that was getting closer and closer.

Ace laughed heartily. The right hand rested on the hilt but did not draw the sword. But the red and black scabbard on the waist side was filled with crimson waves.

It is not known when the scabbard will start charging. I just lowered my head at the moment I was about to hit the door, shrank into his arms, and gripped the pendant tightly.

There was a loud explosion like a sound. Before the violent tinnitus robbed my sense of hearing, I heard the sound of the barrier colliding with the heavy object.

It is as if the entire space is fluctuating. It's like the tweet of an unknown animal.

Although the barrier can block the boulder, it cannot block the sound and wind. The violent wind caused by the explosion whistled behind me. In a trance, I heard the sound of clothes hunting and the sound of hair hitting something.

Don't be my hair flicking Ace's face fiercely.

I thought coldly. I tried to open my eyes but in the end I could only open a gap. The hem of the mud-and-ash-stained skirt trembling crazily in the wind, and the tattered red hem that envelops it and revolves in the air at a steep angle.

Suddenly understand why such an awesome coat has become so torn.

The circular giant door was chopped to pieces in an instant. The huge wreckage fell into the abyss behind him. Ace hugged me and fell to the ground behind the giant gate. When I was about to land, I heard the sound of the sword being sheathed.

When did that sword come back?

However, there is no room for me to think. Ace hugged me and fell to the ground fiercely, and then rolled on the ground.

Even if I had Ace rolling vigorously and swiftly, it almost spit me out, and my head was shaking and painful. I don't know how long it took, the inertia was finally buffered, and Ace and I stopped.

With my eyes closed and struggling to shrink into a ball, I took a few breaths suddenly, and with my last strength, I turned out and fell heavily from Ace's body to the ground.

It feels... the same as dead once.

He was completely pumped out of strength. The hand clutching the necklace was finally released, and naturally threw it outward, but it hit Ace's stomach.

The man as powerful as a monster muffled. But I didn't have the strength to move my arm anymore, so I just put it on his body like this.

The renal hormones have not completely faded. His mouth kept greedily sucking in oxygen one by one. Although the eyes were open, they lost their focus and couldn't see anything clearly.

Gradually, I could finally hear the man's low gasp. Although it's better than me, it's also very urgent.

I was lying on the ground like a dead fish. I am afraid that Ace next to me is also in the same state. After all, he is the one who contributes more than me.

"I...really... don't want to come... the second time..."

His mouth kept repeating the swallowing action, and it seemed so difficult to even speak. But I still complained with difficulty.

"Ha... It's been a long time since I did so... strenuous exercise."

Ace smiled and replied. It is rare that this monster will have an exhausting day. The originally beautiful voice is now hoarse and deep, and those who don't know think what happened to us just now.

But in fact we just collapsed after the rest of our lives.

I don't know how long it took, and my breathing gradually calmed down. The world in sight has also become clear.

Most of the porcelain white bricks were swallowed by the soil, and the remaining part was dark yellow and covered with moss. But from the unevenness around it, it can still be seen that there were also carved patterns around it.

I touched my pocket with a trembling hand. The leaf-shaped magic core is still there, but the map is gone.


Angrily, I almost spit out a mouthful of old blood. The fall is still careless. If the operation method on the map is correct, how could the group of people be locked down. I'm afraid that "someone" has tampered with the circuit of the giant tree, but researchers can still see it. The two of us here have suffered abruptly.

I tsk. Sit up hard and leaned against the wall.

This facility is not dead or injured by our tossing so much, I am afraid that there is no need to continue exploring. Sure enough, the so-called adventure is where to go? I don't know if Arnold above was affected and buried in the ground.

In the end-the only evidence found was the leaf.

Thinking of this, I quickly took out the leaf from my pocket and checked it. Fortunately, the big baby was not injured, and the "world tree" pattern in the center of the leaf is still so clear, very good.

Although after waiting for my sister to send someone down to search for possible facilities, there is no need to collapse. But Saint Enluth doesn't have so much time. Since we don't have time to develop, we should leave other countries. The chaos the better. Bellucci is also responsible for stealing our land forty-two years ago.

I tucked the leaves back into the deepest part of my pocket. The cotton skirt of average quality has become filthy, but it is not broken or broken, and it can be regarded as fulfilling its mission.

"Hi. Ace."

I stretched out my hand and casually patted Ace, who was also lying in a big font beside me, "Can I still move."


The man beside him stretched out his voice and replied. The voice was as lively as ever, with a little slackness, and there was no longer a sense of fatigue.

It is worthy of the power of the monster level. The resilience is also amazing.

"You will be out soon."

I turned my head and looked at the unpretentious wooden door at the end of the long road. From the air raid at the door, a faint white morning light poured in.

finally. Finally finally able to go out.

Struggling to stand up. I didn't care about Ace. A man stumbled towards the door that was shining in the morning light.

Then I tripped over something. It fell to the ground with a bang.

Ace gloated behind him with a whistle. I didn't bother to care about him, sat up, turned my head, and looked at the icy light of the pendant to see what tripped me.

Then my pupils shrank suddenly.

That is a pile of clothes.

I turned around and picked up this stall of clothes that had been rotten, and carefully inspected it. It was found that he was just an ordinary sackcloth. The texture is even considered top and bottom, without embroidering the national emblem of any country.

