All the Handsome Deep Well Ice Like Me [Western Fantasy]

v2 Chapter 128

"The blood of the fantasy seed is really necessary. I have done experiments on a small magical device. The same magical device can increase the conductivity by about ten times after adding dragon blood."

"Although I don't know if the blood conduction ability of other fantasy species is stronger, but from the current results, the dragon blood is enough. The only problem now is-you two!!!"

The corners of the old antique's mouth twitched violently in the last second, and finally chose not to bear it anymore. He slapped the report paper in his hand on the table and shouted, "You two are listening to me carefully. What?!"

"Of course-yes-there-ah~"

His slender, well-proportioned arms rested on a long dark wooden table covered with nicks. The beauty with a big golden wave and a proud figure is holding her face in her hands. At the old antique who was violent in the face, smiled foolishly, "As long as it is Edwin, I am listening carefully~"

"I'm also listening." The boy with an indifferent expression on the side consciously replied, "It's just that I just thought of something else while listening."

What's the difference between this and not listening.

I secretly complained in my heart. Sure enough, the face of Old Antique on the opposite side was as uncomfortable as eating shit.

in a sense. He is probably the person who understands me best in this world.

After all, we all live so aggrieved.

"Although I have the consciousness to endure your endless sexual harassment when I look for your cooperation. But it really is that I thought it was too simple."

Edwin, who was sitting alone across from him, had a dark complexion. The deep voice was so gloomy that couldn't be overcome, "And. Why did you bring the guy next to you."

"Don't look at his young age. He is a magical genius once in a century."

The beautiful nails were painted bright red, and the beautiful face was lightly touched. Sophie smiled and said, "It's even better than me in theory. Maybe it's on the same level as your uncle."

"...The brat wants to compete with Herron Oz, a hundred years earlier."

Old Antique said gloomily. He immediately sat back on the chair, pressed his lips tightly and sorted out the pile of reports.

His gloomy eyes were hidden behind the drooping bangs, unable to see the cut clearly. But Edwin is really not a person who can hide his feelings, and the sudden cooling aura around him clearly explains everything.

really. Although I didn't mention it, I still care about it in my heart.

I sighed silently. I was also worried about what Bader would do if he would take him back after he knew about Arnold's life. But now it seems that forty years have finally annihilated too many things.

"If I can. I also want to compare with my mentor."

The cold voice of the teenager recalled my thoughts. I turned my head and looked at Arnold indifferently and said indifferently, "But it's a pity that he died 40 years ago."




The deathly silence solidified the air. Edwin raised her head abruptly, Sophie narrowed her pupils, and I covered my face in despair.

Although it was previously speculated that Baide blocked the news of Heron Oz's death. But now it seems that Bader has done better than I thought. Even Edwin and Sophie didn't even know about it.

But I don't want to think about the reasons why those bachelors want to do this. I just want to think about how I should get out of the workshop alive.

Sophie has a bad face. The face of Old Antique on the other side was so pale that I was terrified.

"...There are too many things to ask. Let me ask two first."

The leg of the chair hit the ground with a crisp sound. The woman who allowed herself to fully leaned back in the chair was smiling, but her expression was exhausted, "What is your relationship with Heron Oz. Are you sure he is dead?"

"Adopted son."

The ice-colored knight answered quickly, "OK."

Sophie stopped talking.

The air returned to dead silence again. After this, I heard thick and heavy deep breathing.

I quickly looked at Edwin, who was hunched and bowed his head, and asked tremblingly and nervously, "Calm down first, Edwin! You won't have a heart attack!"

"You have a heart attack. Idiot."

Old Antique lifted his head and glared at me. His face was still pale and terrifying, "They have been missing for more than forty years. They are already dead."

Edwin said like this. He lowered his head again. But after a while, he spoke in a gloomy tone.

"Helen Oz. Is there anything left."


The boy's slightly opened lips paused for a moment and then closed. Ice-colored eyes glanced at me, and after seeing my serious look, Arnold chose to remain silent.

There are too many doubts between Heron Oz and the underlying facilities and Bleusis. Old Antique obviously didn't know this. Telling him now will only increase the danger.


The gloomy eyes drooped. Edwin took a report paper from the table and looked at it, and stopped talking.

It's just that his fingertips trembling with the report paper.

Although knowing that Heron Oz is more fortunate than fortunate. But deep down, I still hope that he can live steadily in a corner of the world. Even if he never heard from him again...?

I carefully looked at Arnold beside me with my peripheral vision. The icy eyes looked straight ahead, and the handsome profile was still indifferent. It seemed that the death of Heron Oz could no longer make waves in his heart.

But I still remember the way he was crying.

"Wait. I remember."

The sudden sound attracted the attention of three people. I looked at Sophie. She opened her beautiful eyes, staring straight at Arnold in an incredible tone.

"You wouldn't be... the Arnold in the letter from Bachelor Herron Oz at the time, would you?"

I was shocked.

... God, did I actually transfer it! This is how I ran into another person who had received a letter 40 years ago! !

"Ms. Sophie!!"

