All the Handsome Deep Well Ice Like Me [Western Fantasy]

v2 Chapter 106

Before the college entrance examination in the previous life. My teacher told the class that we have done everything, and the next step is to obey the fate. Everyone take a good break these days and don't be too nervous. It is best to take the exam with a happy mood.

I was too young in my last life. It doesn't work hard to study. Just play for a week and then go to the exam.

Then I took a second-rate second-rate exam.

If God gives me another chance, I will study hard and review hard! Treat him with 100% confidence and rigor! !

I swear to God secretly. And now. God finally gave me a chance to take an exam again. And I can finally take it seriously.

However, it does not give me a chance to review at all.


I stared at the dead fish eyes, silently looking at the books in front of me that were taller than me. These are the reference books that Arnold (known as) summed up the information of the Baide entrance exams over the years, and finally deleted the selected reference books.

It is not appropriate to say that it is a reference book. Because there is no "reference book" for any exam in this world. Some are just documents that record various practical problems and their ultimate solutions.

It is not appropriate to say that it is "information on the Baide entrance exam over the years". Because Baide officials have not issued any set of examination papers. This information is only the conclusion drawn by those who are interested in summing up the experience of those candidates.

After all, Baide's entrance examination is not scoped.

As long as it is related to the subject you are applying for. All may appear on the exam paper.

"Baide's entrance exam will only test theory." The ice knight didn't look at me. He was holding a book that I didn't want to read just by looking at the thickness, and looked at it patiently, "So. As long as you remember all the magical device theories on the mainland. You will surely pass the level."

Humans can't do this kind of thing at all! !

I looked at the pile of books piled high in front of me with a distorted expression. It is impossible for these books to record the magical device theory of the entire continent. After all, the development of magical devices is no longer at the "primary stage". I am afraid that even after reading these few books, Arnold will bring me a new bunch.

"I don't think these books can save me in a short afternoon." I pushed the pile of books away with a dark complexion. The "knowledge" that is higher than the sitting me is terrifying, and it took me a lot of effort to push it away, "Anyway, grandma was also from Baird before. Let me read her notes."

"I'll be honest." The ice knight on the side said flatly stabbing me, "You and Queen Jiulan are not at the same level of knowledge."

"...You are actually a poisonous tongue, right."

While spitting out, I turned around and took out my grandma's notebook from my schoolbag.

The written notes with at least forty years of history are inevitably yellowish and brittle. There are no defects, and it can be seen that both the owner and posterity of the notebook have carefully preserved it.

I only felt the backwardness of the world's education system after I started learning. Not only are there no systematic textbooks for "education", even the cost of education is terribly expensive.

After all, there is no junior high school in this world. Some are just "universities".

Capable parents will ask private tutors to teach their children one-on-one. Basically, a family church accompanies its students throughout their lives until he is admitted to a national "college", where teachers continue to teach him.

One can imagine how expensive this fee is.

In this kind of social environment, it is impossible to unify the education system at all. After all, different teachers have different educational styles and use different textbooks.

The whole society still needs development.

I open the notebook. The handwriting on the yellowed pages is neat and neat. In a way, the "teacher" who taught me is actually "Jiulan Saint Enlus" who died more than 40 years ago. I don't understand even 80% of what she teaches.

but. It's incredible. The fetters between us spanned the long river of time, relying on a notebook to connect again.

Grandma died before I was born. My impression of her is only on the portrait hung in the castle of Saint Enluth.

Dad is too food. She didn't inherit the slightest beauty and wisdom of grandma at all. Although he wanted to teach me personally, in the end he had to hand it over to a professional royal teacher.

I don't know when he was a kid. Are you sitting in your grandma's arms, listening to the voice of your mother's teaching in the sunshine of the Garden of Saint Enluth?

Remove the silver bookmark in the notebook and gently set it aside. And Arnold beside him looked at my hand as if he was attracted by something.

"Do you want a notebook?" I looked at him suspiciously, "Didn't you take the photo when you took it out and store it in the magic core."

"No." The icy eyes drooped slightly. Arnold said calmly in a cold voice, "Bookmarks, are they easy to use."

"Ah. It's easy to use."

"But I didn't bring it because it was easy to use."

Ice-colored eyes fell on me. I didn't turn my head to look at him, I just shaved my nose, "Because you gave I kept it with me."

