All the Handsome Deep Well Ice Like Me [Western Fantasy]

v1 Chapter 47

Dear Highness Arthur.

I have received the birthday present you gave me last time. The blue and white gypsophila bouquets are very beautiful, and I have put them in the vase. Put it on the head of the bed.

Although I saved it with a magic guide. But the gypsophila you gave me last year died. People have their own lives and deaths, and the flowers will eventually wither. Even nowadays, when the science of magic is very advanced, people can't change this law.

"But I didn't expect you to give it again this year."

I put down the inked glass pen. He raised his head and looked out the window.

The cherry tree planted in the garden last year is now in full bloom. Pink-white flowers bloomed in clusters on the branches, forming one piece.

My room is on the third floor of the castle. A little higher than the cherry blossom trees, looking from the huge floor-to-ceiling glass windows, it seems to be floating on a pink-white cloud.

A gust of wind blew by at this time, blowing the slender branches. The falling cherry petals were caught in the wind, floating in the air, and finally fell gently to the ground.

The wind with the breath of sea water slowly and again, and the cherry-colored drizzle has been falling, and it has never stopped.

The cherry-colored "clouds" and the blue sky are reflected in the obsidian pupils. I pondered for a long time, and then I took up a pen to write again.

The "cherry tree" brought from the other side of the sea is already in full bloom. It seems that it likes the environment of Saint Enluth very much, the pale pink flowers are petite and cute.

The glass pen stopped again. I picked up the letter paper plated with a gold border and pressed my lips tightly and counted word by word.

"...Why there are still three hundred words!!"

Slap the letter paper vigorously on the table. I hugged my head and wailed.

Let me go, even if you write once every three days, let me go! ! I have to write a letter for three days, bastard! ! I can't think of anything else to write!


Holding my head and twisting like crazy, I suddenly stiffened. With a cold sweat, listening to the steel-like female voice outside the door said, "Have you finished writing the letter? It must be sent out this morning."

"...It's coming soon."

The female voice outside the door paused. Then he said coldly, "Did you write the letter until the last day again."

"...How could it happen hahahaha!!"

"Really. Then I'll give you the last five minutes."

That's it!

The black pupils shrank. At this juncture of life and death, my brain is operating rapidly again.

How could it be possible to write three hundred words in five minutes! Unless I write to him in cursive and sloppy fonts! But do I dare? ? I can not!

"Yes, yes sister!"

I turned my head abruptly, and my trembling pupils locked the cherry petals blown by the wind outside the window. The black line of sight revolved in the air along with it in an irregular trajectory, and finally fell together.

"Look at how beautiful the cherry blossoms outside the window! Don't the cherry blossoms grow in Yinglan! You can quickly take a few photos and send them to King Arthur with a letter!"

"Call me the emperor sister."

The hard female voice corrected in this way. After a short pause, it sounded, "This is a good idea. You wait. I'll take the picture right away."

"Good, good! Sister Huang, remember to pick a better angle!"

The footsteps outside the door got farther and farther. I sighed for a long time, and then quickly squeezed the pen again.

The world is indeed infinite. There is a brand-new country and a different civilization on the other side of the sea. If I can, I really want to see it with my own eyes.

Of course. I know that the sea is dangerous.

But the more dangerous it is, the more I yearn for it.

Maybe. The world is so huge and wonderful because of human curiosity.

"Okay." I closed my pen and glanced at the magic guide on the wall.

Then he lowered his head and hurriedly worked hard while making sure the fonts are beautiful.

The cherry blossoms are really beautiful. Its flowers are not dense, and the distance between branches is large. But I think it's the sparseness that is the beauty of it.

This feeling may not be clearly expressed in words. So I took a few photos for you.

It is estimated that there are three hundred characters after rounding. I quickly thought about how to write the end.

It is a pity that you cannot come for my fourteenth birthday. I miss you so much.


I deleted this sentence from my mind. If he really came from Yinglan after reading this sentence, wouldn't it be a blood loss for me.

It is a pity that you cannot come for my fourteenth birthday. I sincerely look forward to seeing you next time.

Although the later I am happier.

Hold the truth in my heart everyday. I satisfactorily finished writing the last word. Collapse the letter paper. Put it in the envelope.

The sky-blue lacquer turned into a pool in a small silver spoon. I poured it carefully on the envelope and stamped it with a white rose.


I sighed. Standing up from the chair, stretched towards the glass window.

The short boots left a crisp and regular tapping sound on the translucent floor tiles. I stood in front of the huge full glass window and stretched out my hand.

The black hair ends were blown by the wind, and the slightly sweet air carried the breath of sea water. A piece of cherry petals drifted through the glass and landed in the heart of my hand.

The new story begins.

I thought so. Clenched his hands.


After returning from the mine. Two years have passed.

To be honest, the past two years have been very peaceful. The village is under steady construction. Yinglan not only handed over the mining rights of the magic mine to Saint Enluth, but also intends to continue to invest and cooperate to build the village into a town, and finally returned a large sum of money to Saint Enluth.

Of course, free pies won't fall into the sky. Yinglan also requested cooperation to research the underground facilities of the Magic Mine.

Although the facility was almost scrapped by Ace and I, people are always instinctively eager for unknown knowledge. Even if they are sensibly told that there will be no gains from continuing the investigation, they are still unwilling to give up.

As for the "truth", I haven't heard rumors about it in the past two years. It seems that Arthur has not made it public.

But I always think he will. At a necessary time.

Then as I expected. Baide and Bleuxis also wanted to attack the Demon Mine area. But it ended because of Yinglan's participation.

