All the Handsome Deep Well Ice Like Me [Western Fantasy]

v2 Chapter 260

Fiona Helen panicked now.

Although it had been known that Gadli had plans to escape from marriage, when the plot that only existed in the story was staged up and down in front of her, she still subconsciously tightened her collar.

Honey eyes widened because of shock, shining in the sun a brilliance that she didn't even know.

The girl with short black hair knelt there quietly. Although the hair was neglected, the long and silky hair was cut off like a dog. Fiona knew that this was because she took the scissors to cut it randomly.

No matter how others around him look at Gadrich. She was shining in honey eyes.

If you insist on describing it. That is the light like the Venus.

Everything that happened after that was too fast like a tornado. The sudden red smoke obscured everyone's sight. Fiona, an apprentice who is still learning to raise pigs, doesn't know anything about magic devices, although in the engagement ceremony of the King of England, no one except the round table knight who is responsible for guarding the king's safety can wear magic devices.

Once afraid of snakes, Fiona, who had been numb after catching various reptiles with her bare hands for three years at the academy, was much calmer than that group of charming nobles. Honey eyes tried hard to find Gadriche's figure in the red smoke. But it turns out that Gadriche chose this color for a reason. Although the smoke itself is not irritating, the color still makes her feel blind.

"Fiona. Come here."

"Ah?! Ah... good sister, concubine!!"

Fiona was startled by the sudden roll call. After realizing that it was my eldest sister's voice, she ran over with her skirt.

The chaotic scene was soon suppressed by the king. As Wang Zhongzheng(?)'s citizen Fiona still knows her self-confidence very well, but this time King Arthur used an unusually rude way.

The voice sounded directly in the heart, and the brain instantly went blank. Instinctively, he followed the commands of the low male voice.

Is this the power of the king?

"Can you tell what kind of snake it is. Fiona."

Meal for a petite girl with pink curly hair. When I looked up, I saw my second sister throwing a blue snake in front of me expressionlessly. what. The kind that is already dead.

"Okay! Let me see!"

Fiona pinched the little green snake by seven inches with great precision and lifted it up. Then turn it over carefully to observe.

"This is a water snake that usually lives underwater. Because it is an aquatic snake, it will have a stress response on land. It will run around desperately. But this kind of snake is non-venomous! And it is probably because it is eager to find water. There is no time to bite people."

Knowing that Gadri would not do too much, Fiona looked at the fish, fish, swallows and swallows around him with a complicated expression. Except for the old king who fainted because of excessive stimulation, everything else is pretending!

"There are many such little snakes in Lan Jiehai. Because it sometimes eats Lan Jie jellyfish. Some snakes still glow at night. They look good."

The golden magical array unfolded under the corpse of the green snake, sucking the green snake into light particles. When there is a chance, find a pit and bury this "hero" who dedicated his life to Gadrich.

"?...What's the matter? Sister Catherine?"


The loli face knight (currently thirty unmarried) wearing a blue and white military uniform slightly looked away, "Suddenly I discovered that you really learned a lot at Baird Academy."

Although I was the last one in the college, I really worked hard! I'm not as good at cutting my brain as Gadli!

"elder sister!"

Seeing Catherine turning around to leave, Fiona hurriedly stopped her, "Where are you going?"

"Go find the little fat dragon. This is the one dragon brought from Yinglan."

Catherine raised her hand, feeling the direction of the magic in the wind. As a fantasy species, the dragon race itself has a large number of circuits for absorbing elements, and it can be easily found by investigating the flow direction without disguising it.

"Humans have their limits. Even with the aid of magical devices, they can't be faster than dragons—huh?!"

The second sister, who originally liked the expressionless face, had a frosty expression at the moment. Without extra explanation, it disappeared in the luminous green multi-layer magical array and the gust of wind that were created out of thin air in the next second.

Yu Feng blew up his curled hair fiercely. But the girl didn't have the thoughts of tidying up, just lowered her head lower and lower.

Gadriche, who had thought about everything in advance, told her that the little fat dragon could not fly today.

So she added a little sleeping pill to the daily snacks for Xiaofeilong.


How could ordinary sleeping pills be useful for dragons?

How can ordinary passers-by approach the humanoid little fat dragon?


The girl with pink curly hair, who is not very brainy, is crying at the moment.


The sound of rapid footsteps echoed in the blue and white corridor with the ice-colored pond. As I ran desperately, I looked back and found that the thick red smoke had disappeared completely.

Too cheating! Why can only the Knights of the Round Table wear the Magic Device! Otherwise, wearing the guardian Arnold can drag at least three minutes! ……No! Two minutes!

Everything after the escape declaration went on as expected. I was given ten imprisoned by the key guard jellyfish in an instant. Nine palace mages and one Mei Daxian were **** motionless like rice dumplings.

