All the Handsome Deep Well Ice Like Me [Western Fantasy]

v1 Chapter 38

The handsome boy was indifferent, standing straight in the middle of the mine. The crowds who provoke coming and going are all looking at each other.

Of course, ninety percent of the girls are off-beat.

Most of the girls working in the mine are from peasant families, with enthusiastic and generous personalities, without the shyness and reservedness of aristocratic girls. If you like someone, you will use the most direct practical actions to express it.

"No thanks."

However, the boy's heart is made of ice. The icy eyes didn't even glance at them, and the tone was polite but distant, as cold as ice floes.

I was still observing from a distance, after seeing the third girl leave with a look of disappointment, I sighed and trot to him.


I called his name loudly. And he turned his head and looked at me.

"His Royal Highness Gadliche."

The ice-colored eyes always follow me, from far to near, "Please pay attention to your feet."

"Enough. I'm not the kind of person who can fall flat for some reason."

I stood in front of him. He grabbed his hand and dragged it towards the warehouse. And Arnold moved towards the warehouse with my strength.

The wooden door that had just been closed a few minutes ago opened again. But because of a small cross, the world behind the wooden door is no longer a dilapidated church, but a small room full of debris.

I pushed Arnold into the house. Randomly took out a magic device from the box behind the door and threw it to him. The backhand locked the door and quickly said, "Give this room a cognitive misleading and enchantment."

When the last note fell. The cold wind swept the fine snowflakes passing behind me. It quickly melted into the air.

I breathed out lightly, forming a white mist. But quickly dissipated in the air.

The only disadvantage of the cheap and easy-to-use ice magic core. It is the temperature difference caused every time the loop is started.


I turned and looked at the ice knight in front of me. The young man's expression is still cold. The top button was still not sewn, and the slender and beautiful collarbone was still exposed.

... I silently looked at the ceiling and asked, "Sister Huang, haven't they come back yet."

"Yeah." Arnold replied calmly, "but I have already passed your message to Her Royal Highness. The team has all withdrawn, and her Royal Highness will return when everyone is back."

After a pause, Arnold added, "It's about noon tomorrow."

Time of day?

I stared at the wooden ceiling with a serious expression. Thinking.

Baid's hexagon, a super-rare magical device used by Baid's to store his own knowledge.

If I were Heron Oz. After bombing the facility and destroying all the research materials, I took the Baid Hexagon and fled in order to——

The pupils tightened for a moment. I hurriedly lowered my head to face Arnold and asked nervously, "Arnold! Can you untie Baid's hexagon!"

Arnold nodded, "Yes."

Suppressing the sudden burst of ecstasy in my heart. I took out the Baide hexagonal cube from my pocket and stuffed it into Arnold's hand, in a tone of excitement, "Quickly untie it! I have a hunch that all the research materials for the facility are in it!"


Arnold answered calmly.


I looked at him, he looked at me.

"Your Royal Highness Gadliche. This kind of inferior magic device can't unlock the hexagon."

Arnold threw it lightly, and the magic guide fell into the box precisely. The handsome-looking young man looked indifferent, and calmly reminded me who stared at a pair of dead fish eyes without sorrow or joy, "And my magic device has been given to that man by you."

"...Actually you are angry, right?"


I sighed. Recognizing his fate, he opened the wooden door.

ten minutes later--

"His Royal Highness! It's great that you're okay!!"

The Lifa guard wearing a long robe with tears in his eyes looked at me crying crying, "I stayed up all night worrying about your comfort! Such a dangerous place! Why didn't you take me with you!"

...I took Arnold and all fell. What's the use of taking you.

"Well-am I okay. Don't worry too much."

Take back the sight that fell on Arnold's indifferent face. I looked at Rosen who was constantly wiping tears and smiled helplessly, and patted him on the back comfortingly.

Rosen looked at me with a sob, and his affectionate voice trembled, "Your Royal Highness Gadliche...!"


I smiled kindly at him, "Hey. Leave the magic device."

"Okay!!...... Hey?"

Three minutes later-

Rosen, with a stiff smile and dull eyes, was pushed out of the door by me. Arnold held a hexagonal body in one hand and a turquoise magic device in the other, and his ice-colored eyes watched all this silently.

I leaned against the door. The original smile on his face gradually faded away.

This is no longer the internal affair of Saint Enluth. Rosen should no longer go deeper.


I looked at those clear and calm ice eyes earnestly, "One day. Can you crack it."

The knight, who has always promised any of my requests, didn't answer immediately this time. He lowered his eyelids, and his white-gloved hands fiddled with the magical device, seeming to be checking something.

After a while, he said calmly, "This magic device is not good."

The corners of my mouth twitched, "I beg you."