But how could it be ordinary clothes that can be in this passage! I hurried to touch his pocket, and I felt something in it.

A palm-sized cube and...a piece of paper?

I frowned. Opened the paper. The owner of this piece of paper had obviously anticipated that he would encounter an accident, and sealed the piece of paper with wax.

And the words above made me even more breathless.

[No matter who picked up the Baird hexagon. You can't open it. Unless you find my son, Arnold. 】

"What's wrong?"


I suppressed my surging heart and folded the paper with a calm face. Put it in your pocket.

Ace sat up with his hands behind him. I didn't expose my clumsy lie, just a playful "ha" after seeing the hexagon on the pile of clothes.

I looked at him, "Do you know what this...Bad Hexagon is."

"I know."

Ace smiled in a good mood, "Do you know the endless Mana? Under it there are seven magic cores that are not as powerful as it, but are equally powerful."

He pointed to the hexagon in my hand, "Although it is not as good as Mana, they are much easier to process. So they have all been made into magic devices. This is one of them."

I clenched the hexagon in my hand, "Do you know what this is for."

"Let me think about it...Bad Hexagon, right?" Ace pondered for a while. Then he suddenly realized, "Ah. I remember. It's a magic device for ‘preserving’ things."

"...Space Magic Device?"

Ace did not speak. He just stood up and walked in front of me, bent down and took the hexagon and placed it on the ground.

"I'm optimistic."

He said to me with a chuckle. Immediately he drew the sword from his waist and slashed it down at the hexagon.

The substantial sword wind blew my long hair backwards. And I just opened my eyes wide and looked at the unscathed hexagon under the sword with an unbelievable look.

There is no barrier. What does it do, material?

"It's not that there are no magical arrays. It's just that the number and latitude are too much. Human eyes can't perceive it."

Ace tapped the hexagon with the tip of the sword, "Do you want to recharge it and try it."

"No need." I have seen how powerful this sword is, but forget it, "So what is Baide using this to store?"

"Um. Baide, knowledge."

Ace threw a sword flower and put the sword in its sheath. "It's not bad if it can be spread for thousands of years. And it's not limited by language. Isn't it amazing?"

"Indeed..." I looked at Ace, "You either. This."

"No." Ace smiled heartily, "I have no interest in knowledge."

"Then I will take it away." I put the hexagon into my pocket. Then he stood up and looked at Ace seriously, "Forget it, I owe you another favor."

Ace did not speak. Just looked down at me. Scarlet eyes drooped slightly. The black leather gloved hand lifted slightly, passing through my hair hanging on either side, touching my cheek.

The peculiar smell of leather came over. Virtually touching his right hand is hard and cold.

"Adventure together next time."

I heard Ace talking to me so softly.


And I agreed.

"Ha. Sure enough, interesting things always happen with you."

The right hand touching his cheek was retracted. Ace put his hands on the back of his head, and walked towards the wooden door humming a song that was out of tune. And I stopped staying, trotting to keep up with him.

The red coat that was too long and too big was still draped on my body, with the hem hanging on the ground, making a "rustling" mopping sound with my footsteps.

I can't count how many times I have been rescued by this jacket along the way.

Although the process is difficult and painful. But it's worth it in the end to get the rewards.

Ace and I stopped together. The tall brown-haired man stretched out his hand and pushed open the wooden door without hesitation.

With the pouring of morning light and the sound of "squeaking". The short adventure of the two of us is officially over.

Outside the wooden door are various debris piled together. They were wrapped in torn and dirty cloth with a thick layer of ash.

This is a cellar of a folk house.

Ace looked around and didn't stop. He climbed straight up the ladder and arbitrarily pushed open the wooden door and climbed outside.

"Is it safe?" I shouted to Ace above.


Putting down the clothes I was holding, I climbed up quickly.

Ace hugged me directly at the end. On the cellar was an ordinary house that couldn't be in ordinary, but it was covered with a thick layer of ash like the one below, and there was no trace of life.

There should be no danger here.

I untied the knotted sleeve while following Ace out of the room. There was a slight tingling in his eyes when he felt the morning light, but it quickly eased, as if attracted, looking up at the indigo sky with floating clouds.

The scent of grass and trees in the air refreshes one's heart. The wind was cool but soothing, caressing his tired body.


I took a deep breath and exhaled slowly. He lowered his head and was a little surprised to find that someone came over in the distance.

As the man got closer, I could see clearly.

Blue and white knight uniform, water blue hair, indifferent but handsome face.


I shouted his name in surprise. Running to him desperately.

However, some people are faster than me.

Soon after, I saw the cold light of the sword.

"Haha. You look very strong."

The wind conveyed the remaining voice of the man.

"...Would you like to have a try with me."

I heard Ace say so.


Ace is not loyal to Arthur, it's a tradition that 233 Knights of the Round Table always have a twenty-five son.

It feels really good compared to the previous one. Bar. [Son is really awesome]

Ace also knew that the heroine was a person in another world, and what he said before made it clear that he knew it.

His true identity, continue to guess hhhh

As for the seven magic nuclei... it is also a tradition to have seven of all awesome things. Ace's clothes and sword were made of that kind of magic core, and the magic device was damaged by him. So he alone is sitting on three yuan.