All the Handsome Deep Well Ice Like Me [Western Fantasy]

v2 Chapter 100

The transparent barrier divides the spacious room into two. Between me and Arnold.

He is standing next to the barrier. The handsome face has a calm expression that hasn't changed for thousands of years, and those ice-colored eyes are always staring at me through the barrier. I don't know if he stood there at the beginning or walked there before I knew it.

If there is no barrier blocking it. He should stand behind me now.

When I think of this, I can't help but get goose bumps... It shouldn't be. Suspicious of his own knight or something.

"Just say it when you wake up. It scares me to death haha."

I scratched my head embarrassedly. Forcibly pretending that nothing happened, said in a familiar tone, "I was afraid that you and Ace would fight...Hadremo knocked you out. Does the neck still hurt?"

"Why not come."

The smile at the corner of his mouth suddenly froze. The boy's voice was as calm as his expression. And my figure is always reflected in those clear ice-colored eyes.

"I can't get there."

"But why can't you come."

...I'm starting to feel guilty.

What's more, I, who stuck on the door panel, drove as far away as possible from Anodra. Until now, I am secretly thankful that I have the foresight, not only let Hadremo set up the enchantment, but also took his magic device in front of Arnold.

Otherwise, he would have dismantled this layer of enchantment and came to me.

"Ah... I don't know if you've ever heard of it." My eyes were erratic and my mouth twitched, and I said tremblingly, "The so-called distance produces beauty--"

"come over."

These two words were uttered in a cold, calm voice.

There is no anger or other complicated emotions. Even when he said this word with the meaning of "command", he was actually just letting me pass.

Although this is the case.

...But I really don't want to go there! ! !

My expression distorted for a moment. Although reason tells me that I should go over and appease my knight, but my heart is roaring "nooooo!!!"

There is no logic to this complex emotion. In the face of me who was struggling and entangled, Arnold kept watching with a calm gaze.

I don't know how long it will take. The cold voice repeated again.

"come over."

The knight's voice was still the same as before, clean and clear. There are no complicated emotions.

And this time... I stepped forward.

After all, the face must be faced, even if the restlessness and entanglement entangled with a heavy heartbeat. I didn't dare to look at Arnold's expression, but lowered my head, step by step, and walked towards him extremely slowly.

Until the toes touched the transparent barrier.

The distance of half a room is too short. It's so short that I can't think about what to do next.

...Obviously I am the head. Why should I be afraid of him?

I forced a face. At this moment, I realized that I was too indulgent for this knight. Do I really have something like majesty in front of him?

The sound of cloth rubbing sounded. I raised my head slightly, watching the blue and white boots take a step back.

For a moment, my expression became more complicated.

...Does Nima want me to move forward? ! I'm going to walk into the enchantment before I go! ! !

"Aaa Arnold." I resisted the desire to howl and cry and discussed with the ice knight, "Do you have any ideas and just say okay? I'm just a child, I can't bear this."

"come over."

However, in response to my cry, it was the boy's cold voice like ice.

I feel like I'm going to collapse. Obviously there is no extra emotion in the voice, but the feeling Arnold gave me is inexplicably scary. Think I, Gadliche, a man who can fight for 300 rounds against the king of ghosts, is about to break down on the word "come over" now!

"It's not that I don't want to come..." The trembling voice was accompanied by crying, and I explained aggrievedly, "The barrier set by Edwin is completely blocked. I can't help it."

That's right. I lied.

Edwin's enchantment here is the same kind of enchantment as Aisner's. It only restricts the freedom of those who are locked in, while others can enter and leave at will.

And even taking a step back. As long as I want to, no matter how strong the barrier is, it can't stop the touch of my right hand.

But what can I do. I am also desperate.

There is really no other way but to lie now. Even such a clumsy lie. I can only hope that Arnold, who has a low EQ, can believe it.


"You can't escape."

The familiar voice said so. But I was stunned. Subconsciously raised his head and looked at him in front of him.

Microsoft and silky aqua hair. A handsome and indifferent face. And those eyes that looked directly at me, the color of ice like ice in the sun.

It was Arnold who was not wrong. Not where the strange president came from.

Maybe it's because the boy's physique is not as good as Astron's. Hadremer left Arnold with a shirt, a white shirt in a blue and white jacket.

Sister Sori's taste is really good. The clean white shirt has no frills. The short cuffs just show the handsome ankle of the boy.

The ankle alone already made me want to look more. But the most deadly thing is that the top button of the shirt was not even made.

The neckline of the clean white shirt was so wide open.

The slender and white collarbone is just bare.

I quickly lowered my head. Secretly cursed the old hooligan. And decided to give Sori Sister processing funds immediately after returning to Saint Enluth.

Oh shit. Although always make me some messy Lolita. But from the perspective of menswear, I really understand me.

……Or is it that all women in the world have no resistance to the collarbone that is half hidden under the collar of the shirt?

