All the Handsome Deep Well Ice Like Me [Western Fantasy]

v2 Chapter 163

The knight standing in front of me looked as plain as ever. The ice-colored eyes looking at me are lighter than my hair, calm and focused. Everything seems to be the same as usual.

And looking at him like this. I hesitated.

…I shouldn’t believe Hadremer’s nonsense.

"His Royal Highness Gadliche."

The knight's voice was cold. But it was as clear as ice floes floating on the water, "Your face is very bad."

"……LOL, really."


...What can I do!

I dare not look directly into Arnold's eyes. He could only stagger his eyes and smile like a wise "hahaha". To be honest, even if Arnold doesn't say it. I also know what look on my face now.

Embarrassment and guilty conscience account for 70% of the total. The remaining stupidity and hesitation are randomly distributed with the frequency of the twitching corners of my mouth.

really. According to what Hadremer said, he said to Arnold with joy and expectation, "I went out to play with Ashleyn. You just spend a little while at the academy".

It's too scumbag. When others are working hard for themselves, they go out with Xiao Bailian——Bah.

"Well... I'm going out today, so I'll tell you in advance." The blind smirk is really stupid. After a short period of deliberation, I decided to conceal the key points and start the topic calmly, "I will be back tonight. Don't worry."

"Okay. Remember to wear the'positioning' on your body, it is dangerous to call me."

After giving a simple and powerful reply, the ice-colored jellyfish rider turned around without hesitation, and said as he walked back, "If there is nothing else, I will take the first step."

"...Yes, yes!! You wait for me!! And you have already left!"

I hurried to Arnold with a dark complexion. And he just stopped and turned around. He said to me with those calm, icy eyes and a voice that was so sorrowless and joyless, "What else can you do."

"...That." Hadremo's bold face flashed in his mind. I darkened my face, with a slight hesitation, "You won't ask. Who am I going with."

Arnold looked at me calmly for a while.

Then said quietly.

"It's Ashley."

I was stupid, "Hey? How did you know...?"

"There are only a handful of people you know in Baide." Bingyue's gaze shifted slightly. There was no accusation or dissatisfaction in the boy's voice, "Except for Fiona, it is Ahiline. And Fiona, I just saw her being kept by the teacher. It seems that her grades were too bad and she was arrested for tuition today."

...It seems that this is true. Fiona's midterm exam seems to be the last one again.


At this point, I have no need to cover up. Even if a man with the most fashionable haircut of all Baide is pitting me, I can only go on strong.

"Obviously I know it is Ashley." I stared at the fisheye, and said to Arnold in a rigid voice without ups and downs, "You still don't mind."

Arnold looked at me calmly for a while.

Then said quietly.

"If I mind."

"Will you not go."

...I raised my hand tremblingly. He grabbed his chest tightly. He hesitated back two steps. Work hard to suppress the fishy sweetness rising from your throat, don't let it squirt out so rudely.

Arnold was right. I was speechless.

The original rock-solid heart was cracked just because of thirteen characters. The expression of the knight in front of him was still plain. It seems to be just telling a fact.

And his plain expression made me tremble very well, and I took two steps back. And this time misfortune did not come singly. I obviously bumped into someone.

The huge pain coming from my shoulder made me take a breath. And the person who was unfortunately hit by me directly yelled "Ah!"

My eyes looked at him subconsciously. But he saw the heavy book fall from his hands. Under the action of gravity, it slammed straight on the back of my instep.

Everything happened too fast. The dull body has no time to react.

And when I instinctively wanted to scream out. The heavy book stopped unexpectedly.

Levitating on the back of my instep in a falling posture.

Both me and that person were stunned by this magical scene. At this moment, Arnold's cold voice came, "Don't run so fast. It will hurt others."

"...Ah. Hug, sorry."

The student in the robe apologized. Bend down quickly to pick up the book floating in the air. And before he bends down, the book that was originally suspended in the air rewinds back into his hands in the same trajectory.

The student was completely stupid. And this time I can see the ice-colored fluorescence covering the book clearly.

It's the time wizard.

Heron Oz's time magic is not the most basic elemental magic. As long as the energy is enough, the ice magic core can also be released.

"I could have done this level a long time ago."

The icy magical array shattered in the hands of the young man. Turned into a bright spot of light. Arnold retracted his hand and explained to me with a sharp heart, "But the time magic consumes a lot of ice demon cores. I will not use it when it is not necessary."

...It's been so long. You still do that.

The corners of my mouth twitched. But if there is no Arnold. It definitely hurts just now.

"Thanks. Arnold." I forcefully thanked me cheerfully. There was even a little respect in the voice, "How fast to learn!"

"It's just as it should be for me. But it's not enough."

The joy of not being praised at all. Arnold's tone was very flat, "Anything else."

