All the Handsome Deep Well Ice Like Me [Western Fantasy]

v2 Chapter 105

The setting sun dyed the clouds red, floating in the burning sky. A dark crow screamed sternly, dangling something with its long beak, and fleeing away with its wings desperately waving its wings.

It is a human eye.

The black eyes follow the trajectory of the crow's flight. After finally seeing what was in its mouth, it shrank sharply. And at the same time that he realized what terrible thing it was, the pungent smell of blood flooded his face.


The smell of blood is too strong. The body instinctively pinched his neck with his hands, coughing hard, as if he wanted to cough out the blood he inhaled.

However, this is impossible.

The **** smell of soaring to the sky can no longer be described as "uncomfortable". Every time he inhaled, it was like being pinched by someone's neck, and a mouthful of black blood was poured in.

What the **** is this place...!

Reason suppresses the urge to vomit. I struggled, looking around.

Then I found the answer.

This is the battlefield.

The halberd breaks the axe and the ridge is broken. The broken flag fell on the corpse, the face of the flag was covered with messy footprints and dark red blood, and it was impossible to tell which country it belonged to.

However. There are many such flags.

It should be too much. Hanging on the mountain where the dead bodies are piled up in a horrible amount.

The corpse mountain is formed by wearing different armors, different styles of civilian clothing, different ages, and even different races.

Too high.

This mountain with dead bodies is too high. As if to lead to the top of the world.


I lifted my head as hard as I could, and stared at the figure at the top of Shishan with my pupils shrinking.

Bright red coat. Short brown hair with curled ends. The familiar figure made me call out his name without hesitation.

However, he did not look back at me.

He was holding a long sword in his right hand wearing black gloves, with the tip of the sword hanging down. The blood flowed down the icy sword like an endless stream, dropping drop by drop, annihilating in the almost non-existent gap of the corpse.

I just found out at this time. The standing straight man was soaked with blood all over his body.

The bright red coat glowed with an unknown dim light from the dry blood. The brown hair was dyed dark red. Ace, who couldn't hear me, raised his other hand. As if wanting to touch something, he slowly stretched out his hand towards the remnant red sky.


No hesitation this time. I exhausted my strength and shouted the man's name hoarsely.

Why do you want to do this. The reason is not clear.

I wonder if I was worn by someone. Otherwise, how could there be no reason to shout his name with all my strength.

The hoarse throat was dry and painful. A strong sense of exhaustion slammed into the limbs. I stood forcibly in this **** world, raised my head, gritted my teeth and looked at the figure of the man.

This time. He heard my voice.

The hand reaching the sky stopped, but did not let go. The brown-haired man with his back to me was silent and turned to me.


It is the dark ceiling that occupies the entire field of view.




Although I really want to curse longer, more civilized and more cultural, but a strong sense of relief can only support me to curse this syllable.

Why is it a dream again.

It happened to be a nightmare again. Even if I die from overwork during the day, will I still torture me at night?

I don't want to move while lying on the bed. Just stared at the ceiling blankly. After a brief daily complaint, I began to organize the current situation conscientiously.

I remember yesterday that I had a lot of information exploding from Edwin’s mouth. Then Edwin reacted and asked me before urinating and escaping back to the dormitory. After discovering that the pseudonym was not there, he exhausted his last strength and stared open the shoes, and then fell on the bed without strength.

During the period, I seemed to see Arnold squatting at the door... but there was too much thinking. I didn't communicate with him too much, but urged him to go to bed while waiting for the wooden door to open.

Then what are you doing? Oh yes. I wanted to sort out a wave of information before going to bed, but fell asleep unconsciously in the middle of sorting it out.

...Should I say that not losing is thinking about it day by day and dreaming at night. And Ace could still meet in the dream.

Recalling now, the content of the dream is a bit vague. The picture is fixed on the back of a man covered in blood in the sunset, and the fear and anxiety in his heart are also so strong.

I don't know what I am afraid of.

The most armed continent is afraid that Yinglan’s "Smashing Star Cannon" can be used to kill. Instead of worrying about him, worry about his own safety.

Obviously it should be like this.

...But why can't I let go.

I stared at the dark ceiling blankly. In his head, he couldn't help thinking about the possibility of "locking Ace up and imprisoning him for a lifetime to protect him and the world."

"Now that you wake up, get up and eat something."

The slightly cool female voice sounded abruptly. I turned my head abruptly and saw Ashleyn sitting in a wicker chair reading a book.

Wearing a pure white dress, "she" still turned his face against the magnificent Arnold. Even the voice was a gentle octave of Arnold's transfiguration, "It's already ten o'clock in the morning. I'll bring you something to eat."

I looked at him blankly. Then he opened his mouth slightly and bit his tongue violently.

...... The desire to yell "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!! I raised my eyebrows and looked at me in a muffled voice, "It's nothing...just make sure if I'm still dreaming."

Ahirain didn't say much, and continued to read his book.

I wrestled on the bed for a while before getting out of bed with difficulty. Ever since I reformed my mind and developed the good habit of going to bed early and getting up early, I have never slept so late again. It seems that the longer I sleep, the easier it is to fall into bed.

I don't know why. As I sat up, I looked out the window. Bright sunlight poured in through the glass windows with warm temperatures. White clouds drifted past the window, and the clear blue sky remained the same.

