All the Handsome Deep Well Ice Like Me [Western Fantasy]

v1 Chapter 37

I took Arnold's hand and marched hard in the woods.

The house used to hide the exit was built in the mountain behind the mine. Not far from the mine. But because it was built deep in the mountains, the road was extremely difficult to walk.

And, as always, Arnold, who is in the mind of Muyu, never considered his princess—how difficult it is for me to walk. The footsteps are still fast, and the skills are still agile, like a monkey moving freely in the dense forest.

Finally, after tripping over a tree root for the tenth time, I resolutely ordered him to hold my hand and walk.

"After you fell. I immediately notified Her Royal Highness."

Arnold leaped over the raised roots lightly. Turned around, held my shoulders and lifted me over the roots of the tree, and then rudely threw me to the ground under my blinding gaze, the straight man grabbed my hand and turned around to continue Move forward.

"The Queen is very angry at your private actions. But she also organized a small team to launch a rescue operation in the first place."

Obviously he suffered a lot of injuries, but Arnold can still run and jump. The ends of the aqua-blue hair also undulated with his movements.

"We have predicted several exports based on the size of the facility."

The clasped hands were loose, but they never fell apart.

"Disperse to every mouth and look for it."

The boy's voice was indifferent. The ten fingers are as slender and beautiful as if they have been carefully carved.

However, what came from these slender hands was cold temperature.

"And I found you in this mouth."

Hold my hand hard. Pulled me up when I nearly fell.

Arnold leaned slightly on his side. The messy aqua-blue short hair did not know when it would return to its usual suppleness, and the boy's eyes were as clear and indifferent as ice.

He said to me, "Your Highness. Please be careful of your steps."

I did not respond to him.

Because my eyes have been completely attracted by his naked collarbone.

The ice knight, who had always fastened the button to the top one, turned his collar slightly, revealing his collarbone completely. The superior-looking collarbone is coated with a soft light in the platinum sun, and the white skin is as gentle and beautiful as white jade.

I looked up dullly. It fell on Arnold's innocent, handsome face shimmering in the sun.

how to say. The combination of the expressionless handsome boy, the messy collar and the exposed collarbone—

"His Royal Highness Gadliche."

The call of the boy evoked my mind. I looked at him blankly.

"Your Majesty Gardrich," Arnold repeated with a good temper, "It will be here soon. Please hold on."


I replied. Arnold glanced at me, then turned around and continued on.

Forward force came from the clasped hands. I wanted to take a step, but my body did not respond for a long time.

In the end, my body fell forward involuntarily with a dazed look on my face. He fell on Arnold's back in front.

Is it because of the material of the knight suit or because he is too thin. The young man's back is hard. He was obviously only two years older than me. When he leaned on his back, he felt that his back was so wide.

Arnold did not go any further. But he didn't turn around either. I heard him say in a flat tone, "Can't you walk anymore. Your Royal Highness Gardrich."


I leaned on his back and looked at the floating clouds in the clear sky. "Although the brain is still very clear. But the body seems to be dead."

"Is that so."

Arnold said like this. Then he bowed.

His body sank along with his movements. Then he naturally supported me with both hands.

Suddenly I was stunned by my back. However, Arnold didn't say anything under him, just walked forward step by step.

The footsteps of the young man with a person on his back are no longer so fast. He walked very bumpy, and he had no backing experience. My head, lying on his back, rose and fell with his movements, and bumped on his firm back in a regular manner.

I have no expression on my face. Why is the ending so sad whenever something romantic happens to Arnold and me?

Fortunately, although the little knight's back was unstable, he never threw me off.

"Your Highness." The little knight under him asked, "Are you asleep?"

"Not yet." My voice was lazy, "The brain is unexpectedly sober."

"That. Did you gain anything in the underground facility."

"Yes. It's not in vain. The underground facilities were built by Bleusis forty-two years ago. Although the map is lost, the leaves with the pattern of the World Tree are still there."

Think of the hexagon that I saw in the passage last. I patted Arnold on the back and asked, " you have a father?"


The ice knight said these two words softly. As if chewing on the meaning of these two words.


The cold voice had no doubts. He finally reached a conclusion.

"The person who raised me is a powerful wizard. He asked me to call him a mentor."

"Maybe I was born by a certain man and a certain woman. But they never fulfilled their responsibilities. So I don't have a'father' or a'mother'. I don't have to care about the so-called'filial piety' and'kinship'. "


"Please don't show mercy to me."

Arnold said first. The cold boy's voice was flat, "In fact, this is what the instructor told me. I personally don't care about my parents."

It is really an Arnold-style speech that fits Arnold's character.