The sound of turning the pages of the book did not sound for a long time.

But I can clearly feel his eyes fall on me.

I didn't go to see him. He just lowered his head and looked intently at the yellowed pages full of handwriting.

... After all, it's really too shameful! ! !

Originally only to set a goal for himself, he chose to teach Arnold the "human heart". But he is not the only one affected by the time spent with him.

Although it cannot be expressed in words. But I can clearly feel the changes in myself over the past two years.

Before you know it. Have we all changed a lot?

"That, that. Yesterday I was too sleepy and I went straight to sleep." The knight beside him still didn't speak, but his ice-colored gaze never looked away. Before the air around me got a strange atmosphere, I stared at my notebook, and awkwardly changed the subject, "It seems you are waiting at the door. Is there anything going on?"

"Nothing special. I just want to look at you again before going to bed."

The ice-colored eyes drooped slightly. But I turned my head subconsciously.

The aqua blue short hair is slender and soft. Those slightly drooping ice-colored eyes are still so clear and beautiful.

Although it is the same as in memory. But something has changed.

"Perhaps. If you are still awake. I will say good night." The slender hand fell on the edge of the book again. Arnold's gaze turned slightly and fell on the book in his hand. The indifferent voice mingled with the rustle of pages turning, "It's not a big deal."

……No. It's a pretty good thing! !

I was so **** moved that I was crying. Although the knight beside him still had a face of indifference that remained unchanged for thousands of years. Even the cold voice couldn't hear any emotional fluctuations. But I am convinced. The so-called "heart" was beating in his body.

Worth it! ! I have suffered so much in the past two years! ! !

I raised my hand and flicked away the tears of relief from the corner of my eyes. Although it's just budding now. But one day he realized.

Even though it is a creation of human beings, it does possess the human heart. It always exists. It's just that neither Arnold nor the people around him realized it.

Suddenly understand why Heron Oz brought Arnold out of the underground facility.

He must have realized this a long time ago.

"Excluding the time for sleeping and eating. You have nearly eight hours left."

Arnold said quietly, turning the page again. The neat print is full of the entire writing. Although I knew every word, when they were connected together, it made me wonder if I was illiterate.

Faced with this reality, my face was shocked and almost collapsed. Sorcerology and Sorcerology are related. No, after two years of studying, I still can’t even tell what theory Arnold sees!

"Queen Jiulan's notebook is indeed very useful. But those are the knowledge more than 40 years ago." Arnold, who has a heart and a calm voice, gave me a crit once again, "The evolution of the magical device in the past 40 years is the naked eye. Visible. You need to learn more and newer knowledge."

...But I don't even understand the one 40 years ago! ! !

I feel like I'm going to cry. This time it was not a relief, but a blow.

"So I suggest you still read the book on the table."

Arnold said that the clouds were light and windy. The genius artificial person who doesn't understand the human heart doesn't understand the bitterness of ordinary humans at all. As always, he said gently in a flat voice, "This is the latest six books arranged by date. It was published about a week ago."


In a trance. I seemed to hear the sound of blood vomiting at my mouth.


I gritted my teeth. As if removing a stumbling block on the road of life, he strongly picked up the top book and placed it in front of him. The left hand turned to the first page with difficulty, and the right hand drew out the large bookmark given by Adam from the bag. Set it aside for later use.

The surrounding temperature dropped sharply, and it was as cool as my heart. I rubbed my arms. Then his crying hands fixed the pages that were cocked because they were too thick. This is a book borrowed from the airship, I dare not fold it.


Finally realized what was wrong, I turned my head stiffly. I found that although the ice-colored handsome boy put his hands on the edge of the book, his eyes remained motionless.

In my hand. Bookmarks.

"A bookmark from Adam?" Arnold's face was very plain.

"Ah...yes." But I couldn't help but panicked, "Anyway, it's a birthday gift from should also take care of it, right."

Arnold did not reply. He just turned his head and read his book again.

Then the silence to death lasted for eight hours.

I finally got my wish and devoted myself to review.



It burns when I look at Gang Damu in the morning x

You can enter the exam scene tomorrow. Jiamei's life is really difficult.

The Cavaliers are okay, and a sullen Sao will only be jealous. If Pharaoh and Ace...