All the Handsome Deep Well Ice Like Me [Western Fantasy]

v2 Chapter 158

The big sword attached to the flow inflammation. A red coat stained with blood. The brown-haired man raised his arm horizontally in front of him and sniffed.

The smell of blood was in the air.

The sky was not clear enough to block the moonlight, and the light was blurry under the dim light. I couldn't see the expression of the man carrying the light, but saw the scarlet eyes in the obscure dim light.


After realizing who the person is. I gave up the idea of ​​running away.

Can't escape anyway.

At this moment, I have no time to worry about the life and death of that person. And at this moment when my heart was extremely confused, the brown-haired man raised his head and looked at me.

The dark clouds blocking the moonlight drifted by. I saw a face stained with blood.

"...Ah. It's Gardrich."

Scarlet eyes opened slightly. The handsome man showed a very bright smile after seeing that it was me. He also shook the hand that didn't hold the sword to me, "What a coincidence~ Are you still swinging outside so late?"

"...I was just doing the experiment a little bit late."

The man covered in blood came to me. I quickly took a step back and made room for him.

"I was thinking about walking down the path and I could rush to the dormitory before the night ban." With a complex expression, I watched Ace single-handedly fought the man up, and rudely and casually threw him onto the bench next to him. ,"But I didn't expect to bump into you."

"Haha." Ace squatted by the bench, smiling very heartily, "That's really fate."

No. It's because of my **** bad luck.

Halfway through the work at hand, I feel uncomfortable, and it doesn’t take long after all. It was just in time to return to the bedroom after completing the channeling path. The idea is beautiful and stable, but the ghost knows that you can come out.

You are still doing "dark work".

"This is an order from King Arthur."

The man's hearty voice recalled my thoughts. I looked at Ace. He was found to be checking the businessman's pulse with two fingers.

And looking at his grinning face, he seemed to be gloating.

...In an instant my expression became very complicated. He walked towards Ace naturally and stood beside him, "Are you trying to sow discord?"

The handsome-looking man answered readily, "Yes."

"... Then forget it. I have guessed that King Arthur sent you... to kill him."

When there is light, there is darkness. The stronger the light. The shadow is also thicker.

Even the arrogant and great golden lion. There is no way to change this.

I have long understood this truth. Nor will the Virgin's heart flood to blame.


"Sorry. I scared you."

The man's hearty voice suddenly lowered, with a gentle tone. I looked at Ace faintly. The man squatting on the ground didn't care about the blood stains or the scarlet clothes dragging the dust on the ground, just staring at himself.

And those scarlet eyes finally softened a little under the dim light.

"……is a bit."

I looked away, and replied in a somewhat unnatural tone, "I haven't seen a dead person with my own eyes when I grow up... let alone died in front of me."

"Haha. Worthy of being a princess. The protection is really good."

"I think it has nothing to do with whether it is a princess or not. Normal people would not see it now without war."

Ace smiled. The voice is loud and hearty. It makes me worried that his laughter will recruit the patrolling team... Wait a minute.

The black eyes opened slightly. The brown-haired man who had laughed enough turned his head and looked at me with more interest with his eyes stained with dried blood.

"Just as you thought, Gadrich." Ace's voice was very hearty, "I have killed all the guards of this man."


The body betrayed the heart, trembling slightly.

And this time Ace did not comfort or say anything. Just squatted and looked at me lazily with a smile.

In the darkness, those eyes were the same color as the dry blood.

And even if he did nothing or even slack off, I still dare not run away.

... Obviously sister and Arthur have also killed people, even a lot of them. But I have never feared them.

Because I'm pretty sure they won't kill me. At least it won't kill me for no reason.

But Ace will.

why? The reason?

If I was desperately yelling at him when I was dying. He would only smile at me with that hearty handsome face, and then swing down his sword without hesitation.

——Why is this? Did I owe you something in my previous life? ? ?

Although I really want to ask. But my instinct still tells me, at least for now, don't ask.

"... Hum. Here you are."

Complex emotions mingled deep inside. And under extreme entanglement, I took out one from my handbag.

Wet tissue paper.

Ace looked at the "wet tissue paper" in my hand blankly, and did not speak for a long time.

The corners of my mouth twitched sharply. He tore the "wet tissue paper" directly and pulled out the paste directly onto Ace's face. But he was stunned, and caught the falling "paper towel" with one hand.

"What is this?" Ace said with a horn. Looking at the moonlight.

"Wet wipes." My face was dark, "Ordinary handkerchiefs are not wet and can't be wiped clean. So I did this. Wipe my face quickly."

