All the Handsome Deep Well Ice Like Me [Western Fantasy]

v1 Chapter 36


The sound of my shouting his name and the sound of the blade hitting the ice barrier combined. Ace didn't pay attention to me, just watched the intricately patterned barrier in front of him suddenly blew his whistle. Arnold, who was behind the barrier, heard the sound and looked over.

The knight with short aqua blue hair still wore a neat blue and white knight uniform, standing straight behind the ice-colored multi-layer barrier. He doesn't seem to be afraid of a man's attack, Junxiu's face is still cold. It's just that those ice-colored pupils tightened when they looked at me.

His lips parted slightly as if to call my name. But I yelled first, "He is very strong! Concentrate on the enemy!"

as predicted. Just like what I said, the ice-colored barrier burst open.

The soft sound of breaking instantly evoked Arnold's attention. He turned his head abruptly, then drew the sword from his waist as he swung the scarlet sword down—


It was like a scream from an unknown animal that stabbed me to cover my ears. The substantive sound waves completely shattered the barrier, and the chaotic ice-colored light spots centered on the two of them spread out like a tide.

I raised my hands to cover my face in a cross. Sound waves and wind blew in an instant. The long hair and the hem of the clothes blew up and down, exposed on the skin, feeling the icy dampness of the melting snow.

"Gadlee. Don't come near."

Ace's smiling voice came not far away. I put down my hands and looked at them with my lips pressed tightly.

The two of Bing and Chi faced each other. A little ice-colored light was reflected in the lazy and wanton scarlet pupils. But the ice-colored pupils shrank, reflecting the red fire light.

Both of them held swords in one hand, but their strength was the same horror. The connecting blades kept vibrating, each made a dull and muffled low sound, and brilliant and fine sparks continued to burst from the connecting place.

Ace chuckled softly. The right hand holding the sword suddenly shook, and he shook Arnold back more than ten meters, leaving two black marks on the ground.

Use the sword to stabilize your figure. Arnold straightened up, holding a sword in both hands and looking at Ace seriously.

This is the first time I have seen Arnold look so serious. The expression that was originally indifferent can now be called cold.

And Ace, who was opposite him, still had a relaxed expression. He shook his sword. The red flame bursting from Jian's body instantly burned all the ice elements.

"If you are near now. Maybe I will kill you."

In the red ashes, he said to me like this.

…This man will definitely do what he says.

I stood outside the encirclement of the two of them, silently wrapping my red coat tightly.

"His Royal Highness Gadliche."

The voice familiar to the teenager is still so cold. I was stunned and looked at Arnold. It was discovered that a layer of ice had actually grown up on his sword.

The complex ice magic array blossomed under his feet. The circle and the triangle fit each other like gears, and the ringed runes are looming in the ice light.

"It's great that you're okay."

The surrounding air suddenly cooled. Even the exhaled air became a mist with ice particles. Although Arnold was talking to me, his eyes remained locked on Ace.

"And," he said, "what's the matter with this strong, terrifying man."

"...He brought me up from the ground."

I replied with a complicated expression, "What I have to say is a companion or friend who shares in adversity. But he has a special character. Don't keep your hands and try your best, otherwise I'm afraid you won't survive."

"Hey. It's so eccentric."

The opposite Ace said in a lazy voice, "wrongly" complained, "Who is this man. Gadriche."

My face became more complicated, "It's my knight and mentor. Although it's a bit tricky, it's for a good boy. Please see, I must put some water on my face, Ace."

"Yeah." Arnold interrupted unexpectedly out of my expectation. "Put in some water. Just be beaten to death by me."

I looked at Arnold with a **** face of horror. Is your kid so hostile? ! Why didn't you know you were such a character before? !

"Haha. That won't work."

Ace smiled heartily. Lifting the sword, pointed it lightly at Arnold with the tip of the sword.

"Don't look at me like this. It's also a knight. It's embarrassing to spread to the country if you lose in front of a woman."

The scarlet pupils narrowed slightly, and Ace added in a low tone.

"And I. I hate losing."

Ace and Arnold leaned down at the same time. Then.

At the same time rush towards each other.

The sound of "Zizi" and the fog flooded the entire battlefield at the same time. I twitched my mouth because of this extremely scientific scene.

The visibility is too low. Except for the crisp noise of the collision of the blades and the flash of knives chasing each other. Can't see anything clearly. The red barrier protected me once again, only the waves that hit me told me how fierce the battle between the two was.

That is a battlefield that I cannot intervene.

I can only wait for Ace to have fun in the battle with Arnold.

A man with short brown hair is dangerous and uncertain despite his uncertain personality. But as long as you don't go against his words, nothing will happen.

To some extent, Ace is a man with a strong desire for self and control.

