All the Handsome Deep Well Ice Like Me [Western Fantasy]

v2 Chapter 237

Edwin ignored me all day.

The young master is angry, but still has to work. Having to be under the same roof with Edwin every moment, I also thought about taking the initiative to reconcile at the beginning. But let alone speaking, even when my aftermath fell on him, the aura around the thin man in the dark robe would drop by four degrees.

Sure enough, this kind of arrogant old man just puts on the play.

The dark dead fish eyes reflected the middle-aged man's hard face like a steel plate. I turned my head blankly. Never cast his gaze in his direction again.

that's all. We frustrated each other for a day.

No. To be precise, there is not even a day, only a few dozen hours. Because of the optimization direction of the magic guide, we both had to start a lively discussion.

Originally, they could still hold each other's faces as if they were doing business. But unknowingly, it evolved into a passionate scolding that rose to the family of the other country.


The thin man was panting. Even his pale face was reddened with anger. Fully aware that "the more terrible thing is stinky shameless than poison tongue" Edwin stared at me fiercely, gritted his teeth and said, "Forget you, there are...!"

I turned my head and gave a cold snort. Ignore it.

Well. Sure enough, the final outcome is still like this.

It is impossible not to communicate, only communication can save Hadremer. The final optimization plan was carried on according to my ideas. Although this guy Edwin looked like "I was forced", he continued to work with his body honestly.

His heart is still too confused.

The interweaving of rationality and sensibility, the contradiction between self and self. This is unavoidable. But instead of giving him a set of spiritual chicken soup for him to think clearly, it is better to let me lead him in one direction strongly.

It is always better to make a choice than to stand still. Whatever the outcome of this choice.

At least I think so.

The entire period of June has been used by us to find the balance point of "slowness". Sophie and I took turns recording Hadremer's physical condition, and Arnold and Edwin continued to study the potential of the magical device. Except that Sophie and I are a bit tired and Edwin's face is a bit stinky, there are no other problems.

"I haven't seen Edwin recently."

Hadremer sat on the bed and chatted with me. He wears a cloth that is convenient for various blood draws and examinations. A section of wheat-colored arms with tiny pinholes was exposed from the overly wide cuffs, which seemed unconventional and sad.

"...He and Arnold are happily exploding." I retracted my eyes slightly, and landed on the pale paper in my hand. Write down the data on the magic guide screen carefully and quickly one by one, "One does not need to sleep, one only needs to sleep for three hours a day. I can't learn."

"Haha! It has been from before. This guy can be very energetic even if he stays up the next day. This is especially envious when I was in school."

"I wanted to ask a long time ago." I stopped writing and looked at the man who was leaning on the mat with a nostalgic expression. "Looking at his reaction, he doesn't know that you are seriously ill? Then why did you have to confront the magician of Shi Ding before? So persistent."


The slightly closed red-golden eyes were coated with a layer of warm light. The man smiled. He said in a low voice with a slight emotion, "He probably thinks that as long as he studies the magician well, even if I really die, he can save me casually...don't look at this guy's sharp looks, in fact, his brain The loop has been rough."

This is more than rude. It is simply a blasphemy against God, relying on his own talent called "effort" to be ignorant.

Even if he has no talent, he has relied on his own efforts to achieve success. It is precisely because Edwin Baide is such a person that he has such self-confidence. However, the "reality" this time is too heavy. Shaken self-confidence, self-doubt. Then he fell into confusion and anxiety.

"Don't be too tired."

"...Sigh." I sighed helplessly, "Even if you say that, Edwin won't listen."

"It's not about him, it's about you."

The black pupils shrink slightly. I suddenly raised my head and found that my red-golden eyes were looking at me quietly.

"The pressure on you is not inferior to Edwin. It is even worse." The man's slightly hoarse voice sounded before I spoke, "Don't be too harsh on yourself. We will not let a child bear all this. responsibility."

I did not speak. The dullness in my chest is like a hand of a witch, gently crippling my neck.

No one would attribute Hadremer's recovery to me. Likewise, no one would blame me for Hadremer's death.

But I just.

It's nothing more than to feel pain and indignation for a world that simply couldn't ask for it, but had to lose something.


After a month of exploration, I finally found a balance. Although the slowdown is not as fast as before, at least the problem of dependence has been brought under control.

The time has come to mid-July. We seem to be able to do everything the "magic" can do. Edwin was directly stunned by Sophie with a hand knife, and immediately went back to rest on the flames. Arnold replaced me and continued to observe Hadremer.

And I did not rest. Immediately went to the "medicine" college.