I pushed Arnold's head away. Sophie asked excitedly, "Is that letter still there! Or do you remember the specific content of the letter!!"


Sophie looked at me thoughtfully. Smiled, "Gadrich. Are you actually investigating Heron Oz?"

"To be precise. I'm investigating Arnold's life experience."

I stared into Sophie's eyes. With a sincere expression, he said to her, "Of course this will inevitably involve the cause of Heron Oz's death... I promise you. I will tell you the truth after the investigation."

Beautiful and enchanting eyes stared at me. After a while, Sophie smiled and replied, "Okay. The deal is established."

I secretly sighed. Sit back.

... and then slightly squinted to look at the old antique on the opposite side.

Wrapped in his robe, he said nothing, but stared at me with those gloomy eyes. I know he is waiting for me to talk to him, and he is still very anxious at the moment, because he wants to know more about Herron Oz.

But I don't.

I leaned on the chair and passed the blind eye without expression. Sure enough, the line of sight staring at me became more intense in an instant.

Wanting to come to Edwin now is simply out of breath. So Tsundere should put the play and wait for him to explode in place.

"In order to avoid Bellucci's surveillance, all the letters sent by Heron Oz should be destroyed without exception." Old Antique said gloomily. Although he was talking to Sophie, he still stared at me, "Did your family keep the promise."

"Of course I obeyed~ But in order to find the truth in the future. Father still kept a hand."

Sophie winked mischievously at me. Although he is in his early forties, he is still so young and beautiful, whether it is body or mind, "He made the content of the letter into a puzzle. It is hidden in my toy."

... **** is still hot!

I quickly expressed my admiration to Sophie with my eyes.

"But my father has done a little too much."

For a moment, a strong unknown attacked me. Sure enough, Sophie sighed and said quietly.

"He made a three-dimensional tenon puzzle."

My eyes are gradually desperate.

Edwin on the opposite side sneered directly when he saw my expression. Sophie continued, "Whenever you have time, come to my house to get it. Gardriche."


My eyes replied hollowly.

The old antique on the opposite side uttered a "ha, ha, ha!" laughter.

I think it took eight years for Sato’s game to fight thousands of building blocks. I don't know how long it will take me as a mortal to finish the spell.

and. This thing must be done.

I got a manuscript from Heron Oz through Arthur's relationship before. It was also through this manuscript that I understood that I had to find the second letter, otherwise I would never find Heron Oz’s residence.

because. Although the address was directly stated on the manuscript, there was only one way to lift the barrier.

[Decipher this letter. 】

God knows how much I wanted to tear up that letter when I saw this sentence.

But this also gave me more clues. Heron Oz's daring to write this shows that he knows that someone will be able to crack it. That talent is the person Heron Oz really hopes for, and everything else is to distract Bellucci's attention.

Considering Heren Oz's poor social circle, that person is most likely to be in Bader.

But why hasn't anyone picked up Arnold for nearly forty years?

Bellucci's influence cannot last forty years. So the only possibility is.

Forty years ago an incident happened in Baide enough to stop everyone.

...So now I can only rely on me to piece together everything in pieces.

Each letter was handwritten by Heron Oz. For selected and unselected people, Herron Oz wrote absolutely different things. And the more you write, the more cursive the words become, even if you can't see the font, the content will become more and more streamlined.

And Herron Oz is very likely to write about selected candidates and then non-selected candidates.

"Gadrich. You will come to see me directly in the morning starting from tomorrow."

"……Say it again?"

Because I was thinking, I didn't hear what Old Antique said, frowning and looking at him blankly.

And his face turned black in an instant.

"From tomorrow! Come and see me directly at the workshop!!"

"...Huh?" I looked at him gnashing his teeth speechlessly, and vomited, "I have gone to bed at four o'clock every day, what do you want me to do. I have class at eight o'clock."

Old Antique stared at me blankly, "Stop going to class."

"...Hey! You can't just expel me from school just because of your surname Baide!!!"

"Do you only have the memory of a fish?" Old Antique sneered calmly when I was facing the scene of the incident. "I said, remember the class hours."

I sat back quietly in an instant.


A terrible thing did happen forty years ago. You should be able to guess what Baide is now. [Why am I spoiling again]

I think this article should have four lines. The older generation, Jiamei, Ace and Adam, the whole world.

Today’s anecdote:

Heron Oz also sent a letter to grandma. But at that time, grandma was no longer able to pick it up, so she didn't pick it up. Because grandma had already left Baide at that time, she didn't know what happened there.

Herron also sent letters to his brother (Edwin's dad), Sophie's dad, and Rotun's brother (Hadremo's dad).

Of course none of the three Baiders went.

In fact, what happened to Baide is also a ruthless fate, a bane left by the Hundred Years' War. 【Crazy Spoilers】

The story of the older generation is far from simple. After Luo Tun died, there was still a long run. His death also directly led to the beginning of the Jiamei story, the birth of Arnold.

[This world is really complicated and scares me x]

After this chapter, it is considered to enter the main line. Jiamei can also win precious free time for action. [Jiamei is really bitter. 】