All the Handsome Deep Well Ice Like Me [Western Fantasy]

v2 Chapter 238

It's like a "punishment" from God. The ending of a man's death without mercy laughs at me who has worked hard and tried to change my destiny.

[What is "no progress at all"...what's the joke? ! Do you know how desperate we are to save Hadremer? ! 】

[So are we...! No. We have worked hard since forty years ago! Four generations of people! Struggling to treat this disease! ! 】

There are no doctors who don't want to save their patients.

It's just that there are too many things that can't be achieved by hard work alone.

The young administrator whispered to me in a suppressed voice. With emotions that I can understand better than anyone else.

Unwilling. anger. Don't want to give in. Don't want to give up.

The whole Bader. The entire college. Four generations. In addition to those strangers who are helpless but pray for... hundreds of people. Hope he can live.

It's not so much about the individual "Hadremer Perrelet". It is better to say that the moment of birth also means the beginning of death, the struggle against "disease" and "death".

[...Sorry, your Excellency Gadliche. I'm rude. 】

The young administrator calmed down. He looked at the silent me with a complicated expression. After several struggles, her tightly pressed lips finally opened slightly.

[I know you are also very hard... We have tried our best. So please don't—]

I waved my hand. Stopped what he wanted to say.

——Please don't blame yourself too much. You, me and everyone have done their best and never left any regrets. Even though we are still at a loss for it, I believe that in the future our children and grandchildren will surely find a cure.

If it is so pointless, don't say it. After all, I am not so desperate for the "future of mankind". The reason why I did so much was just to save Hadremer.

really. I hate things that can't be done even harder. But this kind of thing accounts for the vast majority.

"There are too few cases. Only Hadremer and Rozroltun have been recorded so far. The few have not even given an official name."

"The very few cases made the research extremely difficult, and there was almost no progress. Moreover, there was no technology for preservation of □ 40 years ago. The body of Rozroltun has long since turned into elements and disappeared. There is nothing left at all. The research part."


"Well... I said so much. I actually want to tell you."

His black eyes drooped slightly, his gaze fell next to the dark robe. The road surface of the bluestone is uneven, and it is covered with a layer of trampled soil. The middle of July is the season when the flowers and plants grow luxuriantly. I saw the seeds of dandelion fall on it, attached to the white silk like an umbrella.

it's a pity. It would be great if the wind could take it further.

His head was thinking aimlessly. But his mouth continued in a calm tone, "Hadremo shouldn't be able to live anymore."

"Shut up. Work."

"...Okay. I see."

Force less and work more. As expected of Edwin Bader. Sure enough, the brain circuit is simple and rude, more stubborn than me.

The dark sleeves traversed an arc in the air. I smiled. Followed the old antique who turned around and walked into the workshop.

It's just that the laugh is a bit bitter this time.

The days are still going on day after day as usual. Adjust the magic guide, take turns to take care of Hadremer, and record his physical condition. The series of familiar numbers are still so cold, there is no room for bargaining. And I know very well that soon, they will collapse like an avalanche.

"You haven't laughed in a long time. Gadriche."

Can't laugh. I really can't laugh.

Put down the record board in your hand. I turned my head to look at the man lying on the bed.

The healthy wheat-colored skin turned yellow as wrinkled old paper, but his face was pale and terribly pale. The body concealed in the lenient medical suit was even thinner. The breath of death can be detected by the naked eye alone.

Familiar to me. Now there were only those red-gold eyes and the still damp half of his head. Obviously Edwin wanted to have a normal haircut that day, but in the end he couldn't cut it again.

【Ha ha! Worthy of being a magical device! What a clever hand! 】

A hoarse but heroic laugh came from the thin body. The bright July sun shines through the floor-to-ceiling windows on him, who is surrounded by the white cloth. With that brown hair and Edwin's dark face.

"You know that." Looking at the man bathing in the sun, I asked in a low voice, "Even so... can you laugh?"

"Well... I have to laugh hard for you."

The thin arm lifted up, and then put it on the back of his head. Hardremo didn't look at me, but looked out the window. In the summer of July, the sun was so dazzling, and reflected in those slightly drooping eyes, there were still dark green leaves dancing with the wind.

"I don't know how old it was. I understand... ‘The people who are left alive will be more painful than the dead.’"

"The same is true for you. No matter how desperate the emotion is, it will disappear as a light spot with the end of life. On the contrary. People who are alive will live for a long time in the pain of losing someone important."


The scarlet golden eyes fell on me. Facing me standing in the shadow of the room, he smiled and persuaded, "If the ending can't be changed. At least let us smile and separate."

It's like every goodbye as usual. It's like we can see you again tomorrow.


That's the end of July. Then it was August. The fifteen-year-old summer just went forever.

After that day, I was a lot more "honest" in Old Antique's words. Complete daily tasks honestly, record data honestly, and honestly lay hands with Edwin.

Once it gets honest, time seems to go much slower. In the busy day, a lot of free time is born inexplicably. With all this free time, I have nothing to do except sit on the swing outside the workshop and watch the sky, dangling around.

This swing was added by Sophie a few months ago to relax the mood, but I haven't used it until now. I am the only one to use it.

Have you compromised? Not yet. At least I will visit the medical school every other time. My face, which is not very beautiful but not ugly, has become a psychological shadow of the young administrator brother. Every time he gave me the same answer, he would tearfully persuade me to see a psychiatrist.

Obviously compared to me. Edwin should go even more.