...I turned my head in a complicated mood. I found a wooden dinner plate on the table on my side. Inside the wooden dinner plate is the same wooden bowl of soup like boiled water, and a piece of bread? ! !

"Why is there bread!!!"

I leaned close, looking at the thing that looked like "bread" with a shocked look, "And it's still whole wheat! Why! The warehouse of the airship has been blasted!"

"This is from the examinee I met on the road."

It's different from me who is excited. Ahirain's voice was calm, "Almost everyone who saw me gave me food. I don't know what their expressions will be when they know I am a man."

... Maybe they will be more excited.

I murmured to myself. Grasp the bread carefully, and bite it down with satisfaction.

Oh. God. Go to **** in the light of whole wheat bread! Damn Bader rations!

I chewed the whole-wheat bread in my mouth with contentment, the soft touch and the mellow and delicious flavor of wheat are about to melt.

It seems that I still overestimate my self-control. I wanted to bring some snacks to the airship. But because the "space" magic device is time-consuming and labor-intensive to make, the cost is extremely high, and the space is very small. So in order to make room for other things, I didn't bring food at all.

The same is true for archive points. I stuffed a lot of equipment, equipment, instruments, and instruments in it. Although he stole two boxes of raspberry biscuits. But not surprisingly, they were all turned out and eaten by Adam.

Oh shit. Next time I hide the bottom of the bra pile.

"I have completely read Edwin's diary."

The ice-colored eyes are still hanging slightly. Ahiline said to me who was eating the bread while flipping the pages in his hand, "I took the time to check some other things by the way."

"It's envious that I can live as easily as a royal family in a country." Ahirain smiled. "There is no thought or idea about the Kingdom of Baird in the diary. It is full of magical experiments."

"And the one that appears the most. It's the magic guide Shiding."

I stopped chewing endlessly. Swallow in one bite. Looked at Ashirain seriously.

"Magic Shi's Stop." I asked, "Is it invented by Heron Oz."

"Well. It was written countless times in the diary that'I will finish it one day'. It seems that this is his dream."

My complexion was very complicated for an instant. Don't you feel ashamed to write your dreams in your diary at such an old age?

"Edwin can only stop for three hours." I put forward my own guess, "But Heron Oz can stop for twelve hours from time to time—no. In theory, stop for time can go on forever."

"The dream is to surpass Herron's Oz." Ahiline propped his face with one hand, and opened the book stand on his white skirt, "Beyond the genius who gave rise to the entire era of wizards 40 years ago."

...My complexion is getting complicated again. Worthy of being an old antique, are your dreams so ancient?

"Edwin's dream has nothing to do with me. But there will be things I care about next."

Ahilion lowered his eyelids slightly, and said, "Magic Shi Ting's breakthrough point is on the Magic Device."

"The current magic device cannot last for more than three hours at all. The reason why Heron Oz can last for twelve hours."

The beauty with a sexually turned Arnold face raised her head and smiled at me, "It's because Jiulan Saint Enrus made a special magic device for him."

What good is it for you to look at me like this. I'm not my grandma.

I stared at Ahirain with straight eyes. "She" smiled more charmingly, "My dear. You already know the breakthrough, right?"

"Yeah." I nodded blankly.

"But. You still don't want to exchange with me."

I nodded again blankly.

"It's really unbelievable. Gadrich." Ahillain leaned back, squinted his ice-colored eyes, and deliberately lowered his voice and said to me, "I will leave it mercilessly as soon as I use it. ..."

"I didn't abandon it." I started with a dark face. No matter how many times I watched Arnold's sex, I still can't understand it! "It's just that the information should be equivalently exchanged."

"Yeah. It's okay too."

Ashleyn smiled. Both the gaze and the tone can be called gentle.

It's not like Arthur's pampering. That is a more tender emotion.

…I was shocked by taking a sip of the soup when I watched it like this.

"It's actually sweet?"

I was shocked looking at the liquid in the bowl that was as transparent as boiled water. Baide’s pragmatism paradigm focused all on nutrition, without even thinking about the color and taste. But why is this sweet?

"It's very simple." Ahilaine on the opposite side seemed to be amused by my expression, "I put some candy."


I put down the bowl blankly.

after. Put the Bader army rations and seasonings at the archive point. If you want to be sweet, you will be sweet and salty if you want. Practicality explodes.

"It means that the airship will arrive at Baide in the morning."

Ahiline turned the end of her hair. To my face suddenly stiffened, I "kindly" reminded, "Have you reviewed it? Are you sure about it?"



I crumbled and covered my face.

I haven't reviewed it at all these days! ! ! !


There are many brain holes. There are many thieves who want to write.

An illusion P5 wind and an actual statement "Illness Jiao Correction Boxing". All in the Shura field. It's scary over there.

But after finishing writing, write a short story of about 30w to relax. Brothers are almost four hundred thousand! Is the time passing quickly?

Ace's previous experience, you are afraid that you will not be able to guess. Anyway, it's unpleasant x

It's coming to Baide soon. The college article is very joyful.

It can be seen that Jiamei Yun (pit) collects (suppresses) (swindles) and (deceives) various scholarships. Then, when the best teacher and student award was made, he and Old Antique stood blankly on the podium.

Obviously each other wants to kill each other with the power of "knowledge" x