Ace nodded suddenly. Holding the wet tissue in one hand, he wiped his face hard and casually.

This is the same as ordinary boys.

Although the hair tips and coat are still stained with blood. But at least that handsome face looked normal. Ace held the wet wipe in one hand and handed it to me, and said with emotion, "It's really convenient. Give it back to you?"

"No. Please throw it away."

I refused with a black face.

I don't want anything that is stained with blood from a dead person. Although the cost of making such a slice is expensive, it hurts me, but let's throw it away.

"This is made of water magic core wire drawing. So the ability to absorb and retain water is very strong. It's not a question of leaving it for half a year—"

My voice stopped abruptly.

Because that expensive "wet tissue" burned in Ace's hands. In the end, apart from the red elemental light spots, there was no ash left.

My face is darker.

... asshole, this is all money! ! Can’t you just wash it yourself, seal it up with greased paper, and put it next to you! This is the only wet tissue in the world! Even I usually wash it and use it again!

"Haha. As expected, girls really love to be clean~"

Ace stood up while smiling, and put the sword into its sheath.

The red flow of inflammation rippled on the red coat. When the sword is fully sheathed. The blood stains on the coat also disappeared completely.

I don't know whose blood is. It was so burned that there were no traces left.

...It is estimated that even the corpses of those people are like this.

"After a person dies, the body will automatically decompose into elements, turning into light spots and disappearing." Ace turned his head and looked at me, with one hand on the hilt of the sword at his waist, "It is no different from being burned into an element by me. "

"...Although this is the case," I whispered, "but what should their family use to pay homage to him."

"Yes." Ai Si slightly raised his head, thoughtfully, "Then I'm sorry to their family."

...I have no sincerity. Although this is no longer a question of sincerity.

For their family. That's the hatred for wanting to kill you.

"Now. Gardrich. Do you know."

Ace chuckled lightly. He compared his chin with his hand, "During the Hundred Years' War. The piles of corpses on the battlefield were so high."

"Although it's okay to wait for them to decompose naturally. But it's too time-consuming."

The scarlet eyes narrowed slightly. Ace looked at me with a slight frown and a serious expression. He said in a hearty tone, "So at that time I used the Super Magic to burn it all up."

"Many soldiers who didn't die were burned alive."

"But you can't call them soldiers." Ace bent down and carried the comatose merchant up. "At best, they are items with souls."

... I pressed my lips tightly. Did not speak. In the end, he just turned his gaze to the person on his shoulder, "Is he still alive."

"Of course. I didn't kill him. The blood on him is someone else's."

Ace chuckled lightly, "After all, only those who are alive can ask the secret."

...My eyes became very complicated in an instant.

Yinglan is a centralized country. Both the medical army and the commercial firms are under the control of the state. In this case, it is very strange that a merchant will visit Baide alone.

It now appears that this matter was deliberate. To test Arthur's bottom line. I hope Yinglan can open one eye and close the other to allow private traders.

With the opening of the mainland. The merchants are no longer satisfied with their current status.

But it seems that Arthur is not as good-natured as they thought.

That king is not a decadent and unenlightened person. He allowed the rise of merchants.

But that must be if they are willing to be ministers.

Only absolute loyalty and unquestionable allegiance.

"It is estimated that I will be working overtime recently."

Ace carried a man weighing more than two hundred jin with one hand and sighed, "It has been a long time since I was so busy for more than ten years. Arthur is really a king who can send people."

"At any rate, you are also a member of the Knights of the Round Table." I vomited, "I want to help Yinglan with Yinglan's salary."

"The Knights of the Round Table are really troublesome."

Ace's tone is lazy. He said these words without the pride and loyalty of a knight.

He is the dark side of the Knights of the Round Table. Special case of out-of-fit.

The king's criteria for choosing a knight lies in his ability, but even more in his character. With the help of Longan, he can clearly see the essence of a person.

But Ace was the only one who took office solely on strength.

"I have worked for Yinglan for more than ten years and I have never got a salary." Against my speechless gaze, the monster-strong man complained without image, "I don't know if I can work overtime this time. Increase your salary...."

The man's voice was suddenly lowered at the last word. Ace chuckled lightly. Ran turned his head.

I didn't know why I looked in his direction.

Under the bright moonlight.

Standing is the indifferent knight.


Although Ace caused trouble, he did much more than he did.

As for Arnold, it is really a loss of money for ten thousand years. See how bitter our girl is (cough)

Ace's attitude towards Jiamei has always been chaotic and chaotic.

But of course there is a reason.