I thought coldly. The sympathy that arose from Arnold's tragic life experience has also disappeared.

"There is a man who claims to be the father of'Arnold' who left the Baide hexagon."

I said straightforwardly, "He said only Arnold can untie it."

"Bad Hexagon?"

Arnold was stunned, and asked, "What is that."

I took the hexagon from my pocket and placed one hand in front of Arnold.

The ice-colored pupils glanced. Then he fell in front again, "Is that this one?"

This time I am stupid, "Do you know this?"

"Yeah." Arnold nodded. "When I was a kid, my tutor used this to teach me. I thought it was just an ordinary magic device."

"Listen to Ace-the man just said that this is a super-advanced magical device used by Baide to store knowledge. It is rare and powerful. But why is Baide's heirloom in the facility of Blousis..."


I stared sharply at Arnold's profile. Asked in a trembling voice, "Arnold. What is your mentor's name?!"

Without hesitation, Arnold said calmly.

"Helen Oz Bader."

When I heard the name of Arnold's mentor. My heart stopped for a moment.

Immediately after that, Arthur's coquettish handsome face dangled in front of his eyes.

Baide is the national surname.

And Heron Oz is not only the great Baid who is as famous as Rozroltun.

even more. The second son of the former king of Baide.

"So you finally decided to join forces with Yinglan."

The golden sunlight poured through a layer of gray glazed glass and poured on the rotten floor tiles. Dust floats up and down in the golden sunlight, like floating golden light particles.

The sunlight cast a golden light on the side of the blond priest's handsome face. He raised his head, his blue eyes were as dim as inorganic plastic, and he stared at an unknown distance.

"No way...Since Heron Oz has been pulled out, I really don't worry about handing it over to Baider."

I sighed, "Maybe it's Baide and Belluccis who did it together?"

Click, click, click—

"Although it has nothing to do with Yinglan. But if you use this to provoke the relationship between Baird and Bleusis, Yinglan is definitely the one who benefits the most."

Click, click, click—

"Moreover, the evidence obtained this time is not too much. If Yinglan helps to instigate it, it will have a better effect."

Click, click, click—

"But I must conceal the relationship between Heron Oz and Arnold."

Adam's movement paused. He laughed, although because of his paralyzed face, no matter how he laughed, he would eventually turn into a mocking face of Max, "You really protect that ice knight."

"You **** finally stopped eating cookies?"

I stared at him. Flicking open the cookie box with the emblem of Saint Enluth that he handed over, now I am not in the mood to eat, "I need a reason to help others? And Arnold is my knight, and I am also responsible for helping him."

"Yeah. A must-have attribute for the male and female harem. He is kind-hearted and nosy." Adam said while eating crackers.

"...How many times have I said that I haven't agreed to be engaged to him."

"But you've been using his love for you, haven't you." Adam put the empty cookie box aside at random, and gently flicked the cookie crumbs that fell on the robe. "There are still four years. That person. The Lion King is not stupid. Then you must explain your indulgence."

I glanced at him in a deep tone, "About this. I'm already conscious."

"You really have grown a lot. Gadriche."

Adam touched his chest with one hand and said with a blank expression, "I like shameless people like you."

"Don't talk nonsense." I kicked it and was easily avoided by Adam as it should be. "Give me that national emblem necklace. I want to change it back."

The handsome priest snapped his fingers lightly. The golden magical array appeared out of nowhere, and a string of blue and white necklaces fell out of the magical array and fell into his hands.

"Are you going to pay it yourself." Adam handed me the necklace. Eyelids drooped slightly, looking at me who carefully put it in my pocket after taking it, "Your sister has already noticed you. You should be careful."

"Got it. I'll let Arnold pay it back." Jumping off the bench, I staggered towards the door of the church, "Although this guy always completes tasks in a way that scares me... But in terms of the result, he It's still done."

Adam did not speak. And I also opened the door. The wind mixed with mud and gravel outside the door blew by my side, but did not blow into the church.

I walked out the door, turned around, and slowly closed the door with the rusty handle.

The wooden door "creaked" closed, and the world in the church gradually shrank into a slit.

A second before the door was fully closed, I saw Adam in the church giving me a thumbs up. His thin lips moved.

Damn it.

The door closed completely. I turned around and ran away, but the corners of my mouth couldn't help but rise.

Come on.

Although the door has been closed. But the silent encouragement has been echoing in my heart.


There is still half an hour! Stimulate.

Spend one or two more to close the magic mine and you can enter the daily routine.

If I were to choose, I would still prefer Adam and Arnold. After all, they are absolutely kind people... completely different from certain evil, kind, absolutely evil, chaotic, neutral people.

But after all, the text is an Otome text, and it will be developed across the board. 233