Fortunately, the ice knight was still concerned about my orders. There was no unnecessary resistance. Even that handsome face was as always expressionless and very calm.

Although I often have doubts about Arnold's brain, I still trust his strength very much.

powerful. Whether it is the body born of a "miracle" or the wisdom stored in its mind.

Allow time for it to grow completely. If he goes crazy, only the real Merlin can stop him.

"Stop here. Your Royal Highness."

The familiar, handsome voice sounded from the front. I stopped and stared at the tall blond knight walking out from the corner of the promenade.

Gauser was still wearing that blue and white gown, and from the scabbard alone, he could see that the saber of extraordinary workmanship hung around his waist. He didn't show a fighting posture to me, he just stood in front of me.

"...I'm sorry. I have no way out of it now."

What we should face is what we have to face. I put my hands into my pocket under the cloak, where there are many small "bombs" that I worked overtime to make.

Akatsuki is an optimist and I can't imagine what will happen when I go back. In front of the entire continent, the kings and nobles of various countries, the face of strangers. Without hesitation, he slapped King Arthur in the face. Anti-marriage, escape marriage, all in one go.

In addition to picking the method of "death", I really imagined I had any choice.

"You did too much this time."

Gauser stood in the distance. Looking at the guard, I did not approach, "But the king's order is only to bring you back. Explain in advance. Your gadgets for dealing with soldiers are like the fireworks set off during the festival. If possible, I don't want to hurt you. ."

"...Goth, you lecherous gorilla!!!"

Now that I don’t have to bear it anymore, I shouted at the Golden Retriever Knight, "Arranged marriage will not end well! You know that my temper will not give up after getting along these days!"


The blond knight quickly exposed his nature in front of me. Standing lightly and floatingly said, "But the king's order is absolute. Don't worry, Gadriche. At best, it is life imprisonment/imprisonment. According to the king's love of you. I won't really kill you."

"Prison / imprisonment is more terrible, OK!!"

Just imagining it makes my hair horrified. This kind of plot is cool and cool across a dimension, it should never happen to yourself!

"Sure enough. Gadrich."

The magic device worn on the knight's wrist glowed golden light. That is the state in which the loop is activated. Gauser can use the magic guide anytime, anywhere, "The king has ordered. Saint Enluth has sealed the city. Your proud ice knight is not by your side."

"All tactics are useless in the face of absolute power suppression. Smart as you should understand, it's over."


I stared at Gose with dead fish eyes and blankly.

Then. Smiled slowly.

The handsome and tall knight's hang-up expression gradually became serious. In the end, there was no more emotion in those blue eyes.

He is looking at me seriously. It's like looking at a well-matched opponent.

"Sorry, Goser. You still underestimated me."

In fact, among the many Knights of the Round Table, the one who fits my wavelength best is Gauser. The tall and handsome blond knight is always funny and humorous. The atmosphere I get along with is more like a friend of a friend than a man and a woman. This makes me quite comfortable.

This does not mean that he does not have the gentlemanly demeanor he should have towards women. on the contrary. This is exactly the embodiment of his gentlemanly demeanor.

After all, in Yinglan, where the tool man, the god, the ghost, the fish, the brain, the sister, and the black hole are gathered together, Gauser is nourishing my heart.

But I do. The king's position in the heart of the knight will never be shaken.

"I'm already enlightened."

I spread out my ten fingers to him and showed him my empty hands, "Even if this body is destroyed. I have to escape here today."


A golden magical array appeared on the shining magical device. I felt the air around me vibrating.

It is probably a golden chain used for confinement. I don't have a magical circuit at all. I can't evade the chains through perception elements, so I can only pick a direction and fight.

Worst. That is, the body is penetrated by the chain.

"It's not a gentleman's behavior to attack an unarmed woman... this little knight."

The charming and seductive female voice sounded here. The eagle formed by the turbulent cyan wind turned into substance and attacked Goser with a sharp roar that broke through the air.

The vibrating air around stopped. The cyan eagle hit the golden barrier. Turned into wind.

The high heels stepped on the marble floor tiles, making regular footsteps. Gauser and I looked over at the same time. Saw the graceful woman wearing a black low-cut tight skirt wearing a veil and slowly walking towards her. The wind gathered on her raised lotus arm and once again formed a sharp-eyed eagle.

"Roar... What an interesting wizard."

Goser said in a deep voice. Draws out the sword from his waist. He stopped looking at me, his dark blue eyes were tightly locked and the woman approached, "I don't know if I'm lucky enough to know your name."

"It's too old-fashioned to strike up a conversation~"

The enchanting woman walked by me. Finally stood in front of me.

"If you insist on answering--it's the princess's knight."

I heard Sophie reply with a smile.


Jiamei really didn't guess that Baide had come to help, after all, the adult world was more complicated.

She wanted to fight.

[After all, I still have a fantasy killer x]