The students wearing dark robes and holding books passed me one by one. Different from the coldness of the workshop. The building of the medical school is full of people coming and going, filled with the voices of young men and women.

I randomly picked a student and asked him where the teacher of the medical school was under the name of Old Antique. Perhaps it was because Edwin's image was too popular, the young student stared at me with round eyes, shaking speechless.

After a while. After finally getting over it, he took a deep breath and shouted to me, "Are you actually that Arnold's girlfriend?!"

No. no. I'm the fuck.

The deja vu scene made the corners of my mouth twitch. And just when I had to make a repeater and repeat my question again, the young student exclaimed, "Is that handsome guy's girlfriend so ordinary?!"

Children are not too ugly. But now I really want to beat you up.

Maybe my blind fish eyes are too deep. The student finally answered my question when he spoke for the third time. And I didn't explain much, I just sneered and walked in the direction he pointed.

The research room of the medical school needs a special key, and of course, I don't have one. Through the outer glass, you can see the fluorescent light spots floating above and below the magical array instead of the lights, caged the entire room under a mysterious glow.

Those are magic guides for testing records. As long as it is illuminated, it belongs to the scope of monitoring. And those floating light spots seem harmless or even a little beautiful, but they are "chains" for arrest. As long as the light senses a moving object, it will turn into a chain to chase the past.

This kind of magical array is also available in the old antique workshop. But not for catching people but for catching mice. no way. After all, Baide is also a century-old school, and they are unwilling to demolish and rebuild.

But now that this is enabled, it seems that there is no one in the research room...what should I do?

I stood at the door thinking for a moment. Then opened the messenger bag. Very calmly, he took out a button-type magic device from the inside, and randomly stuck it on the door.

boom--! ! !

The loud blasting sound engulfed the dust and exploded in front of him. I stood calmly in place. The fragments of the magical array that were shattered like a mirror hit the enchantment around me and turned into light spots, and the tumbling sound roared and blew my long hair and clothes.

Sure enough, it was impossible to forcefully blast the door of the laboratory with my strength.

The magical array radiating strong light faded away quickly. I looked at the unharmed dark door with a dissatisfied "tsk". He stretched out his hand and patted the gray on his shoulder.

"Which **** dares to blow the door of the medical professional laboratory!!"

The sound of rapid footsteps approached quickly accompanied by a young roar. Knowing what the next plot will be like, I interrupted loudly before he spoke again, "Gadrich Sori. Come here by the order of the Edwin University fellow."


It's not a popping sound. But the sound of the heavy object hitting the floor sounded painful.

I stared at a pair of dead fish eyes and turned my head blankly, looking at the teenager who was lying prone on my back. Unlike the dark robes often worn by Baide students, this man’s robes are white embroidered with gold trim. It seems that it is not an average student.

Probably someone like an administrator.

I walked up to the young administrator and stretched out my hand to him while squatting. He raised his head and looked at me for a stun, and then he came up with it afterwards.

"Call me the bachelor of medical school." With the seemingly slender but powerful wrist, I easily pulled him up, "It was Edwin who asked them to ask Hadremer. Illness."

"...That's the Bachelor of Bader College. How could it be possible to come." The young administrator stood up following my strength and complained, "Even the order of the Edwin University bachelor takes time... …but."

Patting the hem of the gray-stained clothes lightly, he murmured, "If it's the medical record of the Bachelor of Hadremer...I still know a little bit."

I leaned in sharply. Staring at him motionless.

"Got it. I will say it, I will tell the truth. Please don't look at me with this kind of eyes!!"

The desire to survive is really strong.

Trying to restrain his expression. I withdrew, sternly, staring at him faintly with only a pair of deep dead fish eyes.

"... Obviously this expression is not good at all."

The young administrator couldn't help but said. Immediately, as if thinking of something, his expression dimmed.

"Hey..." he sighed with his shoulders drooping, "If you want to talk about the progress of the treatment of the Hadremer bachelor-that is complete. There is no progress at all-wow, it hurts!"

Familiar sounds sounded painful accompanied by screams. The administrator who got a punch from me inexplicably covered his face, turned his head and shouted aggrievedly, "Why the **** hit...!"

The roar suddenly got stuck. Looking at me, he just clutched his red and swollen face with a dazed look.

The reason is also very clear to me. Because the moist touch spreading from the eye sockets told me very clearly.

I'm crying.


Don't pit, don't worry

It’s just that the three-dimensional yuan has been very busy recently

Simply put, it is to say goodbye to the old relationship and continue the new relationship!

Men and women in love are very busy, you know x

There is something I want to say...but let's talk about it after my roommate is asleep w

Thank you for your company. no matter what happens. It's great to have you guys.