Only they know how many secrets are hidden in the facility. But before they knew how much Yinglan knew, what their purpose was, and what their attitude was, they would stay silent in the dark.

This is not a good thing for me. The lack of action by Beluxis and Baide means that I have no clues, and I cannot continue the investigation without clues.

It feels really bad to groped in the dark. The deeper, the thicker the darkness.

So my sleep quality has been declining in the past two years. But it didn't become bald.

I turned around and threw the ring that the dead ladyboy gave me back to Arnold. Thought I only installed one location? pattern. I also installed recording! Surprised, not surprised, not surprised.

Arnold and I listened to hundreds of hours of recordings in the study. The sky pays off. Finally, important information was extracted from the "mental pollution" of the sudden change of men and women.

[Regardless of the result. The benefits that our Giant Tree Pirate Group should have can not be less. 】

The voice of the man in the magic device was smiling, his voice noble and gorgeous.

You can't go wrong. He is speaking in his own voice.

As for the pirate group-giant tree.

Although it was just a new pirate group that suddenly appeared more than ten years ago, its strength was impressive. It is the strongest pirate group entrenched in the Sea of ​​Bliss. At present, only the fleet of the Continental United Chamber of Commerce can be comparable.

The war a hundred years ago re-divided the pattern of the continent. Up to now, the whole continent is in the stage of revival. Although the "giant tree" in terms of strength is completely shackled and beaten by the three major countries with Mana. But among the pirates, he is undoubtedly the strongest.

The fundamental reason is because of his thighs-Bleusis.

That's right. The giant tree of the pirate regiment started with the great power Beluxis.

"Obviously, a country dominated by religion is actually related to the pirate group."

The corner of my mouth twitched and looked at the information in my hand. This one was taken from the national database of Saint Enluth. "No. It should be said that he even raised a pirate group by himself. Doesn't this go against their canon?"

"Beloxis is no better than Yinglan in the army, and no better than Baide in magic skills." Arnold held a large stack of materials in his hand, ten times thicker than mine, "but because of his unique religion. The people of other countries will more or less resist and go to war."

"And war always needs a ‘just’ reason. So other countries will try to avoid it."

"Yinglan and Baide too?"

"Yinglan and Baide are too."


I turned my attention back to the report. Silently looked at the huge "tree" composed of runes and circuits.

After all, Bellucci's "World Tree" is a tree made of magic cores. It's just that the "World Tree" body of Bellucci's Church is a bit more powerful, it's made of Mana.

As an atheist in my previous life, I know very little about religion. Even in this world, Saint Enluth does not have the so-called "state religion". It is impossible to personally understand the people's belief in religion.

"You don't have to worry about your beliefs. The so-called ‘state religion’ was born to allow the emperor to rule better."

The boy's voice was cold. Ice-colored eyes drooped slightly, "As long as there are enough benefits. It is not surprising that Bleusis has a relationship with the assassination team."

"……you're right."

A pirate who has superb drag skills and belongs to the Giant Tree Pirate Group. As long as I lock in this range, sooner or later I can see that man again.

By the time. He will become a breakthrough point for me to sneak into Beluxis.

But now--

"I don't know if Baide will pass the exam later..."

I sighed and let go of my clenched hands. Silently watched the cherry petals being rolled by the wind through the glass, and finally hidden in the drizzle of cherry blossoms.

In the past two years, I studied diligently in order to be admitted to Baide College. Even Arnold's icy eyes widened and applauded for me involuntarily. For learning. I even squeezed two pieces of furniture that ruined the sense of beauty—bookcase and desk in my perfectly designed room.

Although the castle has a special study room and a library...but how do you say it? I really like to work in the bedroom.


My sister's voice came from outside the door, "I'm ready to take the picture. Can I come in."

"Ah! Okay, please come in!"

After hearing what I said, the magic device opened the door conscientiously. As the door gradually opened, the figure of the girl outside the door gradually became clear.

The golden ponytail stands tall. The corners of the lips were pressed tightly. Forever frowned slightly subconsciously.

And steely eyes.


The elder sister in a white and blue tuxedo suit frowned and scanned me up and down, "How do you wear this kind of clothes for the knight?"

"Haha. I think it's pretty good."

I responded with a smile, picked up the letter on the desk and ran to her, "And Arnold must have been wearing a knight suit."

"...Whatever you two." My sister received the letter, her tone a little helpless, "but remember to wear a skirt at the evening banquet."

"Yeah. No problem."

"It's late. I'm going to the cathedral."

With her back to my sister turned her head, a rare smile appeared on her solemn steel face, "Want to be together."


I responded happily. Before she could react, she took her arm.

"You guy..."

The hard and cold voice seemed gentle because of the pampering in the words. My sister didn't throw me away, but turned her head and led me to the cathedral step by step.


The heel hits the marble floor. I took the first step.

So far. Gadrich St. Enlus.

At the age of fourteen, a brand new life began.


Say goodbye to the twelve-year-old Xiao Gongju, and we ushered in the fourteen-year-old Xiao Gongju.

Fourteen years old! It's a junior high school student! You can save the world! You can fall in love! 【Cough cough cough cough]

As for the mysterious great eastern country... If nothing else, this book cannot be written. If you can write a second book of this worldview in your lifetime, I will go back.

Finally, please! Ask for a favorite qwq!

[Since I wrote the article, I knew that these two were the author's fate...]

Then what should I write at the end.

what. jojo is really good-looking! ! A fan who wants to write jojo in the rest of my life. [Writing the fourth part. I feel my face is swollen in the content of Gintama's recent appearance. 】