Arnold added plainly, "Just one day. I can still figure it out."

You guy is such a vengeful character! !


When I opened my eyes again. The sky is already dark.

The hazy moonlight poured down through the iron-barred windows. Like white fine sand, it seeps into every gap in the crowded warehouse, from shallow to deep, with varying brightness.

And my brain is blurry like this moonlight. I vaguely remember that Arnold played with the hexagon for a long time, while I was sitting next to him and watching.

It seems that he fell asleep without knowing it.

I stroked my head and sat up. As I moved, what was covering my body gently slid to the ground.


I blinked blankly. He bent down and picked him up.

It is a blue and white knight jacket.

The mind returned instantly. I lowered my head suddenly, and was shocked to find that I was lying on the familiar wooden board.

"Are you awake."

The cold voice of the teenager sounded in the silent night. I looked in the direction of the sound, but saw Arnold's back.

His thin and slender body was hidden in the white shirt. He rolled up his sleeves, revealing his delicate, white but well-proportioned forearm under the moonlight.

Arnold seemed to be still playing with the magic device, and did not turn his head to look at me. Just said, "It will take some time. If you are sleepy, you can sleep for a while."

"...You got it from noon to now?"


I did not speak any more. And the slender teenager didn't say much anymore.

After a long time. I spoke.

"I caused you trouble... I'm sorry."

"You are serious."

It's not serious.

It was no accident that Arnold found me. He just spent more time searching than others. During the time I was missing, I don't believe he closed his eyes and rested for a minute.

After that, I was exhausted and returned to the mine. While I was asleep, I continued to modify the magic device for me.

But I can't tell him to stop and rest.

Because we are all fighting against time.

"You don't need to blame yourself."

The cold voice made my pupils tighten for a moment. I raised my head blankly and looked at his back.

The moonlight has silvered her short aqua-blue hair. Obviously he is such a cold person, but his back looks so gentle.

"Your growth proves that my efforts are not meaningless."

He said.

"As long as it's for you."

"I won't refuse."

...I laughed, but I laughed sourly.

Because I know it. The heart of the knight who has always been by my side.


"I'm so scared. I'm afraid you will fall."

I whispered. He lowered his eyes and looked at his hand.

The original delicate and ruddy hands were covered with large and small scars at some point. Although not ferocious, it is already weather-beaten.

I still remember Arnold's hand.

Slender and beautiful, with distinct joints. That kind of hand is more suitable for holding a leafy yellow book than holding a knight sword.

I squeezed my hand sharply.

I don't want these scars to appear on the moon-white skin.

Arnold did not speak. The slight noise that kept echoing through the night also stopped.

Silence lingers like asleep in the night. But I was very awake and not sleepy.

after awhile. He spoke first.

"In this case."

Arnold said quietly.

"Please protect me."

I suddenly raised my head and looked at him. The constricted pupils kept trembling.

"No matter what the situation. I will protect you. And you will protect me."

A faint sound rang again. But the always cold voice is as gentle as water.

Obviously he couldn't see his expression. I knew instinctively that he was smiling, his smile was light and shallow.

"That way we won't get hurt, will we."


He was clearly speaking accusing words, but the corners of his mouth couldn't stop rising. Obviously I wanted to laugh, but I couldn't stop crying.

"In the world. How can there be such a good thing."

Although I said so, I knew I had lied.

Because I believe it.

The knight who protects the princess, and the princess who protects the knight.


However. Dreams are beautiful, reality is cruel.

I originally planned to never fall asleep, even if I stared at Arnold idly, I would stay with him until I was done, but I fell asleep in the second half of the night. And I slept so badly, even if Arnold moved me to a wooden bed, I still didn't wake up.

And it's even more embarrassing. Arnold woke me up the next morning.

My mind and body are at the limit, my eyes are closed. Arnoldra was lifted upright like a zombie. During the period, what she said to me was as if through a layer of fog, and she couldn't hear clearly.

Until the hand was stuffed into the magic core. The cold texture from the palm of my hand instantly made me sober.

The brain connects everything together in an instant. I pressed my lips tightly and read the words on the light screen attentively.


The sound of the magic core falling to the ground was crisp. I stared at my trembling hand blankly. The brain keeps repeating what it just saw.

A large number of research reports and experimental data, summed up is a simple and frightening sentence.

That is the essence of Warcraft.

It's actually the soul of man.


I don't know if you guessed this setting. There are hints ahead.

For example, why is it a magic cave? Why are there so many Warcraft underground? Why is the World of Warcraft going to the light.

Hey. Today is more exciting than ever. ten minutes.

And when I was young, I felt that. The knights and princesses who protect each other and grow up together are particularly beautiful! ! !