As for Arnold.

Ice-colored light appeared in the thick fog. Thanks to the sudden cold temperature, I can see his figure clearly.

The aqua-blue hair is already a little messy. Even the knight uniform lost a button, revealing his slender collarbone. And his eyes were as cold and focused as the cones of ice around him, reflecting the ice-white light.

With his hand laid down. The ice cones suspended in the air shot at the other end of the fog.

The red fire burst out. With the sound of "Zizi", the fog thickened. I couldn't help but tighten the sides of my jacket.

I believe in him.

A guard who serves the princess. The ice knight standing beside me. How could it be weak.

"I can't help but praise you."

Ace's voice came from the fog. He seemed to enjoy the fight, and even his voice made a smile.

I couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Can this pervert finally stop.


The surrounding fog dissipated in an instant. From time to time, the sun is bright and warm in the morning. Passing through the clear sky, poured onto the two people in front of me.

Arnold and Ace moved further apart. Between the two is a scorched land.

My pupils tightened and I looked at Arnold, who was half-kneeling on the ground, holding a sword and panting.

Obviously so embarrassed. He suddenly raised his head and looked at Ace on the opposite side with icy eyes.

As for Ace. He was still smiling. But the right sideburn has been cut off in half. Then, a small wound slowly appeared on his face.

Ace raised his hand and wiped the blood with his thumb. The ice floating on the wound evaporates when it touches the black leather glove, and there is no moisture left.

He did not carry the sword.

I looked at his waist abruptly. Sure enough, the sword has been sheathed. The black and red scabbard was glowing red from the outside to the inside.

Ace knelt down slightly, put his hand on the hilt, and said with a light smile, "I have to be more serious."


I thought of it this way. However, the body rushed towards Arnold before the thought.


The crimson sword collided with the crimson barrier. Before I could close my eyes, my pupils shrank, and I watched intently at sparks bursting above my head, and the barrier that made the "buzzing" spatial tremor continued to emit ripples.

I didn't hear what Arnold said loudly behind him, and I didn't even bother to look at Ace's face. My whole body is concentrated on the red barrier.

Don't crack! Don't crack it!

However, things backfired.

The corner of my mouth twitched as I watched a crack in the barrier above my head.

Regardless of how dirty and painful. Without hesitation, I hurriedly fell back.


The red barrier shattered like glass, making a crisp sound. The fragments fell and turned into light spots. And between the bright spots of Yingying, I saw the sword getting closer and closer.

My pupils were shrinking reflected on the sword.

what. Dead.

I thought coldly.

The sharp sword came down, and I clearly saw the bangs that I raised, turning into a plume of black smoke when it touched the body of the sword.

However, the sword stopped when it was about to touch my skin.

Someone hugged me who fell. At the same time, a huge ice rose bloomed in front of us. Frozen the sword directly.

I was panting. Looking blankly at the rose in front of him.

The huge icy rose. Dozens of circuits revolve around her. Each petal has a thousand-layer mirror, but nothing is reflected.

The hands around me tightened tightly. With hindsight, I looked at Arnold who was holding me.

The handsome boy was expressionless, but there was no fear in his ice-colored pupils.

Only calm, focused, and fighting spirit.

The ice rose broke into ice particles. The sword body was broken together with one of them.

"...Ha. Wear my coat to protect other men. It's so heartless, Gadrich."

After a long time, Ace said with a chuckle. Flames erupted from the hilt of his sword. Wait for it to disperse. What was exposed was the sword body glowing with red light.

I'm going crazy. How strong is this sword falling to the ground.

Fortunately, Ace didn't mean to fight again. He straightly retracted the sword into its sheath, bent over and took my coat away, put his backhand on his shoulder and turned away leisurely.

"Hey Ace!"

I tore off the necklace with one hand and the other grabbed the magic device on Arnold's wrist and threw it at Ace. He didn't look back, but raised his hand to catch it firmly.

"Necklace and magical device. Say yes."

I struggled to stand up. Looking at his back, he said seriously, "I will do what I promised you. You **** also give me some restraint, don't kill anyone."


Ace, with his back to me, prolonged the tone, then smiled and replied, "Okay."

I won't say more, watching him go away. It wasn't until he was no longer in sight that he finally couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

It's really thrilling and exciting.

Turning around tiredly, he was about to leave. But he saw Arnold, who was still squatting on the ground, looking at me with no expression.

The corners of my mouth twitched, "What's the matter?"

Arnold said seriously, "That magic device. I made it myself."

"...I got it! I'll make one more for you later!"


Thrilling and exciting!

I had a busy day moving yesterday, and today I have to sort out some follow-ups.

When I'm not busy, I want to double watch.

If you ask for leave, I will write it in the copy, mua