All the Handsome Deep Well Ice Like Me [Western Fantasy]

v1 Chapter 42

The magic mine incident that has troubled me for a long time finally came to an end.

The large magical device originally used to mine ore will be used to build residents' houses. Just in order to dig the magic mine, I dug a lot of stones along the way, and after the mine is the forest, the cost of building the village is not high.

The sudden suspension of the project really confuses everyone. But since St. Enlus still pays his salary, the miners also quickly accepted the decision.

After all, it is easier to build a village than mining.

However, the planning of the village will not be simpler than that of the mine. Until the fields are reclaimed, the grains of this large group of people will be transported from the next city. Of course, both the freight and the money for buying the grains are paid by the treasury of Saint Enluth.

Fortunately, many high-quality magic mines were dug before the mine. Adding Yinglan's offer can last a few years.

"Although the reasons stated in the notice are'changing commercial routes' and'protecting the local ecology'. But I know that your Highness must have done something."

Rosen in a long robe handed me a stuffed bag, "His Royal Highness Arnold asked me to bring it to you. Her Royal Highness gave it to you."


I took it flattered. The hemp bag is not big, but heavy, and full of stuff.

Open it and take a look. The discovery was a large magic core of various colors and a letter.

The letter was brought by my parents. Although it is very convenient to make calls now that there is a magic device, people of the previous generation like my parents are still used to writing letters.

Of course, my sister does not like to "phone" at home for another reason.

As for the magic core--

"The quality is pretty good."

I took out a magic core from the sack and looked at it carefully. The red magic nucleus is as big as a palm, and if you point it to the light, you can still see the lava-like substance flowing inside it.

"Well. The best pieces from the entire mine are in it." Rosen's tone was quite envious. "In the past, half of the magic core was supplied to Yinglan. I don't know why, this time. Can all stay."

Because I sold it to Yinglan. The news is terrible.

I threw the magic core back into the bag. The crimson magic core fell into the other magic cores, slammed lightly, and made a crisp and joyous sound like the collision of jade rings.

"His Royal Highness said that how to use these magic cores is up to you."

"Really?!...Na Rosen." I looked at him with a look of envy and joked, "Will you hide a few pieces secretly?"

"No!!!" Rosen instantly changed his face to cry without tears, "Let's not talk about Her Royal Highness! The expressionless handsome face of Her Royal Highness Arnold puts a lot of pressure on me!!"

"... So Arnold is so majestic. What about Arnold others."

"Ah. He went to lead you a horse."

"That's it."

My sister is a vigorous and resolute person. Once she made a decision, she would not slow down even one day, and would only let me pack up and leave early the next morning.

I won’t even give it away.


Feeling the weight of the sacks in my hand, I couldn't help but cocked the corners of my mouth.

Her love for her sister is real.

"By the way, Rosen." I looked at the teenager who was a few years older than me. "The mine is out of operation. Are you going home?"

"Although the operation is out of service, the research on'toxins' is still going on." Rosen waved his hand to me, in a regretful tone, "All the researchers have to stay... I don't know if I can go home in the New Year. Oooh."

"Haha. The motherland needs you."

"It's enough to have you!!" Rosen suddenly exclaimed, staring at me with shining golden eyes, "I have a cold window for ten years! The purpose is to let my knowledge do something one day. What Saint Enlus used!"

So you are so patriotic!

The corners of my mouth kept twitching, and I took a half step back and pulled away from him, "I know, I know...! By the way, are you worried about the sudden shutdown of the mine?"

"Yes, yes--but it's more of a sigh of relief."

Rosen explained to me, "After all,'narcolepsy' is still an unknown disease... Everyone's secret guesses about it are still very scary."

"Really...but it's okay now!"

I stood on tiptoe and patted Rosen on the shoulder vigorously. He smiled and comforted, "I have my sister and I. The citizens of Saint Enluth must be safe and secure."

Rosen was suddenly slapped on his shoulders with a dumbfounded look. Then, within a few seconds, his face changed from dumbfounded to touched to crying.

"Gadriche... Your Royal Highness!"

In the end, tens of thousands of words were condensed into such a few words.

The big man who was a head taller than me cried affectionately and hugged me like a child with a "wow". On the other hand, I radiated the loving kindness of my mother's smile, and patted him on the back once and again.

If there is no cognition misleading, we will definitely be regarded as two neuroses.

"Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, gadrich! my job is actually a wizard! but for you...I changed my job and became a knight!"

I didn't interrupt. Just patted him on the back and listened quietly.

"To be honest, it's hard to test a knight! Even if it's just a low-level knight..."

Rosen sniffed sharply, "So when I saw your real person. I felt that my hard work was fed to Wang! I couldn't help crying!"

I patted Rosen's right hand on the back and suddenly the veins burst.

"But I was wrong! I just found out really are an excellent princess!"

"Even if you don't look as good as His Highness Arnold."

Rosen said with a smile to me while wiping his tears, "But you are brave and smart. The most important thing is that you truly love this country."

"One day. When people hear your name, they won't think of King Arthur's beautiful wife."

"It's the great princess of Saint Enluth!"

"……thank you."

The impulse to beat Rosen and the touch that was recognized by the people are intertwined like a braid. In the end, it turned into the three words of gritted teeth.