"Unless I have been locked here. You can't escape."

The cold male voice from above his head said so. Compared with the guilty conscience and fear at the beginning. There are more unspeakable emotions in my heart.

Indescribable. It can only be appreciated.

Then it was instigated by this emotion.

I actually took a step forward.

The sound of spatial fluctuations rubbed my ears, telling me that I was already on the other side of the barrier at this moment. It's only a touchable distance from him.


In fact, there is nothing to be afraid of.

After all, he never meant to hurt me.

The black eyes shrank slightly after realizing the simple and obvious truth. Then at this moment, the man in front of me stretched out his hand to wrap my waist.

The cool temperature came through the clothes. While the black eyes squeezed sharply, the man pressed the back of my head with his other hand.

The body and the body are clinging to each other irresistibly. And following his movements, I, who was a head shorter than him, also instinctively stood on my toes.

From the results.

The two hugged tightly.





Being hugged tightly and forced to be lifted, I frowned, my expression very confused.

"I will forgive you this time."

As if to explain my doubts, Arnold said in my ear, "You are too poorly aware of the difference between men and women. If you continue like this, you will sink into the whirlpool of desire."

... Only by hugging, ghosts can sink into the whirlpool of desire! Are you underestimating me! And you **** is holding me too! !

"Isn't there no way at that time?" He suppressed the desire to complain in his heart. I gritted my teeth and explained, "If you don't control Ace, you will fight."

"Even so. I won't lose."

The human body holding me is cold. And this cold hug is extremely pure, without any charming meaning.

...In comparison, the killing intent in the words is terrifying.

"Although Ace jumped a little bit. But he is still a good person. Right."

The corners of my mouth twitched. Even if I don’t believe what I said, I’m afraid that there is no one. "And I think if you are really angry, you will lose. He is clearly provoking you on purpose."

Arnold did not speak.

But he did not let go.

I sighed. Because of the reason he was holding it in this way, only the dark ceiling was in sight. Can't see anything.

But after knowing that he was just awkward. It's just a lot of lighter mood.

Coax it harder. Thinking of this, I raised my hand and lightly patted Arnold on the back.

However, he was severely pierced by something cold and hard.

I paused for a second. Then he struggled madly.

"Do not move."

As if punishing a disobedient child. The hand holding the back of my head pressed it down firmly, "I haven't been completely relieved yet."


I was crying. Realizing that he couldn't break free, he simply gave up resisting, "How come your cape is still attacking are all frozen!"


Arnold's voice sounded in his ears, still so **** calm, "Because it is useless to do the difference recognition circuit because it takes time, labor, and money. So I didn't do it."

…Is Saint Enluth really that poor? wrong. Do I dare to wear this shawl casually in the future!

"It seems that the charging time is a little more than a day."

Although half of his body was frozen, Arnold didn't diminish his strength in his arms. However, his character was not alive and strangling me to death was considered an improvement, "It takes too long to charge. Practicality is not good."

"... When in the underground facility, this circuit is set up in the magic mine." I answered with a complicated face, "Or don't he make it in his clothes. Try it directly in the magic core. "


Arnold nodded. The soft, aqua-blue hair swept my cheek with his movements, a little itchy, "Baide's equipment is much better than Saint Enlus. It is also free for students. We can try it."

"...Don't say it. I know. I will tell my sister to upgrade the equipment. It's too pitiful, really. Are we really the strongest subject of Yinglan instead of a small village in a ravine? "

"The country's money comes from the people. As a princess. You should work hard to reduce the people's taxes while developing the country."

But I feel that as a princess, I have to beg for the development of the country.

I stared blankly at the dark dead fish eyes. There are too many things to complain about at this time. Whether it's my situation or the posture of the two of us. Can't we really sit down and talk about these issues?

"Hey." If I couldn't pat the back, I just poked his waist lightly and asked, "This is a reconciliation. It won't be awkward. Can you let me go?"

Arnold did not let go. The cold voice just answered my last question flatly.

"Waiting for a while."

...I sighed helplessly. Still held by him.

really. The dignity of being a boss or something. It doesn't suit us at all.

It's like this now.

That's enough.


Jiamei, why are you so miserable hahahahahahaha.

cough. No kidding. Heaven descends to the people of Sri Lanka.

Jiamei is probably the worst and most villainous female protagonist in Otome's essays, the most miserable, least wanting to fall in love, the most guilty, the most guilty, the most false and the most decent, the worst, the most villainous heroine.

But it's also because of her personality that those dead **** will like Jiamei.

There are many disadvantages and many advantages. Too perfect heroine always feels something is missing.

Hundred chapters reached.

Was completely damaged by qr. The main line is extremely scattered. It's basically a character story. But it's okay. After Jiamei collects more clues, she will go straight to the main line. One of the main reasons why the main line is so scattered now is because there are too few clues from Jiamei.

In the finale, the ending of each character will be written out (including the Rosen boy). Are you looking forward to 233