All the Handsome Deep Well Ice Like Me [Western Fantasy]

v2 Chapter 165

"Are you crying?"

The sun is bright in midsummer. Shining on the crisp green leaves, plated with a layer of golden luster. And in the rustling sound of the leaves turning. The girl hiding in the midsummer garden suddenly raised her head. The hand rubbing his eyes has not been put down, and the tears in the corners of his eyes have not had time to dry. Just like that, he opened his violet eyes blankly, looking at the young man hiding behind the leaves in shock.

And the boy with the gentle pale blonde hair also opened his eyes. Looked at her in surprise.

Time seemed to stand still.

When the girl reacted sluggishly, her face gradually turned red, and she almost wanted to escape. The boy asked the same question again.

"Are you crying?"

Lighter hair color than bright sunlight in midsummer.

under the sun. The eyes seemed to glow with honey.

It's that simple. The two met in Baide's garden.


The girl named Jiulan. His parents are bachelors of Baide, a country that has achieved a very high status on the mainland with magic arts.

The Hundred Years' War just ended. In welcoming the coming peace. Baide's internal governance is divided into three factions due to completely different governance policies for the future.

The first is that the lessons of the Hundred Years' War should be learned. Continue to develop magic weapons for warfare. Only under the protection of absolute power can knowledge and the country develop for a long time.

The other is the opposite. It is believed that the reason why the Hundred Years' War has become so tragic is because of the rapid development of war wizards. Humans cannot control absolute power. Sorcerer applies to peace. Abandoning weapons is the best way to eradicate war.

As for the last one. It's much simpler.

The war stems from the original sin of mankind. But knowledge is innocent. As the Bachelor of Magicians, they just want to explore this unknown "magic" in their limited life.

In human terms, it is. It's none of my business that you quarrel with you. I just want to be neutral and I just want to study.

And Jiulan's parents are just such people.

They are not interested in the future of the original sin of mankind. All they want to do is to study the magic guide.

Under this almost paranoid belief. They have achieved considerable success and Baide has achieved a very high status. People even call them "geniuses."

However, they denied it.

Because of true genius. Is their daughter.

The long platinum hair was inherited from his father, and the violet eyes were inherited from his mother. The beautiful girl inherited all the talents and wisdom of her father and mother. As a student, she became a well-deserved "genius" by virtue of a handful of "ice rose".

but. God gave her talents while taking away her equivalent happiness.

Under the aura of "genius", her peers inevitably have a gap with her. Even once friends, they can't help being restrained when they see her again. Although the parents who were almost paranoid towards the magical director loved her undisputedly. But they are extremely strict with her.

Every time she wants to follow her friends to roll up her skirts and catch fish in the creek after the rain, she gets blamed by her parents. Every time I want to buy a picture album of "Princess and Prince" like my peers, I get disapproving glances from my parents.

She lives happily. Her parents provided her with a generous life and excellent learning conditions. Even her own maid helps herself to wash and wear every morning, and she never has to go out on her own. Rounding is no different from a princess.

same. She was also very miserable. Because of loneliness.

Jiulan's parents love her very much. And she loves her parents very much. So in order to prevent parents from showing "disappointed" and "sad" expressions. She gave up everything except studying the wizard.

Both the parents and the outside world are very satisfied. Praise and admiration bloom as many and colorfully as spring flowers.

It's ridiculous. She grew up so much. The first card issue was actually given to me by a male friend.

"The last time I went to the street to buy materials for the teacher together. You looked at this several times."

Mysterious God took the brown-haired boy he left behind and took out a paper box from his pocket. A bow is tied on the white juan crumpled paper printed with flowers. An ordinary and beautiful packaging box.

"But I didn't buy this by myself. My brother takes care of my pocket money so tightly."

The brown-haired boy smiled embarrassedly. He added, "Heron also paid out half of the money... he told me not to say it. Don't miss it."


The violet eyes were slightly open. Jiulan looked at the box in her hand blankly, and then at the smiling boy blankly. Finally sniffed and choked, "Rhodes..."

"You, you, you, you, don't cry!"

The awkward sound of comfort and the cry of the girl were together. In the end, it turned into a light and bright stroke in the memory.

The girl who is hailed as a "genius" is lonely. But at least there are friends with him.

Although this friend has few pitiful friends. There are only two.

Heron Oz, also known as the "genius", has a perverse and awkward temper. There is no trouble of my own at all. I often talk about "I don't need a friend" in Secondary Two.

Although Roz Roertun is equally prominent in his family, he is a hedge against the physique of a magician. But because of his cheerful and considerate personality, there is never a shortage of such things as friends.

but. Someday.

"Ah-although it doesn't sound very clear. But you just failed anyway, right."

The sun is shining bright in midsummer. Shining on the green lawn through the glass of the garden. Different from sitting upright Jiulan. The young man lay his hands on the back of his head and lay on the lawn casually with one leg supported. Ren whirling and mottled tree shadow reflected on his body.

"... Simply put. A bottleneck appeared in the research of making synthetic magic cores."

Jiulan held her bent knees. Shrinked into a ball. Many plants for research were planted in Baide’s garden, such as the huge tree behind the two. “Although my parents and everyone encouraged me to say ‘Jiulan’s words will be fine in the end’. But I—”

Violet's eyes shrank slightly. When she said her name, the girl subconsciously looked at the boy next to her.

And his expression is as leisurely as before. The shadows of clouds and trees were reflected in his light honey eyes. It moved slightly with the far-reaching wind.

"Although it may be a cool word to you...but ah."