... The smile raised at the corner of my mouth stiffened suddenly.

"Nothing." The dark dead fish eyes were dull and hollow. I took a soulless smile, and laughed twice, "Go ahead."


The ice-colored knight responded softly. Turning around with my empty gaze calmly, walked away.

And the far-reaching wind brought his last words.

"come back earlier."


The large carriage drove on the potholes in the mountain road. Even with a magic guide for shock absorbers, the inside of the carriage is inevitably bumpy.

And with the face of death like a corpse, I was paralyzed on the chair like this, with my head drooping against the inner wall of the carriage. I clicked every time the carriage shook my head. It's no different from a dead fish that rushes on the beach and gets hit by the sun from time to time.

Tired. Chilling. Heartache.

I don't know if Hadremo's horrible idea irritated Arnold. I only know that I have been blown away and lost my soul.

... Is this the price of having a "heart".

"You look very hard today. Gadrich."

The deep male voice is magnetic and beautiful. I tried to cheer up. I found that Ahilaine, who was sitting opposite, was looking at me worriedly, "What happened?"

Violet eyes are beautiful, affectionate and gentle. It's just as fascinating as a man's voice.

... I silently covered my heart.

"Ashline. You said Arnold is half as considerate as you are."

I choked. Raised his hand and wiped the tears from the corner of his eyes. It should be said that the perverts around me are so gentle and considerate as you are. Although they are all the same troubles, but I will always balance in my heart.

Not like it is now.

The Virgin is above. I am frustrated when I see the beautiful boy! I'm scared when I hear you like it! !

"Haha." Ahiraine chuckled lightly. The boy who is more beautiful than a woman smiles as beautiful as the flowers in the castle courtyard, "Is it the knight that made you sad again."

I shrank silently, looking lonely, "Yes. I'm awkward."

Violet eyes looked at me calmly. After a while, Ahirain said.

"Sure enough. What happened the night that Yinglan Merchant disappeared."

I suddenly opened my eyes. Sit up straight. Looking at him in shock.

"Relax. I didn't follow you."

Ahiline smiled soothingly at me. But the violet eyes sank, "I also learned the news from the informant."

"Those people are not in my control. They belong directly to the leader of Belluccis. Maybe through the magic device. He saw you next to the seriously injured Yinglan merchant."

"The magical device was destroyed after this." Ahiline lowered his eyelids slightly. Slender fingers inserted between the hair and stroked his bangs, "There were a lot of magic devices destroyed that night. And the guards brought by the merchant were all dead."

Violet eyes opened slightly and looked at me.

And I looked back flatly. But subconsciously held his breath.

"Well. Even if you don't tell me, I know it's Ace."

Ahiline sighed. When "Ace" was mentioned again, this extremely high-quality gentle Cowherd also became impatient with a rare tone. "He is the only one who can do this by himself. In the end, the businessman also claimed that he had returned to England."

... Is Ace so famous?

I am silly. I wanted to hide it for him. Didn't you expect that this person's reputation is already so notorious? !

"Ah. Ace is a very famous character. Of course it's not a good thing." Violet eyes were deep. For the first time, Ahilyan said to me in a voice that could be called warning, "Don't get involved with him. Ace is the kind of man who even kills the woman he loves."


For a moment I looked at Ahirain with complicated eyes, "How do you know."

"Guess." Ahirain's expression was very cold. "That man has such a face."

Master. Definitely a master.

I looked at Ahirain with admiration.

But since the other party is so honest with me. I hide and tuck it again, it seems a bit unkind.

"Arnold and Ace ran into each other that night."

I scratched my hair, with a helpless expression, "Although I didn't fight, it was almost too soon... As a result, Arnold accidentally injured me."

"Is that so."

"Yeah. It's just a minor injury. The kind that I don't even care about."

"But." The corners of my mouth twitched violently. He narrowed his eyes slightly, "I need to care so much about such a broken thing. Arnold doesn't understand at all! The damage he has caused to my soul is far more than that of my body."

Ahiline was silent.

And a long time passed. When I couldn't help but frowned and looked at him suspiciously. He said to me in a low to dull voice.

"Gadrich. If I say I want to be your knight."

"Will you be willing."


You Jiamei is probably the most tired Otome heroine living.

One of Arnold's most heroic prominence is that he grew up with Jiamei.

So if this text is not Otome, it is really with Arnold.

Brothers cherish the daily routine now.

And it's not me blowing.

Even if this text is Otome. You can't guess the future direction.

This article is an Otome article with a plot. Everything serves the plot. Please don't chop me. Kindness is expensive. [Hold a fist. jpg】

ps. The big brothers who have finished reading this book can learn about my fate article. The same plot flow.

I write the storyline and you all know it.

and! ! Old sword! ! Old Mo! ! ! Even if you don't look at me! For the sake of the old sword, cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough.