All the Handsome Deep Well Ice Like Me [Western Fantasy]

v2 Chapter 220

The last yellow leaves fell on the blue and white streets, signalling the end of the autumn of Saint Enluth. And it's time for me to go back to Peder College.

Although I said no, my parents still insisted on sending me to the airship. It was impossible for the two of them to leave Lilia in the castle alone, so Lilia, who looked reluctant at the end, was forced to send me off together.

Then, my sister, who learned that the whole family would send me to Baide, also followed. So far, the entire royal family of Saint Enluth was concentrated in this crowded airship station.

"It's said that there will be nothing wrong with Arnold."

The ice-colored knight stood quietly beside me, carrying my suitcases in his hands. And I looked at the four people in front of me with a headache and complained, "Now, I am more worried about whether you will be taken away on the way back."

"No. Julia is here!"

Putting on ordinary linen, he laughed like the father of the villagers in Tanabe, and patted the expressionless eldest daughter on the back.

"Bad is no better than Saint Enluth. Be careful when you're there alone."

The elder sister who was slapped on the back was still standing, like a stone knight holding a sword in front of the castle. She ignored her father, whose expression was gradually losing her face. Instead, she looked at me and said in a deep voice, "Send me more letters if it's okay."

"Okay." I nodded.

"Also send more letters to King Arthur."

For a moment, my expression was distorted.

"Pay attention to your body. Gadrich."

The soft voice called my attention. I turned my head and saw my mother smiling softly at me.

Different from dad. The years left only very light marks on her body. She is still so beautiful. Even if wearing the most ordinary commoner, the temperament of the "noble" lingering around him can still make people look at him involuntarily.

My mother once said that she was my father's most cherished "flower". It is precisely because of his love and protection that she can continue to be beautiful.

"...I will pay attention." My voice couldn't help but soften, "Mom, you have to remember to urge Dad to lose weight."



I completely ignored the bald father on the side, and my mother responded with a smile. Then she turned her head and looked at Arnold beside me, "Gadrich will trouble you to take care of it."

"Responsibility. Your Royal Highness."

The boy's voice was as cold as a glacier, and Arnold, carrying his suitcase, nodded gently to his mother. And I looked at those ice-colored eyes a little lost.

He was really like a "knight" in response to his mother.

Loyalty, persistence, no hesitation. The knight who will always guard my side.

"The student airship bound for Baide will start to take off in ten minutes. Please students start boarding."

In the noisy crowd, the polite female voice sounded, and it suddenly overwhelmed all the voices. I raised my head and looked at the horn-shaped magic guide standing on the pillar. The time has come to have to leave.

"I'm leaving."

"have a safe journey."

My sister's eyes are still as firm as before, while my dad is bewildered. Although the mother was smiling, she smiled sadly.

As for Lilia who was led by her mother. Although she was staring at me fiercely with those glamorous red eyes, she could still feel her depression towards me leaving.

After all, my departure means the departure of Arnold.

What a little white-eyed wolf.

I slandered in my heart. Crouched down in front of her. He didn't do anything, just stared at her silently with his deep and gloomy eyes.

really. She couldn't bear it soon, and the corners of her mouth twitched and her face turned black and asked, "Gadli cut you to do it--wow!!"

I withdrew the hand that was raging on top of her hair. Seeing her nervously raising her immature hands, carefully sorting out her messed up hair, she couldn't help but laugh.

Probably because it was the first time I saw me smiling at her like this. Lilia widened her eyes and looked at me in surprise.

"Go! Arnold."


The crowd gathered in the center of the airship station had begun to rush in a fixed direction. I called to the knight who was waiting quietly, turned around, turned my back to them and walked towards the entrance of the airship step by step.

I haven't looked back along the way. But I can clearly feel their eyes watching me.

Reluctant to give up. Gratified. With emotion. sad.

It turns out that the gaze of parents watching their children's back is so complicated.

"A little envious."

The long line slowly passed the "magic gate" used to record personal information. Even if we are drowning in the crowd, even if we look back now, we can no longer see Dad and them. And in this long wait, Arnold said so by my side.

I raised my head and looked at him beside me with some surprise. Those ice-colored eyes didn't look at me, but calmly stared ahead. The knight's expression was so indifferent that what he said just now seemed like an illusion.


"Don't you have it too."

I poke lightly with my elbow at him who helped me with my luggage. Because of my actions, the icy eyes fell on me.

"I'm your family." I looked up at him and said with a smile, "It's just that I have been by your side."

Arnold did not speak. Just stared at me silently for a while and then looked away.


My face turned black for an instant, and the corners of my mouth twitched, "Your eyes were "disgusting," right?"

"A little bit."

No matter what I ask, as long as it is something I know. Will answer my knight without hesitation.

I stood on tiptoe blankly and gave him a violent shot at the back of his head.

I'm so sorry that I can't talk to your relative "Herron Oz".

Things like airships are like airplanes in previous lives. Sitting again after sitting once will lose the original freshness. I am obviously not the only person who feels this way. The faces of the surrounding students have more emotions than "excitement" and "expectation", "fear" and "depression".

School is about to start after all. It's going to be side by side with the sun at four o'clock in the morning every day.

"The airship has begun to take off. The deck is closed. Students are asked to draw room numbers in the lobby and walk around freely if they don't want to die."

The familiar radio, the familiar voice, the familiar lack of ups and downs with mocking malice. As a result, am I still the same airship with this **** this time! Hasn't this person graduated yet!

Ace Lion, who was too similar to Arnold's women's clothing, suddenly appeared thundercloud, and Ace was smiling heartily on the red golden dragon. These bad memories are like a slide show, showing scene after scene in the mind. And this annoying broadcast sound is used as BGM.

Mr. Lu Xun is sincere not to deceive me. The essence of human beings is the repeater, and the essence of history is constant repetition.

The Mysterious Favor of Arnold still exists. Thanks to this, we easily got the room numbers that are connected together. Because the people who took the airship this time were not new students, there was no accompanying teacher to follow us. Senior students can't hold people down at all, so I am more casual than last time.

But one thing was beyond my expectation.

That is "I" is too famous.

"Hello. Miss Gardrich Sori."

It was just in the library that I, who was studying with Arnold as usual, met for the first time in my life. The other party was an ordinary-looking young student holding a magic book.

However, these are not important.

The ordinary appearance is filtered into a delicate look directly in the eyes, and the magic book in his arms is directly removed. I stared at him like a torch, facing the Zheng Chang boy who was the first in my life to strike up a conversation with me, softly softened my voice, and asked in a low voice, "Yes...Excuse me, what can you do with me? ?"

"It turns out it really is you." The handsome (?) teenager gave me a gentle (??) smile, "I have heard of your reputation. I am a student of Magical Devices in Baide College, just like you. "

Ah? Are you in the same class as me? I have been working at Old Antique without paying attention. But these are not important!

I ignored the icy gaze coming from his side. I smiled incomparably bright at the young man, "Is that so? What a coincidence! May I ask your name--"

"I have a few questions about the principle of the ring magic device. I want to ask you about it."

"Okay, no problem. May I ask your name—"

I completely ignored my question. The young man slammed the book in his hand in front of me, **** vigorously, "This is it."


The smile at the corner of my mouth froze.

And this student just looked serious. Look at me with eyes full of desire for knowledge.

"... I will give you an example to help you understand."

The dark eyes were dim. Infected by the young man's learning spirit. I did not hesitate to abandon the thoughts of six desires and turned into a disseminator of knowledge. Explain the key points for him in a calm and without ups and downs.

"Thank you so much! Miss Gardrich. You are such a good and knowledgeable person."

At last. The boy holding the magic book bowed deeply to me, and sincerely gave me a good person card.

"……You are welcome."

The corners of my mouth twitched.

It's so irritating and inexplicably big.

I became famous overnight after this war. Countless students came to me and sincerely asked me questions. If I ask them "why me", they will say gratefully.

Because Miss Gadriche, you taught patiently and well.

It was in sharp contrast with the magical genius next door.

The handsome and indifferent genius boy felt frostbite just as he approached. Many shy people want to ask him questions, because of his long-standing cold face, he is embarrassed to speak up. Occasionally, a few thick-skinned, courageous, and eager for knowledge would ask him questions, and in the end they would only sigh with emotion—I don’t understand.

I can't understand it at all. A complete understanding cannot be. Although a genius. But there is no talent for teaching others.

and. If you have a good attitude of "asking if you don't understand," you will persevere in asking him.

"You are very annoying."

The icy eyes were as cold as ice. Just like his voice.

Well. After that, no boys would ask him any more questions.

But there are still girls. Whether it is magical professional or other professional. hehe.


The girl full of youthful flowers ran away. Once again, I was stopped by the pink-faced girl. After being silent for five minutes, I held my forehead and said to the knight who was looking at me, "Can you please let these'lovers of knowledge' stop a little bit. Every time." I'll even be stopped every time, so troublesome."


Ice-colored eyes are always watching me. Arnold answered very readily.

Well. I'm not jealous.

It's not that I am jealous of Arnold's popularity among girls, but none of the boys who come to ask me questions are because of "me". After all, there are more people who like me, which one is not the best of the top. There is the king of the strongest empire, the strongest swordsman on the land—why do I live so hard! ! !

I have been in a trance after being chased by people asking questions in the past few days. The soul wandered in the airship like a ghost. Had it not been for the dedicated Arnold who had been by my side all the time, I guess I would even get into my own room by mistake.

On the way back to bed again, the rapid footsteps barely called my attention. I looked in the direction of the voice and saw a girl who had never seen an unimpressed girl was holding a textbook and trotting towards us. It was not me who were staring at me with those dazzling eyes, but the man with aqua-blue hair beside me.

what. here we go again.

I sneered in my heart. Silently took a step back and acted as the background board.


"Please don't show up in front of me again."

Preemptive strike. Suddenly. The cold voice sounded actively for the first time.


Holding the textbook, the girl who had no time to say anything widened her eyes and looked at him tremblingly. As I stood by, my pupils shrank sharply, with a shocked expression on my face.

"In my eyes, your'difficulties' are the'common sense' that beginners should know. If you don't even understand this, I suggest you give up the magician and go home to farm."

There was an extremely indifferent expression on Junmei's face. Arnold, who was 1.86 meters tall, looked at the petite girl in front of him, with an inexplicably condescending sense of oppression, "I will reply to you. It's all because Gadri wanted me to get along well with my classmates."

What's up with me! ! ! !

I was still leaning against the wall and stood up straight. And Arnold didn't seem to notice my horrified expression at all, and continued, "Now you are bothering her."

"So go away."

"...Um. Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu-!"

A series of suppressed crying was mingled with the messy footsteps. It could be heard that the girl couldn't stand the shock and ran away crying.


As for this cry of despair as if sinking into hell. That's right.

it's me. Gardrich said in Arnold's mouth. He was lying on the wall, holding his head, and wailing in despair.


Although Yinglan Guiyu duo often causes Jiamei myocardial infarction.

But it’s Arnold that will really cause Jiamei’s sudden death x

ps. Remember the days when I was confessed. That is really full of joy. I'm so grateful to each other [wiping tears]