But Rosen, who was "live in catastrophe", was sobbing. Finally straightened up under my comfort. After bowing deeply to me, he turned around and walked towards the wooden house step by step.

I finally gave away this large loyal dog with a long sigh.

Even St. Enlus is like this. I really can't imagine how crazy the British people who are ruling the country by idols are.

I stood in place with my bag, while imagining the scene of Arthur returning home and a bunch of citizens gathered together and shouting "Arthur Arthur Arthur", while I continued to wait for Arnold bored.

Fortunately, it didn't take long for the sound of horseshoes to kick the hellish scene out of his head. I looked in the direction of the sound with a dazed expression. I saw the young boy with short aqua-blue hair holding the horse expressionlessly and walking towards me slowly. The handsome face still had the word "indifference" written in large.

"your Highness."

Arnold stopped in front of me. Looking at the direction where Rosen disappeared, his voice was calm, "Is that okay. Only he knows everything you do for the miners."

"what is the relationship."

I shrugged indifferently, "I didn't do these things for reputation anyway."

"You are so great."

Arnold said like this. Then he untied the bag tied to the saddle and stretched out his hand to me.

I handed him the heavy sacks in my hand.

Then when he was about to get it, he withdrew his hand.

"You should do more of your homework when you pretend to be someone else. Dead shemale."

I squinted my eyes slightly, and sneered at "Arnold" with a bag of Demon Checks, "Otherwise, I will see through it at a glance."

"...Wow. I never thought I would fool you."

"Arnold" in front of him suddenly smiled. Not the twisted smile that looks like muscle stiffness, but the gentle smile of a real indifferent and beautiful boy.

Although sensibly told himself that this was just Arnold's skin. But when I saw such a smile for the first time, in addition to the rapid pounding of my heart, I actually heard the sound of flowers blooming in my ears at this moment.

That is. Heartbeat sound?

"Oh. So you like this one."

The fascinating and magnetic male voice gave me a chill like a basin of ice water. I looked at "Arnold" with a sullen face and winked at myself, and said coquettishly, "My dear. Where did you see it. Tell me what I need to change next time."

"Who would tell you an idiot!"

"Arnold" snorted softly, and said while playing with his nails, "You dare not tell me. Is it because you are afraid that I will be fooled by me someday? You don't seem to trust the knight from the bottom of your heart. ."

"...Do you think this can provoke me?"

I squinted at him and smiled contemptuously, "Tell you. Your power of angering people is not half that of some people."

The ice-colored pupils suddenly opened slightly. The man's tone was surprised and incredible, "My God! What kind of life do you usually live by."

……irritating! This feeling of being sympathized by the enemy is so annoying!

"Hey. The research materials promised to you! Take it and roll."

I took the magic core that I had prepared long ago out of my pocket and threw it at him, and he steadily caught it, "All the things Julia Saint Enrose investigated are in it. As agreed, I'll give you a copy. "

"Good. Thank you thank you."

The man's tone was perfunctory. He randomly stuffed the magic core into his pocket without even opening it for inspection.

Sure enough, very smart.

Compared to what the sister in the hexagonal body found out, it's not worth mentioning. Although he probably hadn't guessed about Heron Oz, he already understood that the information was insignificant.

So is his real purpose only to confirm the existence of the facility?

"Little princess. I don't know if you noticed it. As long as you fall into thinking, you will frown, with a look of bitter enmity."

"Arnold" said with a chuckle. Something came out of my pocket, and then I gently took my hand.

I didn't dodge knowing that he was not malicious. It's just that after seeing what he was wearing on my index finger, he couldn't help but twitched his mouth frantically.

Isn't this the ring I gave him back then! ! The gem above!

"I can't ask for a ring with a locator." The man said in a mischievous tone, "But I will accept the gems on it~"

... What a shameless man.

Although I want to explode some violent swearing, but I always feel that if I say it, I lose. But if you want to say some elegant and high-end curse, you can't think of it all at once.

When I was tangled in my heart--

"Goodbye. Little princess."

The black pupils shrank sharply.

The man's breath left quickly. But the low and enchanting whisper, together with the warm breath, lingered in the ear for a long time.

Then it's even more exaggerated.

Her thin lips lightly nodded her cheek.

I took a sudden breath and covered my face and took a short step backward. "Arnold" looked at me in embarrassment and smiled happily. Although I still wore the skin of "Arnold" this time, I did not confuse him with Arnold.

It's amazing. The appearance of another strange man kept coming up in his mind.

Who is that.

Can't see clearly.

Just like the person in the dream. Although he clearly felt his appearance in his heart, his brain could not show his face.

"We will see you again."

The corners of the man's mouth raised slightly.

"Princess Gadriche."

Then it was just a blink of an eye.

I never saw him again.


"Your Royal Highness Gadliche. Excuse me for waiting a long time."

The boy with short aqua blue hair held the horse indifferently, and explained to himself, "I don't know who put the medicine in the horse feed in the stable. It took some time to cure the horse-Your Royal Highness Gadliche."

The ice-colored eyes were clear, he stared at me and asked, "What's wrong. Is there anything on my face."


I twisted my face and smiled at Arnold, "I just don't know why I'm so angry to see your face-can I beat you up."


The young ice knight expressed confusion.

Then finally this. It is attributed to the change and complexity of a woman's heart.


Arnold’s forty-year-old setting can be guessed at a glance. Wow...

He is the product of that facility.