The voice of the handsome boy is as slow and cool as the summer wind. He chuckled and said to himself, "I think. It doesn't matter if you fail in the end."

"After all, we are humans and not gods. How can we succeed forever."

"What is more important is the hard work on the road of seeking truth. Isn't it true that you are calm in the face of success or failure in the end?"

The platinum hair was blown by the wind. Violet eyes opened slightly because of shock. Jiulan looked at the teenager beside her, staying for a long time, which was rare.

And the boy didn't urge her. He turned his head and smiled gently at her.

Feelings are really unreasonable things. Even such a simple smile may change a lot in an instant.

"... Then, that!"

The pretty face suddenly turned red. The girl hailed as a "genius" yelled in a low voice, "I, I, I, and I can still come together in the future!"

"Of course it can."

The boy tilted his head. Looking at her puzzledly, "This is Baide's garden. Any student can come."

Jiulan was silly, "...but. Doesn't it bother you?"


"After all, you, as the caretaker of the garden—"

"Ah. I'm not."

The pale blond-haired teenager smiled. The smile is light and beautiful. It was in stark contrast to what he said.

"The teacher will go to the dormitory to arrest people. So I just came to skip class and sleep."


Jiulan has been a good boy since childhood. For the first time, the three views of life have been impacted. Even when I went back in a daze. Only then did I realize that I didn't even know the name of the boy.

But fortunately. It is still easy to find people who can absent from class every day at Baide Academy. No. It should be said that he is the only one in the entire college.

Garden St. Enlus from the little-known St. Enlus. Study Baide's Fauna and Botany. Major in plants.

Although he is different, he is easy-going. As long as you are with him, you will relax inexplicably. It's also because of the popularity in the class. A classmate who is a garden keeper will also turn a blind eye to his act of occupying the garden.

That's right. He is indeed not the caretaker of the Bad Garden.

After all, his results are at the bottom.

The teachers agreed that this boy with a good-looking smile and gentle smile is a smart and plastic talent. But in fact he is lazy and undisciplined. Every exam is stable by raid. When it is rare to be diligent, it is also in some strange places.

For example, research uses seawater to farm. Plant flowers on the sea.

If it can be achieved, it is also quite a great "fruit". Although it seems really useless.

Since the occasional encounter that day, it has been almost daily. Jiulan will spend a lot of time in the garden. The "genius" she has completed all the courses. And the long-standing well-behaved image made strict parents no longer discipline her when she grew up.

Unknowingly. The time of one person has become two people.

One day Garden brought the small cultivation tank he made. In the transparent vessel, the lower layer is seawater, and the upper layer is soil wrapped in a fine net.

And on the soil. A dog's tail grass was swaying impressively.

"Don't think it's just a dog's tail grass. But it heralds great success in the near future."

The teenager with a pale gold distribution looked at the petri dish in his hand. He said in a serious tone, "The following is the water that I have specially adjusted for high salinity. Originally. Under such extreme conditions, it should have been impossible to grow anything."


Although I don't really understand what's the use of this. But Jiulan praised her sincerely.

"Well. It's in my hometown after all. Saint Enluth is full of the sea."

The handsome boy smiled gently, "Especially in summer. The way the sky and the sea reflect each other-Jiulan?"

"...No, sorry!!"

The girl's face flushed suddenly. Jiulan coughed twice, and quickly retracted the body that was in front of the boy, "Baide is an inland city, so I have never seen the sea... it sounds very beautiful."

"Yeah. It's really beautiful."

Garden said like this. Reached out and touched the dog's tail grass swaying in the wind, "Jiulan. Do you have any favorite plants?"

"Hey?" Although it was a bit sudden, but instinctively replied, "White Rose."


The delicate boy raised his head. The light honey color was reflected in the violet eyes.

And he smiled lightly. Said.

"The next goal. Let's plant white roses in the sea."


"The airship has reached the airspace of Saint Enluth. It is expected to land in one hour. Students are requested to prepare."

The unwavering radio sound awakened me from my dream. I struggled and opened my eyes in confusion. Rubbing his eyes subconsciously.

And in the sleepy eyes. I heard the loud exclamations of people. Someone is yelling "Come and see!" Seems to be greeting his companions to see something.

"Just awake."

A cold male voice came from my ears. I turned my head and met with ice-colored eyes.

"The airship has reached the border of Saint Enluth. It is at the seaside now." Arnold said calmly. Pointing to the huge floor-to-ceiling glass windows in the inner library of the airship, "Want to see the flower fields. It is rare to see from above in the airship."

"...Oh. oh oh oh!!!"

I screamed when I reacted. Hastily ran to the window. The ice knight stood up. Followed behind me in a hurry.

Just like everyone else. My hands are on the glass. Eyes opened wide. Exclaimed and indulged in the beauty in front of him.

Bright sunlight in summer. The white sky and the blue sea reflect each other. Seagulls screamed and passed by, and fish leaped high from the water from time to time.

And on the sea. Something white was shaking.

That is on the sea. Blooming white roses.


The bamboo horse can't beat the sky! 【Weeping】

Maybe the secret garden of the two is more atmospheric than someone's silent company. 【Hey】

The meeting between the two was wonderful. But it is not easy for all love to get into reality. You know what happened next.

But at least in the days together. The two are really happy.

Just like Old Ha said. People can always be happy because of those. Withstand those misfortunes.

Lao Ha has great wisdom.

Jiulan's final synthesis of the magic core was still successful. Using this kind of magic core and Herron to create a magic device that can perfectly perform the "stop" magic technique.

It is a pity that this magical technique is ineffective to life.