Even now, my liver bursts into the wee hours every day. Stand in front of the magic device for more than ten hours a day. The "Slow" magic device has been changed to the twentieth version by him, although there is no essential leap.

Everything is in vain.

But no one tried to persuade him to stop.

One day at noon, I went to Hadremer to talk on a whim, and just ran into Edwin who was getting his haircut. Seeing his slightly arched figure and serious side face, I stopped where I was.

Don't want to bother.

I walked out of the medical school alone, and saw Arnold under the long, high staircase that was crowded with people.

Among a group of students in dark robes, he was particularly conspicuous in a blue and white knight uniform. It's different from the students who pass by me in a hurry. Standing at the bottom, looking up at me, his ice-colored eyes didn't shift.

……what. indeed. Arnold has been with Edwin recently. Since Edwin is here, he should be nearby too.

"Yo. Arnold."

I raised my hand and waved it. He said hello with a smile, "A rare break today...Would you like to walk together?"


A cold and calm voice. Concentrated and clear eyes. The knight watching me stood in place, watching me step by step from the high stairs to his side.

We both walked side by side on the far-reaching gravel road. The road is chosen randomly, and I don't know which college it leads to. But it doesn't matter where you go, as long as you move forward anyway.

Unless I speak, Arnold, the jellyfish spirit, will never speak. But this dead fish-like character is a relief for me now.

"In the hexagonal body. Is there a magical guide for the'stopping' of life?"

I don't know how long it has been. I asked.

The ice-colored knight was as upright as ever, "No."

what. As expected.

I thought so coldly. The expression is very calm.


...I was stunned, and looked at Arnold, "Why do you say that?"

"Because my answer makes you feel sad."

With a delicate and handsome face and a calm and unapologetic expression, it is easy to make people think that he is looking for fault.

But just facing such an indifferent face. I couldn't help but laughed.

The intermittent laughter gradually became breathless. In the end it turned into a very dull cry.

The ice-colored pupils shrank slightly. The expression of Arnold who saw me for the first time was a rare daze. Then after a moment, he stretched out his hand very slowly and encircled me.

Excessively young embrace, with an inhumanly cold breath. I can clearly feel his chin resting on top of my head. The completely inexperienced cyborg obviously didn't know that he should hug tightly at this moment, and the **** arms around me were still hanging in the air.

......Sure enough, you are an idiot.

Thinking of this, I simply and rudely buried my face in his arms. Hugging tightly with both hands. The body is close to the body.

And after a brief silence. He hugged me with the same strength.

The clear and icy breath was mixed in the slightly cold September air, surrounding him. Obviously it's not warm.

But it moved me.


Mid-September. Hardremo's body began to collapse rapidly.

No longer worry about dependence. Shi Lao's magic guide continued to open to the highest level.


Early October. Hardremo's body didn't get any better.

The entire Baide Academy exploded just like a pot filled with water and simmering and finally boiling. Compared with chatting with us, the man who is like the sun stared sluggishly out the window for significantly longer time.


Mid-October. I visited Perrelet's house again.

However, the polite butler still refused my visit. The reason is that the Bachelor of Gwen University is getting older. For the sake of his body, it's better to keep it secret.

If it were not for the fear that the door of Perrelet's house would be killed by the senator. I immediately rushed in with Arnold.

How could that dead man not know. What is he thinking?


The end of October. I couldn't stand it and finally stopped Edwin who was still obsessed with the magic device. Instead of wasting time on the magic device, let him spend more time with Hadremer.

Then love to hear. The scolded dog had a **** head.

In a fit of anger, I took Arnold to the streets of Baide for a day. Then in the middle of the night, he went back uneasy. It turned out that the workshop was completely dark.

Just the light of the little hockey puck. I looked through the skylight and saw Edwin sitting in a chair alone. Sophie stood quietly next to her.


Early November. Old Antique finally started to accompany Hadremo every day.

Edwin's words these days are estimated to be the sum of his life. Facing Edwin who had a sullen face and awkwardly chatting with him, Hadremo didn't reply, just smiled faintly.

Time to now. He doesn't even have the strength to speak.


Mid-November. Hardremo finally didn't even have the strength to "wake up" and fell into a coma.

The best doctors and the best magical devices in Quanbaid were used on him. Although weak, his heart was still beating.

Edwin has been by the side since that day. Did not close the eyes once.

Then after four days. He succeeded in a coma. Sent to the ward next door.


At the end of November. These days when Edwin was in a coma. Arnold and I continued his work with Hadremer.

Neither of the two in the room would chat with me. All I can do is look at Hadremo in a daze. If you are tired, rely on Arnold to take a nap.

Fortunately, artificial people don't need sleep. Don't worry about Hadremo dying alone.


December 3rd. When I opened my eyes in the morning, I found myself lying in Arnold's arms. Sitting outside the ward.

Realizing something for a moment, I suddenly looked in the direction of the ward.

There were crying people standing there. And at the forefront. Edwin stood motionless.

Ahhh...yes. This day, after all, has come.

December 3rd. Hadremer Perrelet. Died of illness.


At the beginning of the Baide article, it was said that people would die x

The National Day is over. Continue to update the text.

Compared to me, I hope you will pay more attention to the text, okay == No matter what you are aiming at, since you have read it, let's get a taste of the plot.

This is the first impact in Jiamei’s life, right x

I don’t know how you feel eating. I will conclude with three or four chapters. The Baide chapter officially ended, and Pharaoh started to propose marriage.

This article also has 15w words to end.

It’s so fast to say that a million is a million days [The old sword is still waiting for me after I finish writing it! 【Crossed out】】